Last WI: 220.6/At Home WI: 220.6
Well, I had a good christmas. At the last minute I decided to visit my family in Tennessee for a couple days before christmas. I'd committed to spending the actual day and eve with Erik and his family here in town, but decided since those days conveniently fell on Monday and Tuesday that I could fly to TN Fri-Sun. It was great to see my family and hang out for a bit. I'm glad I did it. Thank you skymiles!
As for the WW front, I haven't been all that good until yesterday. I actually didn't even step on the scale for over a week (unheard of for me) for fear of what I'd see. It had been creeping up to an "alltimehigh" scary number and although I know what to do to stop it, I just couldn't do it. So, after Christmas I've recommitted (again?). Yesterday I braved the scale to see 223.6 and was surprisingly pleased. So I had a great day yesterday, ran on the treadmill and actually came in under points (well one to spare, that is). So, back on track.
I did my "official" WI this morning. I've decided to do them at home for the foreseeable future. I mean, why am I paying for these meetings, anyway? I don't stay for them, and they don't really keep me accountable since I don't go if I've been bad. I'm much more likely to "face the music" each week, even the bad ones, if I can do it in the privacy of my own bathroom. So, that's the plan. Thursday mornings will still be official WI days. They'll just be at home.
This weekend is going to be a little tough. I've got my best friend from college coming in. The good news is that she's not a bad food pusher anymore (we used to be horrible for each other) because she's acquired a disease (Celiac) that prevents her from eating anything with wheat in it. So she's very limited in what she can eat. We do have plans to watch a bunch of football this weekend, and celebrate new years, of course next Monday. Hopefully I can stick to the treadmill and minimize the threat.
I don't have much else going on. I'm not working this week. Not by choice. I don't have any work to do. That's the problem with having just started, I'm only on 2 cases so far, and they're quiet right now. I went in yesterday and saw no attorneys working on my floor. So, I couldn't even ask for more. It sucks for my billable hours, but I'm going to enjoy my week off. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up some more cases after the new year.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
2 1/2 Year Anniversary?
Last WI: 222.2/At Home WI: ????
So I couldn't do it. I couldn't get on the scale this morning and see it creep up again. I've had a horrible week WW-wise and have been letting the scale creep way to rapidly. I keep doing really well reigning it in during the day and then I get home and kill it. Last night it was 5 beers and sun chips while playing wii with erik after a very mediocre dinner at his Kiwanis club holiday party. Boo. So not necessary to drink 5 beers while playing wii on a Thursday night. The only good news is that I actually had to "move" to play the wii. With the exception of guitar hero which I played for about an hour sitting down (darn devil on medium - can't beat him!) I have to actually stand and move to play all the other games. Erik and I did a lot of bowling, which I totally stomped him at. Not exactly aerobic exercise, but at least it's movement.
On a relationship note, last Sunday was our "two and a half year" anniversary. Odd anniversary to consider, but it actually had significance. In June, at our "two year" anniversary, I expressed my desire to Erik to be engaged in the next six months. I felt like we'd been together a long while and it was time. He has repeatedly expressed to me his desire to marry me, but he has financial issues right now that have been holding him back. Namely - he owns two houses he cannot sell and cannot afford to keep anymore. The first one we live in, and the other was built as a "flip" but hasn't "flipped" So now he's stuck with two expensive houses in a down market. After many months of debate and discussion, he finally agreed with my recommendation to just file bankruptcy and be done with it. He, like most men, have a lot of pride, and really wanted to find a way out. But after 18 months of having the houses on the market a borrowing more to make the payments, he's in over the point where there's any likelihood of getting out. Plus he's got some significant other debt from a failed business he had with his last wife. Over all, bankruptcy is a great solution. He gets to wipe it all clean, start fresh, and build a good life. He makes good money, and between the two of us, we'd be able to really save a lot if he didn't have all these debt obligations.
So anyway, all talks of marriage have been along the lines of "when I sell these houses". Well, we've finally determined he is not going to sell them. There just isn't that strong a market for 300K+ houses right now. So he's going to give them back. He's hired a lawyer, and he's set to file this month (at least that's the plan...hopefully it will happen). So, understandably, he's not bought me a ring yet, and last Sunday was the informal deadline I'd given him. About 6 weeks ago, when we met with the lawyer and made out the plan, in my mind I'd given him something of a furlough. I knew he wouldn't be able to afford a ring during the pending bankruptcy so I basically decided to give him another 6 months. It's all for the best, and I certainly didn't want to marry into all those financial issues anyway. So, I kinda forgot about Dec. 9th and a significant day.
So when he surprised me Sunday night with flowers and jewelry, he made me very happy. Erik is SOOOOOO not a romantic, emotional type guy. Probably one of the only major issues I have with him. He has a REALLY hard time expressing himself. But he did really well and basically totally surprised me. We had been playing wii and hanging out and I had just gotten ready for bed when he went down to the car and got the flowers and jewelry box. He told me that he really wants to marry me and when he can get the money he hopes buy me a an engagement ring I deserve. He gave me a very cute bracelet with dolphins and a ring with dolphins. On a sad note - my finger was too fat for the ring - surprise surprise. It's sad how weight even effects these special moments. He promised to get it sized and I hope he does. (he's a bit forgetful at times).
So anyway, I'm not engaged. I hope to be soon, but don't really see it happening till February at the earliest, probably April or May. But that's ok. As long as I know he's committed to me, there's no rush to get married since I'm not ready for kids yet.
So today I'm trying, once again, to reign in the eating. I've already eaten the lunch I brought, which is never a good sign. But I have 11 points left for the day. I also plan to hit the treadmill tonight. I haven't been on it since Monday - very bad with no excuse. No real plans for tonight. I'm probably going to be tempted to go out, but I should stay home. We'll see. This weekend it looks like I'll be stuck at work, at least one day, so that kinda sucks, but I'll deal.
Today my car is at the dealer getting its 30,000 mile service. I bought my dream car in February 2006 - a Lexus IS 250. But man is service expensive. This one's going to be close to $500 since it's a "big" one, whatever that means.
That's about it.
So I couldn't do it. I couldn't get on the scale this morning and see it creep up again. I've had a horrible week WW-wise and have been letting the scale creep way to rapidly. I keep doing really well reigning it in during the day and then I get home and kill it. Last night it was 5 beers and sun chips while playing wii with erik after a very mediocre dinner at his Kiwanis club holiday party. Boo. So not necessary to drink 5 beers while playing wii on a Thursday night. The only good news is that I actually had to "move" to play the wii. With the exception of guitar hero which I played for about an hour sitting down (darn devil on medium - can't beat him!) I have to actually stand and move to play all the other games. Erik and I did a lot of bowling, which I totally stomped him at. Not exactly aerobic exercise, but at least it's movement.
On a relationship note, last Sunday was our "two and a half year" anniversary. Odd anniversary to consider, but it actually had significance. In June, at our "two year" anniversary, I expressed my desire to Erik to be engaged in the next six months. I felt like we'd been together a long while and it was time. He has repeatedly expressed to me his desire to marry me, but he has financial issues right now that have been holding him back. Namely - he owns two houses he cannot sell and cannot afford to keep anymore. The first one we live in, and the other was built as a "flip" but hasn't "flipped" So now he's stuck with two expensive houses in a down market. After many months of debate and discussion, he finally agreed with my recommendation to just file bankruptcy and be done with it. He, like most men, have a lot of pride, and really wanted to find a way out. But after 18 months of having the houses on the market a borrowing more to make the payments, he's in over the point where there's any likelihood of getting out. Plus he's got some significant other debt from a failed business he had with his last wife. Over all, bankruptcy is a great solution. He gets to wipe it all clean, start fresh, and build a good life. He makes good money, and between the two of us, we'd be able to really save a lot if he didn't have all these debt obligations.
So anyway, all talks of marriage have been along the lines of "when I sell these houses". Well, we've finally determined he is not going to sell them. There just isn't that strong a market for 300K+ houses right now. So he's going to give them back. He's hired a lawyer, and he's set to file this month (at least that's the plan...hopefully it will happen). So, understandably, he's not bought me a ring yet, and last Sunday was the informal deadline I'd given him. About 6 weeks ago, when we met with the lawyer and made out the plan, in my mind I'd given him something of a furlough. I knew he wouldn't be able to afford a ring during the pending bankruptcy so I basically decided to give him another 6 months. It's all for the best, and I certainly didn't want to marry into all those financial issues anyway. So, I kinda forgot about Dec. 9th and a significant day.
So when he surprised me Sunday night with flowers and jewelry, he made me very happy. Erik is SOOOOOO not a romantic, emotional type guy. Probably one of the only major issues I have with him. He has a REALLY hard time expressing himself. But he did really well and basically totally surprised me. We had been playing wii and hanging out and I had just gotten ready for bed when he went down to the car and got the flowers and jewelry box. He told me that he really wants to marry me and when he can get the money he hopes buy me a an engagement ring I deserve. He gave me a very cute bracelet with dolphins and a ring with dolphins. On a sad note - my finger was too fat for the ring - surprise surprise. It's sad how weight even effects these special moments. He promised to get it sized and I hope he does. (he's a bit forgetful at times).
So anyway, I'm not engaged. I hope to be soon, but don't really see it happening till February at the earliest, probably April or May. But that's ok. As long as I know he's committed to me, there's no rush to get married since I'm not ready for kids yet.
So today I'm trying, once again, to reign in the eating. I've already eaten the lunch I brought, which is never a good sign. But I have 11 points left for the day. I also plan to hit the treadmill tonight. I haven't been on it since Monday - very bad with no excuse. No real plans for tonight. I'm probably going to be tempted to go out, but I should stay home. We'll see. This weekend it looks like I'll be stuck at work, at least one day, so that kinda sucks, but I'll deal.
Today my car is at the dealer getting its 30,000 mile service. I bought my dream car in February 2006 - a Lexus IS 250. But man is service expensive. This one's going to be close to $500 since it's a "big" one, whatever that means.
That's about it.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
14+ Billable Hours in One Day
Last WI: 222.2/At Home WI: 222.8 (yep, that's right)
Well, yesterday was hell. I got up and went to work as usual. I'm working on a big case that has several co-defendants with their own attorneys, so we have what's called a "joint defense team". Oh and we're sprawled all across the country. So, we have a big filing due on Tuesday and all the associates from the various firms are here this week to finalize this document. All was fine yesterday morning, but by the end of the day things got a bit snippy. This morning? Even worse. The words "I'm not trying to pick a fight with you but..." have been uttered. Me? I've sort of came onto this case late, so I'm mostly just assisting with this project so have been sitting quietly during the bickering and letting our other associate handle it. Amusing. So the painful part came when I had to be here till after 11:00 last night finalizing this document and escorting it to secretarial support to do some formatting changes. Let me rephrase. I stayed to finalize that "draft" as it stood yesterday. This is a three day meeting with more changes expected today.
Anway, being at the office for 14 + hours is not conducive to good eating. I did slip out about 7:00 to grab dinner at a local sushi restaurant. Normally a good choice, but of course I ordered way more than I needed and topped it off with a bag of m&m's at the office at 9:00 pm. No exercise, needless to say, and I was back in the office thie morning by 9:00. Definitely getting my billable hours in this week.
So, this morning's weight sucks. I was doing well this week and then the unexpected threw me off. That's not really a good excuse. I need to learn to adapt. But I'm just not good at that.
So today, I have vowed to get out of here at a reasonable time. I have a meeting tomorrow morning at 9:00 and have got to get some sleep tonight. Erik has talked to doing something tonight since he hasn't seen much of me this week, but we'll see. I need sleep.
I do plan to try (again) to hit the treadmill tonight, even if only for a mile and a half or so. God knows I need the exercise...
Well, yesterday was hell. I got up and went to work as usual. I'm working on a big case that has several co-defendants with their own attorneys, so we have what's called a "joint defense team". Oh and we're sprawled all across the country. So, we have a big filing due on Tuesday and all the associates from the various firms are here this week to finalize this document. All was fine yesterday morning, but by the end of the day things got a bit snippy. This morning? Even worse. The words "I'm not trying to pick a fight with you but..." have been uttered. Me? I've sort of came onto this case late, so I'm mostly just assisting with this project so have been sitting quietly during the bickering and letting our other associate handle it. Amusing. So the painful part came when I had to be here till after 11:00 last night finalizing this document and escorting it to secretarial support to do some formatting changes. Let me rephrase. I stayed to finalize that "draft" as it stood yesterday. This is a three day meeting with more changes expected today.
Anway, being at the office for 14 + hours is not conducive to good eating. I did slip out about 7:00 to grab dinner at a local sushi restaurant. Normally a good choice, but of course I ordered way more than I needed and topped it off with a bag of m&m's at the office at 9:00 pm. No exercise, needless to say, and I was back in the office thie morning by 9:00. Definitely getting my billable hours in this week.
So, this morning's weight sucks. I was doing well this week and then the unexpected threw me off. That's not really a good excuse. I need to learn to adapt. But I'm just not good at that.
So today, I have vowed to get out of here at a reasonable time. I have a meeting tomorrow morning at 9:00 and have got to get some sleep tonight. Erik has talked to doing something tonight since he hasn't seen much of me this week, but we'll see. I need sleep.
I do plan to try (again) to hit the treadmill tonight, even if only for a mile and a half or so. God knows I need the exercise...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Why are some days so much tougher than others?
Last WI: 222.2/At Home WI: 220.8
Yesterday, I couldn't stop eating. Couldn't stop. I was "hungry" all day. Though I'm sure it wasn't true hunger but craving issues. I did count every last damned point, which put me way over for the week. And I did get on the treadmill when I finally got home last night at 8:30 pm and did 1.5 miles. Not a marathon, but every bit helps these days. And I did go to bed without eating anymore, but boy did I do it up all day. Lots of little snacks. And (only!) one glass of wine at the holiday party. Sheesh.
Well, a new day, as they say. I did better for lunch. I didn't do my normal chick-fil-a drive through so I think it'll sustain me longer. Plus I have a huge meeting all day today that I'm about to leave for. We'll break for lunch, but hopefully this will keep me from grazing all day.
Other than that, not much to report. I'm still hoping for a loss this week. And I plan to hit the treadmill again tonight. But that's about it. Working this day to day I guess..
Yesterday, I couldn't stop eating. Couldn't stop. I was "hungry" all day. Though I'm sure it wasn't true hunger but craving issues. I did count every last damned point, which put me way over for the week. And I did get on the treadmill when I finally got home last night at 8:30 pm and did 1.5 miles. Not a marathon, but every bit helps these days. And I did go to bed without eating anymore, but boy did I do it up all day. Lots of little snacks. And (only!) one glass of wine at the holiday party. Sheesh.
Well, a new day, as they say. I did better for lunch. I didn't do my normal chick-fil-a drive through so I think it'll sustain me longer. Plus I have a huge meeting all day today that I'm about to leave for. We'll break for lunch, but hopefully this will keep me from grazing all day.
Other than that, not much to report. I'm still hoping for a loss this week. And I plan to hit the treadmill again tonight. But that's about it. Working this day to day I guess..
Monday, December 10, 2007
Good weekend, considering.
Last WI: 222.2/At Home WI: 220.0
Well, I 'almost' fulfilled my plan to be totally OP all weekend. I'm so far in the negative by 1 pt for flex points this week. It was 3, but I'm offsetting it by the 2 APs I earned and didn't eat yesterday.
Friday I went out to Y-knots (bar) with Erik for the first time in a long time. I offered to drive so I wouldn't drink as much. I had wings which sounds bad, but considering some of the options, 10 wings with veggies is better than a burger & fries, deep fried chicken fingers, or some of the other normal options there. I also drank some, but not to excess. Meaning I could count my points at the end of the night - not guess.
Saturday Erik and I planned an impromptu wii party. Last week I totally splurged and bought a Nintendo wii after trying one at my brother's house over thanksgiving. I love it and we had 6 friends over on Saturday to play some of the games. This actually turned out to be a good thing because for some of these games? Boy there's a work out. Particularly boxing, but even the bowling, baseball and tennis really work some muscles. I know because I am SOOOO sore today. Funny but I'm sore from playing video games. We played for about 6 hours, trading off so everyone could play. I decided to count it as 1 hour at moderate activity (we were definitely sweating at certain points) for 4 APs. Now that's a fun way to earn APs I tell you. :-)
Sunday I did finally get on the treadmill after putting in about 4 hours at work. I only did a mile, but it's a start. Tonight I plan to do another mile or maybe a little more. Problem is, I have a holiday party (one of like 6) tonight that I'm dragging Erik to. I'm going to try to just drink non-alcoholic drinks because I definitely won't feel like running after a couple glasses of wine. We'll see though.
All in all, I'm very pleased with my weekend WW-wise. I saw 219.4 yesterday so I'm not sure why I'm at 220 this morning. Maybe some of those sore muscles are retaining water. Who knows, but I like the feeling. I'm hoping to see a good 2+ lb loss this week!
Oh and on sweet news? Erik surprised me last night with roses and jewelry. It was our 2 1/2 year anniversary. It's not a proposal, but I know he's working up to that. It was actually very sweet. He's kinda shy on the romantic stuff and he totally had to drink like 3 beers to get out the sweet speech he planned. I didn't mind. :-)
Well, I 'almost' fulfilled my plan to be totally OP all weekend. I'm so far in the negative by 1 pt for flex points this week. It was 3, but I'm offsetting it by the 2 APs I earned and didn't eat yesterday.
Friday I went out to Y-knots (bar) with Erik for the first time in a long time. I offered to drive so I wouldn't drink as much. I had wings which sounds bad, but considering some of the options, 10 wings with veggies is better than a burger & fries, deep fried chicken fingers, or some of the other normal options there. I also drank some, but not to excess. Meaning I could count my points at the end of the night - not guess.
Saturday Erik and I planned an impromptu wii party. Last week I totally splurged and bought a Nintendo wii after trying one at my brother's house over thanksgiving. I love it and we had 6 friends over on Saturday to play some of the games. This actually turned out to be a good thing because for some of these games? Boy there's a work out. Particularly boxing, but even the bowling, baseball and tennis really work some muscles. I know because I am SOOOO sore today. Funny but I'm sore from playing video games. We played for about 6 hours, trading off so everyone could play. I decided to count it as 1 hour at moderate activity (we were definitely sweating at certain points) for 4 APs. Now that's a fun way to earn APs I tell you. :-)
Sunday I did finally get on the treadmill after putting in about 4 hours at work. I only did a mile, but it's a start. Tonight I plan to do another mile or maybe a little more. Problem is, I have a holiday party (one of like 6) tonight that I'm dragging Erik to. I'm going to try to just drink non-alcoholic drinks because I definitely won't feel like running after a couple glasses of wine. We'll see though.
All in all, I'm very pleased with my weekend WW-wise. I saw 219.4 yesterday so I'm not sure why I'm at 220 this morning. Maybe some of those sore muscles are retaining water. Who knows, but I like the feeling. I'm hoping to see a good 2+ lb loss this week!
Oh and on sweet news? Erik surprised me last night with roses and jewelry. It was our 2 1/2 year anniversary. It's not a proposal, but I know he's working up to that. It was actually very sweet. He's kinda shy on the romantic stuff and he totally had to drink like 3 beers to get out the sweet speech he planned. I didn't mind. :-)
Friday, December 7, 2007
Look Pregnant?

Ok, so we all need motivation. Here's mine. I went to my best friend's wedding last weekend, and just got to see some pictures. Here's the worst of them. I totally look pregnant! What the heck? Holly & Dana (wedding couple) & Erik (boyfriend) look fabulous. I look HUGE. Grrr.
Here's another one to show I don't always look pregnant...

A little better. But still definitely the "biggest" girl. So -- here's my motiviation. I'm READY.
Day 2. Ok start
Last WI: 222.2/At Home WI: 222.0 (??)
Well day two of my "recommitment" is going ok. Last night I didn't leave work till almost 8:00 so I totally slacked when I got home and had no motivation to jump on the treadmill like planned. Shocker. So I decided to catch up on the last episode of Hero's that I'd recorded, and munch on some popcorn and (fat free) chips. Not a horrible binge considering, but it was 10 points more than I needed. Instead of earning points through the treadmill, I ate them. Ahhh. baby steps. It was much better than my old Thursday night ritual of getting bombed since it was the night after WI and I had 7 whole days to make up for it. So, I ended up using 9 of my weekly "flex points". Not horrible, but certainly not necessary.
But now, a new day. I'm not sure what the plan is tonight. With my new work load, Erik and I haven't been going out much so he'll probably want to go out tonight. I guess I'm ok with that, but it does make for hard decisions WW-wise. I'm going to have to think through a plan today at work. Maybe I'll try to leave early enough to hit the treadmill before going out then I won't feel as guilty having a couple beers.
So Erik is taking my kitty to the vet this morning. In July I got a new kitten and now it's time for her to get spayed. Why am I stressed? I'm not so much worried about the vet, or even how Sapphire will handle it. I'm stressed because I'm not the one dropping her off. The vet doesn't open till 8:00 and it's about 20 minutes away from our house - in the wrong directly for me to go to work. So to take her myself I wouldn't have made it in to work until probably 9:30 or later. Not acceptable. All Erik has to do is take her there and drop her off. Why am I stressed? Makes no sense. I pick her up tomorrow, and I'm sure it'll be fine, but I just hate not being in control I guess.
Anyway - I have to do well today. I'm still planning on being a good little WW this week. I'm definitely going to end up eating all my flex points (as last night proved) but I'm going to try to limit it to that and any APs I earn. See what a good OP week will do for me...
Well day two of my "recommitment" is going ok. Last night I didn't leave work till almost 8:00 so I totally slacked when I got home and had no motivation to jump on the treadmill like planned. Shocker. So I decided to catch up on the last episode of Hero's that I'd recorded, and munch on some popcorn and (fat free) chips. Not a horrible binge considering, but it was 10 points more than I needed. Instead of earning points through the treadmill, I ate them. Ahhh. baby steps. It was much better than my old Thursday night ritual of getting bombed since it was the night after WI and I had 7 whole days to make up for it. So, I ended up using 9 of my weekly "flex points". Not horrible, but certainly not necessary.
But now, a new day. I'm not sure what the plan is tonight. With my new work load, Erik and I haven't been going out much so he'll probably want to go out tonight. I guess I'm ok with that, but it does make for hard decisions WW-wise. I'm going to have to think through a plan today at work. Maybe I'll try to leave early enough to hit the treadmill before going out then I won't feel as guilty having a couple beers.
So Erik is taking my kitty to the vet this morning. In July I got a new kitten and now it's time for her to get spayed. Why am I stressed? I'm not so much worried about the vet, or even how Sapphire will handle it. I'm stressed because I'm not the one dropping her off. The vet doesn't open till 8:00 and it's about 20 minutes away from our house - in the wrong directly for me to go to work. So to take her myself I wouldn't have made it in to work until probably 9:30 or later. Not acceptable. All Erik has to do is take her there and drop her off. Why am I stressed? Makes no sense. I pick her up tomorrow, and I'm sure it'll be fine, but I just hate not being in control I guess.
Anyway - I have to do well today. I'm still planning on being a good little WW this week. I'm definitely going to end up eating all my flex points (as last night proved) but I'm going to try to limit it to that and any APs I earn. See what a good OP week will do for me...
Thursday, December 6, 2007
New Job, New Committment - is it December already?
Last WI (today) 222.2 (UGH)/At Home WI: 220.8
Ok, so I took a month off. Grrr. Lot's has happened in the last month. I started a new job, my best friend got married, I visited family, I got super sick (still getting over it). Now I'm up to 222 on the WW scale and have a LOT of work to do. BUT there's no time to start like the present, so here I go.
I did have one other great thing happen over the last month. I got a treadmill! My dad, who's something of an odd entrepreneur, went to an auction for a fitness center and randomly bought all the equipment. So when we went to see him for Thanksgiving, Erik and I borrowed a truck (from his ex-wife - weird) and picked me up a treadmill. NO MORE EXCUSES! So, we got it home and I used it three times, then got horribly sick. Like hacking up a lung sick. So now, I'm still coughin a little, but have vowed that tonight I will get back on that treadmill.
Today I also had WI. Since I started this job, I decided I wouldn't be able to make my old meeting anymore, I just don't get out of work in time. But - the good news is that my new firm has a WW at work program. And, if you lose 10 lbs in a session, they pay for half. Cool huh? The WI's are every Thursday right in the building at lunch. So I joined. Then came thanksgiving, and my illness, so it's been 3 weeks since my last WI. I only gained 1.2 but I hadn't exactly made great progress in the 1 week since I started here. So, bottom line is that I'm up .6 from when I started. But I can't look at it that way. I have to commit to this week. I really haven't done anything WW-ish in over a month so I can't complain. So today I logged onto and logged my food. I went shopping yesterday and stocked up on good choices. I made a plan to run on the treadmill tonight and to have a great week to kick things off. If I truly tracked and exercised for a whole week, I'd probably lose 3+ pounds. I haven't done that perfectly in years. I don't know why. I know it works, but I just can't commit.
But there are no food or drink oriented plans this weekend. I am totally free to be PERFECT. The good news is with the new job I haven't been going out during the week as much. The bad news is that I'm sitting at a desk for 10+ hours and totally get the munchies. I'm working toward solving that, though and today brought a number of low point snacks to have in my drawer if the urge arises.
SO - heres the stats so far:
Breakfast - chik-fil-a breakfast burrito (9pts)
Lunch - Ceasar salad, lean cuisine entree, broccoli, roasted potatos (10 pts).
Snack - hostess 100 calorie cakes (1 pt - yes, 1 pt b/c they have 5 grams of fiber)
That leaves me with 9 pts left for the day.
Oh and I have a new theory on exercise. I've been very bad in the past about eating my APs before I earn them. Like on a day like today when I plan to run tonight, I'd say - oh I'll earn at least 4 APs so I'll eat them now. Then I wouldn't do the work out and end up in the negative anyway. So now, I'm only allowed to eat the APs from the day before if at all. That way if I work out at night I won't feel like I'm being jipped if I don't want to eat them that night (often I work out at 8:00 or later) and I won't be cheating and eating them early and then not even earning them. So - day after APs plan in ON. If I earn 4 APs tonight - all the better for tomorrow!
Time to execute!
Ok, so I took a month off. Grrr. Lot's has happened in the last month. I started a new job, my best friend got married, I visited family, I got super sick (still getting over it). Now I'm up to 222 on the WW scale and have a LOT of work to do. BUT there's no time to start like the present, so here I go.
I did have one other great thing happen over the last month. I got a treadmill! My dad, who's something of an odd entrepreneur, went to an auction for a fitness center and randomly bought all the equipment. So when we went to see him for Thanksgiving, Erik and I borrowed a truck (from his ex-wife - weird) and picked me up a treadmill. NO MORE EXCUSES! So, we got it home and I used it three times, then got horribly sick. Like hacking up a lung sick. So now, I'm still coughin a little, but have vowed that tonight I will get back on that treadmill.
Today I also had WI. Since I started this job, I decided I wouldn't be able to make my old meeting anymore, I just don't get out of work in time. But - the good news is that my new firm has a WW at work program. And, if you lose 10 lbs in a session, they pay for half. Cool huh? The WI's are every Thursday right in the building at lunch. So I joined. Then came thanksgiving, and my illness, so it's been 3 weeks since my last WI. I only gained 1.2 but I hadn't exactly made great progress in the 1 week since I started here. So, bottom line is that I'm up .6 from when I started. But I can't look at it that way. I have to commit to this week. I really haven't done anything WW-ish in over a month so I can't complain. So today I logged onto and logged my food. I went shopping yesterday and stocked up on good choices. I made a plan to run on the treadmill tonight and to have a great week to kick things off. If I truly tracked and exercised for a whole week, I'd probably lose 3+ pounds. I haven't done that perfectly in years. I don't know why. I know it works, but I just can't commit.
But there are no food or drink oriented plans this weekend. I am totally free to be PERFECT. The good news is with the new job I haven't been going out during the week as much. The bad news is that I'm sitting at a desk for 10+ hours and totally get the munchies. I'm working toward solving that, though and today brought a number of low point snacks to have in my drawer if the urge arises.
SO - heres the stats so far:
Breakfast - chik-fil-a breakfast burrito (9pts)
Lunch - Ceasar salad, lean cuisine entree, broccoli, roasted potatos (10 pts).
Snack - hostess 100 calorie cakes (1 pt - yes, 1 pt b/c they have 5 grams of fiber)
That leaves me with 9 pts left for the day.
Oh and I have a new theory on exercise. I've been very bad in the past about eating my APs before I earn them. Like on a day like today when I plan to run tonight, I'd say - oh I'll earn at least 4 APs so I'll eat them now. Then I wouldn't do the work out and end up in the negative anyway. So now, I'm only allowed to eat the APs from the day before if at all. That way if I work out at night I won't feel like I'm being jipped if I don't want to eat them that night (often I work out at 8:00 or later) and I won't be cheating and eating them early and then not even earning them. So - day after APs plan in ON. If I earn 4 APs tonight - all the better for tomorrow!
Time to execute!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Good Work Out
Last WI: 216.8/At Home WI: 220.8 (dehydrated)
Today was a good day. I got up late, caught up on some TiVo, had a healthy lunch of turkey sandwich and an apple, then hit the road for some errands. After a pedicure and a couple hours at Barnes & Noble, I hit the gym and had a great workout. I did 2 miles on the treadmill and lifted a bunch. Not my best workout, but since I've only been once inthe last 3 weeks, it's a victory for me.
Came home and had a good dinner of tuna casserole, green beans, celery and dip. Very low point day today. I'm hoping to hit the road running with this week and a good sign on the scale tomorrow. Here's to a good weekend!
Today was a good day. I got up late, caught up on some TiVo, had a healthy lunch of turkey sandwich and an apple, then hit the road for some errands. After a pedicure and a couple hours at Barnes & Noble, I hit the gym and had a great workout. I did 2 miles on the treadmill and lifted a bunch. Not my best workout, but since I've only been once inthe last 3 weeks, it's a victory for me.
Came home and had a good dinner of tuna casserole, green beans, celery and dip. Very low point day today. I'm hoping to hit the road running with this week and a good sign on the scale tomorrow. Here's to a good weekend!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
New Job Starts Monday
Last WI: 216.8 (today)/At Home WI: 218.2
Well I drug myself back to a meeting today. I've been slacking still. Now it's November, and I've got got get it in gear. I start my new job Monday and have spent the week getting ready from getting my hair cut and colored, to updating my wardrobe. Good thing I'm getting a raise so I can pay for all of this.
I still haven't been able to get focused WW-wise or exercise wise. I've been off all week and haven't been to the gym once. Not good. We were out of town last weekend in biloxi gambling, and I totally overindulged on everything. I've gotten a bit back in line since getting home, but still not tracking fully and not yet exercising. I did get some good news though - looks like I'm getting a treadmill for thanksgiving. My dad got one from an auction recently and is going to give it to me. I'm very excited. No excuses for not exercising over the winter!
Anyway - I'm excited about the new job. I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself to be perfect WW-wise for the next week or so, I'm just going to try to make good choices and lose if possible, but at worst maintain. I need to figure things out with this job priority one.
Just wanted to update!
Well I drug myself back to a meeting today. I've been slacking still. Now it's November, and I've got got get it in gear. I start my new job Monday and have spent the week getting ready from getting my hair cut and colored, to updating my wardrobe. Good thing I'm getting a raise so I can pay for all of this.
I still haven't been able to get focused WW-wise or exercise wise. I've been off all week and haven't been to the gym once. Not good. We were out of town last weekend in biloxi gambling, and I totally overindulged on everything. I've gotten a bit back in line since getting home, but still not tracking fully and not yet exercising. I did get some good news though - looks like I'm getting a treadmill for thanksgiving. My dad got one from an auction recently and is going to give it to me. I'm very excited. No excuses for not exercising over the winter!
Anyway - I'm excited about the new job. I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself to be perfect WW-wise for the next week or so, I'm just going to try to make good choices and lose if possible, but at worst maintain. I need to figure things out with this job priority one.
Just wanted to update!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Ok, maybe now?
Last WI: 215.4/At Home WI: 218.8 (Ugh)
Ok, so I'm 30. THIRTY. Very depressing. I turned 30 on Friday and celebrated all weekend. Obviously not eating on program during all of that. Booo. Got to work this morning to find my ENTIRE office decorated in black balloons, streamers and "30" signs. Funny, but a little sad. I took friday off for the birthday and they decorated while I was gone. Oh well. It was sweet they were thinking of me.
So now I've got to get things together. My bridesmaid dress came in and I haven't tried it on yet. I'm scared. I'm down from when I originally ordered it, but not as much as I was. I totally need to get it together. A little over 1 month till the wedding!
Anyway, I've had a great week or so with birthday stuff, now I'm in my last week before I start my new job in Atlanta. Erik and I are going to Biloxi this weekend to celebrate. Oh - when will I get my butt in gear food-wise? I've got to just do it.
Babbling - nothing coherent - trying to refocus...
Ok, so I'm 30. THIRTY. Very depressing. I turned 30 on Friday and celebrated all weekend. Obviously not eating on program during all of that. Booo. Got to work this morning to find my ENTIRE office decorated in black balloons, streamers and "30" signs. Funny, but a little sad. I took friday off for the birthday and they decorated while I was gone. Oh well. It was sweet they were thinking of me.
So now I've got to get things together. My bridesmaid dress came in and I haven't tried it on yet. I'm scared. I'm down from when I originally ordered it, but not as much as I was. I totally need to get it together. A little over 1 month till the wedding!
Anyway, I've had a great week or so with birthday stuff, now I'm in my last week before I start my new job in Atlanta. Erik and I are going to Biloxi this weekend to celebrate. Oh - when will I get my butt in gear food-wise? I've got to just do it.
Babbling - nothing coherent - trying to refocus...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Ok - now is the time to do it!
Last WI: 215.4/At Home WI: 218.4 (ICK!)
Ok, so I didn't make it to the gym yesterday. I was at work until 6:30 getting ready for trials on Monday. Today I have plans to meet up with Erik and his son at 12:30 for a T-ball game for Daniel. Then we have a bridal couple's shower this evening. It should be fun. I'm going to pack my gym bag and try to head to the gym after the T-ball game, before the shower. I need to do this. I've tracked my points so far today - breakfast (wow, huh?). I had poached eggs on toast with some nuts and cheese - 8 pts. I've got to get a hold on this. The scale this morning scared the crap out of me.
Well, Erik and I drafted our lease purchase documents last night. He's going to try to get the buyer/lessor to sign on Monday. Then it's time to pack - yipee... Oh well, I am excited about the new house. It's in a really cool location and is a very nice house. We can't afford to stay there long term, but in reality it'll be very cool to live there for a while.
Ok so plan today - TRACK and EXCERSISE! Ready set GO!
Ok, so I didn't make it to the gym yesterday. I was at work until 6:30 getting ready for trials on Monday. Today I have plans to meet up with Erik and his son at 12:30 for a T-ball game for Daniel. Then we have a bridal couple's shower this evening. It should be fun. I'm going to pack my gym bag and try to head to the gym after the T-ball game, before the shower. I need to do this. I've tracked my points so far today - breakfast (wow, huh?). I had poached eggs on toast with some nuts and cheese - 8 pts. I've got to get a hold on this. The scale this morning scared the crap out of me.
Well, Erik and I drafted our lease purchase documents last night. He's going to try to get the buyer/lessor to sign on Monday. Then it's time to pack - yipee... Oh well, I am excited about the new house. It's in a really cool location and is a very nice house. We can't afford to stay there long term, but in reality it'll be very cool to live there for a while.
Ok so plan today - TRACK and EXCERSISE! Ready set GO!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Small Gain -
Last WI: 215.4/At Home WI: 217.4 (drinking last night...)
Well I faced the music yesterday and hit the scale at a WW meeting. I was so pleased to see that I'd only gained less than a pound in my 3 weeks of being off program. I feel very fortunate. I'm totally surprised and had expected at least 2 lbs. Course I went out and celebrated by drinking too much alcohol and eating too many fatty foods. Eh. Such is life, right? I was also very disappointed to watch FSU lose to Wake Forest last night. I'm an FSU grad and a big fan. I'm so pissed that we lost. Grrr. I totally overindulged watching the game, so I'm feeling pretty crappy today which does not help with the plan of running tonight.
I do have some good news. Erik met with the couple interested in lease/purchasing our house last night and worked out the details. It looks like I'll be moving at the end of the month. Which is good and bad. It's good that we've got someone in the house, and some income coming in toward the mortgage. It's bad because we have to move - never fun - and we have to move into the Tyrone house, a house we have on the market and one I really want us to sell. It's way more house than we need, and I had hoped it would sell first. Unfortunately, no such luck.
Oh well, I'm happy that we're moving forward toward our goal of getting both houses sold. It actually works out good in the sense that I took that last week of October/first week of November off before I start the new job, so I'll have time to move. I hope this is what is supposed to happen. I really believe things happen for a reason, and I hope this is what is meant to be. I guess it has to be now.
Well I faced the music yesterday and hit the scale at a WW meeting. I was so pleased to see that I'd only gained less than a pound in my 3 weeks of being off program. I feel very fortunate. I'm totally surprised and had expected at least 2 lbs. Course I went out and celebrated by drinking too much alcohol and eating too many fatty foods. Eh. Such is life, right? I was also very disappointed to watch FSU lose to Wake Forest last night. I'm an FSU grad and a big fan. I'm so pissed that we lost. Grrr. I totally overindulged watching the game, so I'm feeling pretty crappy today which does not help with the plan of running tonight.
I do have some good news. Erik met with the couple interested in lease/purchasing our house last night and worked out the details. It looks like I'll be moving at the end of the month. Which is good and bad. It's good that we've got someone in the house, and some income coming in toward the mortgage. It's bad because we have to move - never fun - and we have to move into the Tyrone house, a house we have on the market and one I really want us to sell. It's way more house than we need, and I had hoped it would sell first. Unfortunately, no such luck.
Oh well, I'm happy that we're moving forward toward our goal of getting both houses sold. It actually works out good in the sense that I took that last week of October/first week of November off before I start the new job, so I'll have time to move. I hope this is what is supposed to happen. I really believe things happen for a reason, and I hope this is what is meant to be. I guess it has to be now.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I will WI today!
Last WI: 214.6 (several weeks ago)/At Home WI: 216.0 (ugh).
Ok, so it's my normal WI day. And I'm GOING. I AM GOING. So that was for my benefit. I said that last week and bailed. But today I've brought WI clothes. I had a big breakfast, and I'm going to face the music. Like so many people I hate to WI when I think I'll see a gain. I know I'll see a gain now since it's been like 3 weeks, but it's time to recommit and the only way to do that is to jump back on the wagon. 100%. So here I go.
I did make it to the gym on Monday, but I haven't since. Boo. I only did 1.5 miles. I was struggling a bit because of asthma - haven't been on top of my medicine lately. I figured I'd start small and come back Tuesday and do a bit more. Well, best laid plans. I totally slacked Tuesday and yesterday. Booo. But, I can only look forward. I will run tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. That's the plan.
Other than that things are going ok. I'm excited about the new job and am making plans accordingly. Life at home is a little stressful. I'm not sure how much I've written about it, but Erik, my boyfriend, owns 2 houses right now and both are on the market. Well, as most people know the market is struggling a lot lately so he hasn't been able to sell either of them. It's made for some difficult conversations about finances, and our future. He's not willing to propose (understandably) until he's cash-flow positive. I sometimes feel like he's not doing enough to solve the problem, which in turn makes me feel like I'm not a priority since our future is on hold because of this problem. But we've been trying to work through it.
Well, Monday a couple came by that wanted to look at the house we're living in. They really liked it an are talking to Erik about a lease purchase. I don't know if it's going to work out or not, but if it does, we would be moving by the end of the month into the other house. Getting this house under a lease-purchase contract would be great for our future, he would feel comfortable proposing, but it doesn't solve the problem completely, as we still have another house, and the lease purchase could always fall through.
Today I got in touch with an acquaintance that is a financial planner that is willing to look over both our finances to see what we can do to work toward a life together. My salary will increase substantially with this new job and I just want to make sure we're doing the right thing as far as what to pay off - where to invest, etc. Fortunately Erik's willing to participate, so hopefully this will ease some of the tension.
Work is busy too - we have trials starting on Monday and right now I'm preparing to try two different child molestation cases. I had thought they would both plea, but it's not looking good. I've got to be ready for trial.
Anyway - busy busy. But I've got to find time to get back on the wagon health-wise. I can do it, I just have to commit!
Ok, so it's my normal WI day. And I'm GOING. I AM GOING. So that was for my benefit. I said that last week and bailed. But today I've brought WI clothes. I had a big breakfast, and I'm going to face the music. Like so many people I hate to WI when I think I'll see a gain. I know I'll see a gain now since it's been like 3 weeks, but it's time to recommit and the only way to do that is to jump back on the wagon. 100%. So here I go.
I did make it to the gym on Monday, but I haven't since. Boo. I only did 1.5 miles. I was struggling a bit because of asthma - haven't been on top of my medicine lately. I figured I'd start small and come back Tuesday and do a bit more. Well, best laid plans. I totally slacked Tuesday and yesterday. Booo. But, I can only look forward. I will run tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. That's the plan.
Other than that things are going ok. I'm excited about the new job and am making plans accordingly. Life at home is a little stressful. I'm not sure how much I've written about it, but Erik, my boyfriend, owns 2 houses right now and both are on the market. Well, as most people know the market is struggling a lot lately so he hasn't been able to sell either of them. It's made for some difficult conversations about finances, and our future. He's not willing to propose (understandably) until he's cash-flow positive. I sometimes feel like he's not doing enough to solve the problem, which in turn makes me feel like I'm not a priority since our future is on hold because of this problem. But we've been trying to work through it.
Well, Monday a couple came by that wanted to look at the house we're living in. They really liked it an are talking to Erik about a lease purchase. I don't know if it's going to work out or not, but if it does, we would be moving by the end of the month into the other house. Getting this house under a lease-purchase contract would be great for our future, he would feel comfortable proposing, but it doesn't solve the problem completely, as we still have another house, and the lease purchase could always fall through.
Today I got in touch with an acquaintance that is a financial planner that is willing to look over both our finances to see what we can do to work toward a life together. My salary will increase substantially with this new job and I just want to make sure we're doing the right thing as far as what to pay off - where to invest, etc. Fortunately Erik's willing to participate, so hopefully this will ease some of the tension.
Work is busy too - we have trials starting on Monday and right now I'm preparing to try two different child molestation cases. I had thought they would both plea, but it's not looking good. I've got to be ready for trial.
Anyway - busy busy. But I've got to find time to get back on the wagon health-wise. I can do it, I just have to commit!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Back to Basics
Last WI: 214.6/At Home WI: 215.6
Ok, so I've got to recommit. This 2 weeks of sort of "eh" eating and exercising is par for the course for me. I always do really good for a month or two then can't keep it up. I take some time to sort of re-charge. I hope this has been enough. I'm actually thankful that the scale is still only a pound or so higher than when I was being good. I don't think I can make Onderland by the wedding now, but I can still make some more progress. That's the plan. I'd like to get down another 10 lbs by the wedding. Totally do-able. I have 7 1/2 weeks left, 8 weigh ins including this Thursday. I can do it.
So, I "vowed" I would wi last week. And I didn't. No real good excuse. I just didn't. But, I've not got a plan. I'm going to the gym today. I'm actually at home now. I have the day off for Columbus day. I'm doing laundry/cleaning, and frankly mostly being lazy.
These last couple weeks have been good though. Even if I've not been the perfect weight watcher. This last weekend the bride's sister-in-law threw her a surprise shower, so that was fun and nice. She's also been working on my 30'th birthday party that she's throwing me in a couple weeks. Erik and I are doing great. He had Daniel this weekend and it was a good weekend over all. Generally my life is really good. I'm excited about the new job coming up. Oh- and Erik and I booked a trip to Biloxi for the last weekend in October - leaving my last day at work and staying for 3 nights. That will be fun, and we have enough comps to get them to fly us down there and comp our rooms. I'm trying to talk the bride and her fiance into coming as well. That would be lots of fun.
Over all I just need to get refocused on the weight/exercise thing. It starts today. I'm going to see how much of my endurance I've lost - see how far I can run. :-)
Ok, so I've got to recommit. This 2 weeks of sort of "eh" eating and exercising is par for the course for me. I always do really good for a month or two then can't keep it up. I take some time to sort of re-charge. I hope this has been enough. I'm actually thankful that the scale is still only a pound or so higher than when I was being good. I don't think I can make Onderland by the wedding now, but I can still make some more progress. That's the plan. I'd like to get down another 10 lbs by the wedding. Totally do-able. I have 7 1/2 weeks left, 8 weigh ins including this Thursday. I can do it.
So, I "vowed" I would wi last week. And I didn't. No real good excuse. I just didn't. But, I've not got a plan. I'm going to the gym today. I'm actually at home now. I have the day off for Columbus day. I'm doing laundry/cleaning, and frankly mostly being lazy.
These last couple weeks have been good though. Even if I've not been the perfect weight watcher. This last weekend the bride's sister-in-law threw her a surprise shower, so that was fun and nice. She's also been working on my 30'th birthday party that she's throwing me in a couple weeks. Erik and I are doing great. He had Daniel this weekend and it was a good weekend over all. Generally my life is really good. I'm excited about the new job coming up. Oh- and Erik and I booked a trip to Biloxi for the last weekend in October - leaving my last day at work and staying for 3 nights. That will be fun, and we have enough comps to get them to fly us down there and comp our rooms. I'm trying to talk the bride and her fiance into coming as well. That would be lots of fun.
Over all I just need to get refocused on the weight/exercise thing. It starts today. I'm going to see how much of my endurance I've lost - see how far I can run. :-)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Last WI: 214.6/At Home WI: 212.8 (I don't believe it)
Well I've been MIA again. But, I have very exciting news! I GOT A NEW JOB. I interviewed a while back at a big firm in Atlanta, and Monday the partner called and offered me a job. I am so excited. I gave my notice at work on Monday. I'm going to finish out the month here because we have a 2 week trial term at the end of October that I just can't leave before covering that. It would royally screw my office if I did.
As for WW, I've been not tracking, trying to make good decision on the whole, but generally not doing too well. That said, the scale this morning was crazy. I first stepped on it and it said 213.4. Now, mind you, yesterday it said 217 (after drinking the night before) so I figured it was off - not calibrated or something. I went, brushed my teeth and got back on. It said 212.8. Wow - even more weird. I made, the bed, picked out my clothes for the day and tried again. 212.8. Ok, Fine. I don't understand but I can't complain. Yes I did have a pretty good day considering, but it didn't go to the gym, and I can't believe I lost 4 lbs in one day. Who knows. I'll take it. I hope it's right. I'll find out tomorrow. I AM going to WI regardless of what the scale says tomorrow. I have got to face the music and do what I can to get back on track.
Well I've been MIA again. But, I have very exciting news! I GOT A NEW JOB. I interviewed a while back at a big firm in Atlanta, and Monday the partner called and offered me a job. I am so excited. I gave my notice at work on Monday. I'm going to finish out the month here because we have a 2 week trial term at the end of October that I just can't leave before covering that. It would royally screw my office if I did.
As for WW, I've been not tracking, trying to make good decision on the whole, but generally not doing too well. That said, the scale this morning was crazy. I first stepped on it and it said 213.4. Now, mind you, yesterday it said 217 (after drinking the night before) so I figured it was off - not calibrated or something. I went, brushed my teeth and got back on. It said 212.8. Wow - even more weird. I made, the bed, picked out my clothes for the day and tried again. 212.8. Ok, Fine. I don't understand but I can't complain. Yes I did have a pretty good day considering, but it didn't go to the gym, and I can't believe I lost 4 lbs in one day. Who knows. I'll take it. I hope it's right. I'll find out tomorrow. I AM going to WI regardless of what the scale says tomorrow. I have got to face the music and do what I can to get back on track.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sabotage, Sabotage
Last WI: 214.6/At Home WI: 214.6 (better, but not good).
Well it's Thursday - WI day - and I have mixed emotions. I woke up yesterday to 216+ on the scale and really felt my week was over. Part of that high number was the beers I had the night before, but it was also a good part legitimate bad eating. I planned to have a perfect day yesterday. It started off right with my balance bar for breakfast but when I got to work, Holly was waiting for me. She works with me, but usually in a different office. She had to come by our office for something so we caught up and gossiped for a while. She ended up staying till after 11:00 and wanted to go to lunch. Now this is the bride I described before - eats EVERYTHING and will be wearing a size 2 wedding dress. Yes 2. So she of course wanted to go to Slices - a great pizza place down the road. I had planned on subway for my "perfect day" but gave in (surprise surprise). I did only have 1 slice of pizza - it's one of those places that have huge slices - and she had two (bitch). :-)
Obviously the scale is down this morning, though frankly I'm surprised. I was late getting out of work and had agreed to volunteer at the fair again last night. So I picked up McDonald's for dinner - very healthy. Then after a few hours at the fair I agreed to let Erik get me a hot dog - didn't need it. And finally, instead of going to the gym when my shift ended at 8:30 I went home. And had a glass of wine. Oh the good choices abound.
So this week has sucked. It's so common for me to have like 4-6 weeks of going great and then sabotage. I know I'll see a gain if I go to WI today. I'm thinking about not going. Now I know they always say you should "face the music" and WI anyway. But I hate seeing the gain. I don't know. I haven't decided. I think part of it will depend on scheduling. I've got an appointment out of the office at 3:00 to meet with a witness (named Pig - charming huh?). If I get done with that appointment in time, I should be able to go home, change cars and clothes and WI before I need to be at the fair at 5:45 (last night of volunteering). The good news is that for the 2nd week in a row I won't have my typical Thursday night after WI drinking binge due to the fair commitment. Any hot dog/fair food I eat could not be worse that consuming bar food and 10 beers.
So here's the plan. I've let myself go this week on both food and exercise. I'll forgive myself that. We all need a break now and then. I have got to recommit though. WI or no WI today I have got to make this coming week a good one. I'm back to a normal schedule with the exception of Saturday which will be crazy football day. Holly's an Alabama grad and I'm an FSU grad. Well, this year is the first year in a very long time that our teams play each other. So we got tickets. It's a game in Jacksonville so Holly, Dana, me and Erik are driving down Saturday for a 5:00 game and have to come back afterwards because Holly has to teach Sunday school in the morning. Will be a very long day with one of us very unhappy. But should be fun regardless. I'm looking forward to it. Tomorrow night we're celebrating Erik's birthday with friends. He turned 36 last Friday but had family in town, and then the fair, so we haven't really been able to celebrate. So I will be DD that night and he will be getting toasted I'm sure. That should be fun. And then Sunday we have a different poker league that has a game. Busy weekend, but with the exception of Saturday (game day!) I should be able to make some good food choices AND get some exercise in. That's the plan. Back on track. I've had my "vacation" from WW. Now I need to DO THIS. Not long till the wedding!
Well it's Thursday - WI day - and I have mixed emotions. I woke up yesterday to 216+ on the scale and really felt my week was over. Part of that high number was the beers I had the night before, but it was also a good part legitimate bad eating. I planned to have a perfect day yesterday. It started off right with my balance bar for breakfast but when I got to work, Holly was waiting for me. She works with me, but usually in a different office. She had to come by our office for something so we caught up and gossiped for a while. She ended up staying till after 11:00 and wanted to go to lunch. Now this is the bride I described before - eats EVERYTHING and will be wearing a size 2 wedding dress. Yes 2. So she of course wanted to go to Slices - a great pizza place down the road. I had planned on subway for my "perfect day" but gave in (surprise surprise). I did only have 1 slice of pizza - it's one of those places that have huge slices - and she had two (bitch). :-)
Obviously the scale is down this morning, though frankly I'm surprised. I was late getting out of work and had agreed to volunteer at the fair again last night. So I picked up McDonald's for dinner - very healthy. Then after a few hours at the fair I agreed to let Erik get me a hot dog - didn't need it. And finally, instead of going to the gym when my shift ended at 8:30 I went home. And had a glass of wine. Oh the good choices abound.
So this week has sucked. It's so common for me to have like 4-6 weeks of going great and then sabotage. I know I'll see a gain if I go to WI today. I'm thinking about not going. Now I know they always say you should "face the music" and WI anyway. But I hate seeing the gain. I don't know. I haven't decided. I think part of it will depend on scheduling. I've got an appointment out of the office at 3:00 to meet with a witness (named Pig - charming huh?). If I get done with that appointment in time, I should be able to go home, change cars and clothes and WI before I need to be at the fair at 5:45 (last night of volunteering). The good news is that for the 2nd week in a row I won't have my typical Thursday night after WI drinking binge due to the fair commitment. Any hot dog/fair food I eat could not be worse that consuming bar food and 10 beers.
So here's the plan. I've let myself go this week on both food and exercise. I'll forgive myself that. We all need a break now and then. I have got to recommit though. WI or no WI today I have got to make this coming week a good one. I'm back to a normal schedule with the exception of Saturday which will be crazy football day. Holly's an Alabama grad and I'm an FSU grad. Well, this year is the first year in a very long time that our teams play each other. So we got tickets. It's a game in Jacksonville so Holly, Dana, me and Erik are driving down Saturday for a 5:00 game and have to come back afterwards because Holly has to teach Sunday school in the morning. Will be a very long day with one of us very unhappy. But should be fun regardless. I'm looking forward to it. Tomorrow night we're celebrating Erik's birthday with friends. He turned 36 last Friday but had family in town, and then the fair, so we haven't really been able to celebrate. So I will be DD that night and he will be getting toasted I'm sure. That should be fun. And then Sunday we have a different poker league that has a game. Busy weekend, but with the exception of Saturday (game day!) I should be able to make some good food choices AND get some exercise in. That's the plan. Back on track. I've had my "vacation" from WW. Now I need to DO THIS. Not long till the wedding!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Family Meals and Off Plan
Last WI: 214.6/Last at Home WI: 214.8
Ok, so I know when I'm not bloggin, I'm usually not on plan. I knew the 211.8 was too good to be true.
This week has been tough. Erik's parents have been in town since last Wednesday and boy do they cook. And I feel very rude not eating what they cook. For example - they are leaving today and had bought some sausage for breakfasts that they hadn't cooked, so Erik's dad decided to get up this morning and cook me breakfast. Very sweet notion, but I usually have a balance bar for breakfast - my 4 point moderation. But instead, this morning, I felt obligated to have sausage and toast - much more than 4 points I'm certain. Grrr.
But - they left today so at lesat my food challenges should reduce. I've just not been on top of it at all. My only saving grace has been exercise. I ran 6 miles on Saturday and did 90 minutes of cardio on the elliptical and bike on Sunday. Yesterday I took my "rest" day and today I plan to do at leat 4 miles on the treadmill, hopefully 6, but a minimum of 60 minutes cardio either way. I've got to get this under control or these next few months are going to fly by with no progress.
I only have 67 days until Holly's wedding. I had really hoped to be in Onderland by then. I still can, but I have got to kick it up. After this Thursday - which I'm still hoping for some kind of loss - I have 9 more WI's before the wedding. I've got 14.6 lbs to lose. I can do it. I just have to rededicate myself!
Today I'm leaving work about 1:00 for a dentist appointment. Then I'm headed to the gym for my work-out then I'm volunteering at the local fair. I've already had a big breakfast as noted above, and am supposed to be going to lunch for a collegue's birthday shortly - Need to make good decisions!
Here's to a good day!
Ok, so I know when I'm not bloggin, I'm usually not on plan. I knew the 211.8 was too good to be true.
This week has been tough. Erik's parents have been in town since last Wednesday and boy do they cook. And I feel very rude not eating what they cook. For example - they are leaving today and had bought some sausage for breakfasts that they hadn't cooked, so Erik's dad decided to get up this morning and cook me breakfast. Very sweet notion, but I usually have a balance bar for breakfast - my 4 point moderation. But instead, this morning, I felt obligated to have sausage and toast - much more than 4 points I'm certain. Grrr.
But - they left today so at lesat my food challenges should reduce. I've just not been on top of it at all. My only saving grace has been exercise. I ran 6 miles on Saturday and did 90 minutes of cardio on the elliptical and bike on Sunday. Yesterday I took my "rest" day and today I plan to do at leat 4 miles on the treadmill, hopefully 6, but a minimum of 60 minutes cardio either way. I've got to get this under control or these next few months are going to fly by with no progress.
I only have 67 days until Holly's wedding. I had really hoped to be in Onderland by then. I still can, but I have got to kick it up. After this Thursday - which I'm still hoping for some kind of loss - I have 9 more WI's before the wedding. I've got 14.6 lbs to lose. I can do it. I just have to rededicate myself!
Today I'm leaving work about 1:00 for a dentist appointment. Then I'm headed to the gym for my work-out then I'm volunteering at the local fair. I've already had a big breakfast as noted above, and am supposed to be going to lunch for a collegue's birthday shortly - Need to make good decisions!
Here's to a good day!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Under 30 BMI!
Last WI: 214.6/At Home WI: 211.8 (wow!)
Well, WI on Thursday was good if not great. I lost 0.8 lbs. I'm satisfied, even though I had hoped it'd be at least a pound. I was running around all day, however, and even though I did quit drinking/eating by 1:00 I think I might have retained some water. Whatever - the home scale keeps going down, and as long a the WW scale does to I'm ok.
Thursday night I totally didn't go out like I usually do since Erik's parents are in town. I did splurge a bit on dinner, but it wasn't totally out of the realm of where I should be. The scale showed a nice 213.4 yesterday morning. I was "ok" but not great. I had a lot of small meals, and definitely ended the day over in points. I didn't make it to the gym either because it was Erik's birthday and we had lots of family plans.
So this morning, seeing 211.8 was a shock. I'm certain it's not dehydration because I didn't drink alcohol yesterday and got lots of water in. Who knows - but I'll take it.
I "celebrated" by hitting the gym this morning and having an amazing run. I did 6.11 miles in 60 minutes, then walked another .5 miles in 10 minutes. That's almost a 10K in 60 minutes. Now, granted that's not a personal best, but it's definitely the best I've done in over a year. I'm finally getting my running fitness back.
In 2003/2004, I was in great shape and could run 6 miles 3-4 times a week at about 9 minute miles. I'm working back to that and it feels great. Today's run was long, but actually not that hard. I kicked up the speed in the end, but over all I'm so pleased with my fitness level.
Hopefully the recent drop on the scale is a reflexion of that fitness level and I'm finally boosting my metabolism.
Today I'm actually at work - on a SATURDAY. Totally unheard of with me on this job. Just a demonstration of exactly how busy I've been lately.
I'm still waiting to hear on the job I interviewed for last week. I got an email from my recruiter on Friday asking how it went and reminding me to do thank-you emails. I'd totally forgotten. So I sent an email to everyone I interviewed with last Friday. I didn't expect a response from any of them, but I got an email back from the "lateral hiring partner" that I interviewed with first on Friday. He said: "Thanks for the note. I really enjoyed meeting you. I am sure we will get back to you soon, and we appreciate you coming by to see us." Sounds promising, right? I'm very excited but really don't want to get my hopes up. This job would be a great opportunity and I really liked the people I met when I was there. *crossing fingers!!!*
Anyway - back to work. I'm trying not to eat much today but I'm starving it seems. I'm going to have to keep it in control so I can see a good loss this week!
Well, WI on Thursday was good if not great. I lost 0.8 lbs. I'm satisfied, even though I had hoped it'd be at least a pound. I was running around all day, however, and even though I did quit drinking/eating by 1:00 I think I might have retained some water. Whatever - the home scale keeps going down, and as long a the WW scale does to I'm ok.
Thursday night I totally didn't go out like I usually do since Erik's parents are in town. I did splurge a bit on dinner, but it wasn't totally out of the realm of where I should be. The scale showed a nice 213.4 yesterday morning. I was "ok" but not great. I had a lot of small meals, and definitely ended the day over in points. I didn't make it to the gym either because it was Erik's birthday and we had lots of family plans.
So this morning, seeing 211.8 was a shock. I'm certain it's not dehydration because I didn't drink alcohol yesterday and got lots of water in. Who knows - but I'll take it.
I "celebrated" by hitting the gym this morning and having an amazing run. I did 6.11 miles in 60 minutes, then walked another .5 miles in 10 minutes. That's almost a 10K in 60 minutes. Now, granted that's not a personal best, but it's definitely the best I've done in over a year. I'm finally getting my running fitness back.
In 2003/2004, I was in great shape and could run 6 miles 3-4 times a week at about 9 minute miles. I'm working back to that and it feels great. Today's run was long, but actually not that hard. I kicked up the speed in the end, but over all I'm so pleased with my fitness level.
Hopefully the recent drop on the scale is a reflexion of that fitness level and I'm finally boosting my metabolism.
Today I'm actually at work - on a SATURDAY. Totally unheard of with me on this job. Just a demonstration of exactly how busy I've been lately.
I'm still waiting to hear on the job I interviewed for last week. I got an email from my recruiter on Friday asking how it went and reminding me to do thank-you emails. I'd totally forgotten. So I sent an email to everyone I interviewed with last Friday. I didn't expect a response from any of them, but I got an email back from the "lateral hiring partner" that I interviewed with first on Friday. He said: "Thanks for the note. I really enjoyed meeting you. I am sure we will get back to you soon, and we appreciate you coming by to see us." Sounds promising, right? I'm very excited but really don't want to get my hopes up. This job would be a great opportunity and I really liked the people I met when I was there. *crossing fingers!!!*
Anyway - back to work. I'm trying not to eat much today but I'm starving it seems. I'm going to have to keep it in control so I can see a good loss this week!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
A Week off of Bloggin
Last WI: 215.4/At Home WI: 213.2
Ok, so I'm a slacker. Well, not a slacker, maybe, but not driven enough to blog. It's been crazy at work this last week and I just have barely gotten on the computer. We have a 2 week trial term starting October 15. I still have over 50 cases on the calendar, so I've been having a lot of meetings this last week with victims and witnesses. In fact I had one at 1:00 today and another at 3:00. It's exhausting but necessary. Then there's court hearings I've had 3 days this week so far. Fun fun.
So lots to catch up on - I'll start with last Thursday. WI was a disappointment. I stayed the same. Now I'm not officially complaining because it was not a gain. But having seen 214ish on the scale the day of WI and the day before, I had hoped to see at least a partial pound loss. Oh well - such is life.
Friday was my 2nd interview at the "big firm" in Atlanta. It think it went well. I met with 3 partners and about 5 associates from 9:30 -1:45, with lunch included. I had a good time and feel like it went good. I just don't know though. If I could give an objective opinion (which I can't really) I would guess that I should get the job. I'm qualified, didn't have any really awkward moments in the interviews, and feel like they were really recruiting me a bit. That said, I'm SO scared to get my hopes up. So I'm just chillin and hoping. I called the recruiting coordinator on Monday and she said I should hear within 2 weeks or so. I got the impression that the earliest I would hear would be this Friday. So obviously nothing so far, but it's early.
Last weekend I was mostly lazy. Friday night we went out to Y-knots to drink/play poker. Saturday I slept in, then hit the gym, then worked a show for a local casino company dealing black-jack. Sunday we went to church at a new church - my friend Holly's church - then went to lunch. I hit the gym in the afternoon and ran 6 miles!! Definitely a great accomplishment for me.
Monday was crazy at work, and we had poker at Holly's for our Monday night league. I got second in the poker tournament, so that was fun.
Tuesday I totally vegged out after a crazy day at work, and didn't even get to the gym. (slacker!)
Yesterday I hit the gym in the evening and did 4 miles plus 20+ minutes on the elliptical. Erik's parents also got into town and are staying with us for a week.
Food-wise, I haven't been too good this week. I've had way too much fast food. Grrr.. The good news is I've done some good work-outs to counter-act it, even if I did slack on Tuesday.
Well that's the short version. I'm very tired again today. Good thing it's a "rest" day considering it's WI day. I'm off to WI, get some grub, then probably be lazy the rest of the night. No partying tonight (as per usual Thursday night) because of our house guests.
Ok, so I'm a slacker. Well, not a slacker, maybe, but not driven enough to blog. It's been crazy at work this last week and I just have barely gotten on the computer. We have a 2 week trial term starting October 15. I still have over 50 cases on the calendar, so I've been having a lot of meetings this last week with victims and witnesses. In fact I had one at 1:00 today and another at 3:00. It's exhausting but necessary. Then there's court hearings I've had 3 days this week so far. Fun fun.
So lots to catch up on - I'll start with last Thursday. WI was a disappointment. I stayed the same. Now I'm not officially complaining because it was not a gain. But having seen 214ish on the scale the day of WI and the day before, I had hoped to see at least a partial pound loss. Oh well - such is life.
Friday was my 2nd interview at the "big firm" in Atlanta. It think it went well. I met with 3 partners and about 5 associates from 9:30 -1:45, with lunch included. I had a good time and feel like it went good. I just don't know though. If I could give an objective opinion (which I can't really) I would guess that I should get the job. I'm qualified, didn't have any really awkward moments in the interviews, and feel like they were really recruiting me a bit. That said, I'm SO scared to get my hopes up. So I'm just chillin and hoping. I called the recruiting coordinator on Monday and she said I should hear within 2 weeks or so. I got the impression that the earliest I would hear would be this Friday. So obviously nothing so far, but it's early.
Last weekend I was mostly lazy. Friday night we went out to Y-knots to drink/play poker. Saturday I slept in, then hit the gym, then worked a show for a local casino company dealing black-jack. Sunday we went to church at a new church - my friend Holly's church - then went to lunch. I hit the gym in the afternoon and ran 6 miles!! Definitely a great accomplishment for me.
Monday was crazy at work, and we had poker at Holly's for our Monday night league. I got second in the poker tournament, so that was fun.
Tuesday I totally vegged out after a crazy day at work, and didn't even get to the gym. (slacker!)
Yesterday I hit the gym in the evening and did 4 miles plus 20+ minutes on the elliptical. Erik's parents also got into town and are staying with us for a week.
Food-wise, I haven't been too good this week. I've had way too much fast food. Grrr.. The good news is I've done some good work-outs to counter-act it, even if I did slack on Tuesday.
Well that's the short version. I'm very tired again today. Good thing it's a "rest" day considering it's WI day. I'm off to WI, get some grub, then probably be lazy the rest of the night. No partying tonight (as per usual Thursday night) because of our house guests.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I'm so not ready to have kids.
Last WI: 215.4/At home WI: 214.6
Well, it's been a crazy couple days. Tuesday night Erik had Daniel, but he put him down about 9:00 and came to bed and crashed out. I turned the light off about midnight and went to sleep. About 2:00 am I woke up to find that Daniel had come downstairs and crawled into bed with us. Now this is the 3rd time in a week that he's done this and I let the other two slide for various reasons. This time I wasn't going to let it because I don't want this to become a habit. Now, Daniel's mother lets him sleep with her. I know this. She's a single mom and I think she enjoys having him close. That's fine and all for her, but I think it's a bad habit, that 4 year-olds should sleep in their own bed and Erik and I have agreed on this. So about 2:00 am, I got up, picked up Daniel and put him in his own bed. He immediately started crying saying he couldn't sleep by himself. I told him he needs to go to bed or he'd get a spanking. He went. For about 3 minutes. I'd gotten back into bed and just a minute later, he comes down the stairs again. This time I wake up Erik to help - it's his kid after all. So he does. And for the next 3 AND A HALF HOURS we fight with the kid. We put him down, he gets up. We threaten to take away privileges, he gets up. We take away the privileges, he gets up. We spank him, he gets up. Truly from 2:00 am til 5:30 am we fight with this kid. We don't know what else to do. Finally he crashes out, after much crying at 5:30. I'm still expecting him to come back down though so I can't get back to sleep. Finally after Erik gets up at 6:30 to take him to school and go to work, I get back to sleep - till 8:00 when I have to go to work. All in all - 3 1/2 hours sleep. Needless to say Wednesday sucked. And I am SO not ready to have kids.
I had appointments at 9:00, 9:30, and 1:00 that I had to keep. After that though I bailed out and went home to sleep from 3:00 till 6:00. At 6:30 Erik calls on his way home to say he wants to go out and play poker. The game starts at 8:30 and its 20 minutes from our house. I had planned to go to the gym. (15 minutes away). So I figured I'll do what I can. I changed and jumped in the car. I got to the gym at 7:00 did 15 minutes on the elliptical then headed home, showered and was ready to leave the house by 8:00. Not the best workout but at least I did something.
Yesterday morning (after the night from hell with Daniel) my scale showed 214.2. A shock - I guess I earned some APs going up and down the stairs all night. This morning it was a little up. Not too surprising. Although I was "ok" yesterday I did eat at the bar we went to last night. No alcohol - so that's something - but I did have a prime rib sandwich, small salad, and a cookie from a plate of them my friend ordered (bad girl - tempting me!).
I had thought I might have to settle for a "maintain" this week, but it looks like I might see a loss (finger's crossed). At the beginning of the week the goal was to hit 214.0 or lower, but now I'd just like to see as close to 214 as possible. I'll probably see something in the mid-214's. Not bad. Just have to kick butt this week.
Which shouldn't be hard. No big plans for the weekend. I'm planning on trying to get in 6 miles. We do not have Daniel so at least we'll get some sleep. :-)
Well, it's been a crazy couple days. Tuesday night Erik had Daniel, but he put him down about 9:00 and came to bed and crashed out. I turned the light off about midnight and went to sleep. About 2:00 am I woke up to find that Daniel had come downstairs and crawled into bed with us. Now this is the 3rd time in a week that he's done this and I let the other two slide for various reasons. This time I wasn't going to let it because I don't want this to become a habit. Now, Daniel's mother lets him sleep with her. I know this. She's a single mom and I think she enjoys having him close. That's fine and all for her, but I think it's a bad habit, that 4 year-olds should sleep in their own bed and Erik and I have agreed on this. So about 2:00 am, I got up, picked up Daniel and put him in his own bed. He immediately started crying saying he couldn't sleep by himself. I told him he needs to go to bed or he'd get a spanking. He went. For about 3 minutes. I'd gotten back into bed and just a minute later, he comes down the stairs again. This time I wake up Erik to help - it's his kid after all. So he does. And for the next 3 AND A HALF HOURS we fight with the kid. We put him down, he gets up. We threaten to take away privileges, he gets up. We take away the privileges, he gets up. We spank him, he gets up. Truly from 2:00 am til 5:30 am we fight with this kid. We don't know what else to do. Finally he crashes out, after much crying at 5:30. I'm still expecting him to come back down though so I can't get back to sleep. Finally after Erik gets up at 6:30 to take him to school and go to work, I get back to sleep - till 8:00 when I have to go to work. All in all - 3 1/2 hours sleep. Needless to say Wednesday sucked. And I am SO not ready to have kids.
I had appointments at 9:00, 9:30, and 1:00 that I had to keep. After that though I bailed out and went home to sleep from 3:00 till 6:00. At 6:30 Erik calls on his way home to say he wants to go out and play poker. The game starts at 8:30 and its 20 minutes from our house. I had planned to go to the gym. (15 minutes away). So I figured I'll do what I can. I changed and jumped in the car. I got to the gym at 7:00 did 15 minutes on the elliptical then headed home, showered and was ready to leave the house by 8:00. Not the best workout but at least I did something.
Yesterday morning (after the night from hell with Daniel) my scale showed 214.2. A shock - I guess I earned some APs going up and down the stairs all night. This morning it was a little up. Not too surprising. Although I was "ok" yesterday I did eat at the bar we went to last night. No alcohol - so that's something - but I did have a prime rib sandwich, small salad, and a cookie from a plate of them my friend ordered (bad girl - tempting me!).
I had thought I might have to settle for a "maintain" this week, but it looks like I might see a loss (finger's crossed). At the beginning of the week the goal was to hit 214.0 or lower, but now I'd just like to see as close to 214 as possible. I'll probably see something in the mid-214's. Not bad. Just have to kick butt this week.
Which shouldn't be hard. No big plans for the weekend. I'm planning on trying to get in 6 miles. We do not have Daniel so at least we'll get some sleep. :-)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Ran 5 Miles!
Last WI: 215.4/At Home WI: 215.8 (?)
I've been bad. I'm not sure why. I got back from my mini vacation and have just not been able to get it together. Monday I couldn't get to the gym because of our poker game, and I ended up drinking a few beers last night at poker. So I'm not sure about this morning's WI. But who knows. Today I was ok until lunch (wow, huh?) when Holly asked me to go to lunch with her. We went to have pizza. I had two large slices, where I should have had only one (or a salad!). Boo.
Well, the good news is that I went to the gym after work and ran 5 Miles! That's right - first time I've done 5 miles in a very long time. It actually felt great. So that's good. I got home and Erik had made some shrimp and green beans for dinner. So that was good. I'm going to try not to eat any more tonight.
I don't know what's going to happen at WI. I guess I'm back to hoping for a maintain. I hate that. I've been doing so good. I totally should have had a loss this week if I'd just stuck to the plan. Oh well - all I can do now is remedy the problem. I'll work out tomorrow too, and hope for the best.
I've been bad. I'm not sure why. I got back from my mini vacation and have just not been able to get it together. Monday I couldn't get to the gym because of our poker game, and I ended up drinking a few beers last night at poker. So I'm not sure about this morning's WI. But who knows. Today I was ok until lunch (wow, huh?) when Holly asked me to go to lunch with her. We went to have pizza. I had two large slices, where I should have had only one (or a salad!). Boo.
Well, the good news is that I went to the gym after work and ran 5 Miles! That's right - first time I've done 5 miles in a very long time. It actually felt great. So that's good. I got home and Erik had made some shrimp and green beans for dinner. So that was good. I'm going to try not to eat any more tonight.
I don't know what's going to happen at WI. I guess I'm back to hoping for a maintain. I hate that. I've been doing so good. I totally should have had a loss this week if I'd just stuck to the plan. Oh well - all I can do now is remedy the problem. I'll work out tomorrow too, and hope for the best.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Weekend in Tennessee
Last WI: 215.4/At Home WI: 216.4
Well I survived the weekend. Of course I didn't get all the exercise in that I wanted, but I did get some. I flew on Friday morning. I landed about 10:00 am and was picked up by my sister-in-law. We went and saw my brother before going to my mom's house where I was staying. I ended up not running Friday - I guess I just got lazy and was tired from the flight. I watched my neice play in the high school marching band on Friday night and went to bed relatively early.
Saturday I woke up and went running right away. I had planned on trying to do as many miles as I could on the local high school track - which is very close to my mother's house - but the school track team was practicing and I didn't want to disturb them, so I ran around my mom's neighborhood. I did 20 minutes before I had to walk. I ended up running about 2 miles and walking about 1.5. Not the 5 I had hoped for, but it was extremely muggy and hot out and frankly I haven't run outside in a long while, so I'll take it.
Saturday night we had a birthday party for my brother. Mom made her famous manicotti and french bread. I only had one serving, but still probably too much. The good news is I did munch a lot on the fresh veggies I had cut up.
Saturday night after the party I was still feeling wide awake so I headed to the riverboat casino in Missouri - just about 20 minutes away. I ended up winning $400 at craps and another $40 or so at poker before I headed home a little after 3:00 am.
Sunday I slept in, of course, and totally didn't go running when I did get up. Slacker! I spent the day saying goodbyes to my dad, brother, mother, sister-in-law and neices and nephews. My brother drove me the 2 hour trip to the airport around 5:00 pm. I got home a little after 11:00 pm and crashed out pretty quickly.
All in all the weekend was wonderful, family-wise, but not great food wise. I didn't crazy indulge but I didn't track, and I only ran once. That's about normal for my family weekends though.
Today I'm playing catch up at work. I've got my interview on Friday so it's another short week. Work is completely crazy with trials just 5 weeks away. I'm starting to stress. But that's normal too.
Today I've been ok with food. I had a balance bar for breakfast, popcorn and a nectarine for snack, and subway for lunch. I've got 10 points left for dinner, and I'm not going to get to go to the gym today (as usual for Mondays). I have to hit the grocery store right after work, and get home before 6:30 for our Monday poker night that we're hosting. Now - I just need to make good choices for dinner/poker.
This week I'm worried about WI because of the weekend, and my attitude. I'm totally grumpy because of stress at work, and that is always a recipe for disaster. When I feel grumpy or tired, I don't care about making good choices, and usually fall off the wagon. I'm going to need to find a way to improve my mood so I can keep my good trend going.
Here's to keeping up a good thing...
Well I survived the weekend. Of course I didn't get all the exercise in that I wanted, but I did get some. I flew on Friday morning. I landed about 10:00 am and was picked up by my sister-in-law. We went and saw my brother before going to my mom's house where I was staying. I ended up not running Friday - I guess I just got lazy and was tired from the flight. I watched my neice play in the high school marching band on Friday night and went to bed relatively early.
Saturday I woke up and went running right away. I had planned on trying to do as many miles as I could on the local high school track - which is very close to my mother's house - but the school track team was practicing and I didn't want to disturb them, so I ran around my mom's neighborhood. I did 20 minutes before I had to walk. I ended up running about 2 miles and walking about 1.5. Not the 5 I had hoped for, but it was extremely muggy and hot out and frankly I haven't run outside in a long while, so I'll take it.
Saturday night we had a birthday party for my brother. Mom made her famous manicotti and french bread. I only had one serving, but still probably too much. The good news is I did munch a lot on the fresh veggies I had cut up.
Saturday night after the party I was still feeling wide awake so I headed to the riverboat casino in Missouri - just about 20 minutes away. I ended up winning $400 at craps and another $40 or so at poker before I headed home a little after 3:00 am.
Sunday I slept in, of course, and totally didn't go running when I did get up. Slacker! I spent the day saying goodbyes to my dad, brother, mother, sister-in-law and neices and nephews. My brother drove me the 2 hour trip to the airport around 5:00 pm. I got home a little after 11:00 pm and crashed out pretty quickly.
All in all the weekend was wonderful, family-wise, but not great food wise. I didn't crazy indulge but I didn't track, and I only ran once. That's about normal for my family weekends though.
Today I'm playing catch up at work. I've got my interview on Friday so it's another short week. Work is completely crazy with trials just 5 weeks away. I'm starting to stress. But that's normal too.
Today I've been ok with food. I had a balance bar for breakfast, popcorn and a nectarine for snack, and subway for lunch. I've got 10 points left for dinner, and I'm not going to get to go to the gym today (as usual for Mondays). I have to hit the grocery store right after work, and get home before 6:30 for our Monday poker night that we're hosting. Now - I just need to make good choices for dinner/poker.
This week I'm worried about WI because of the weekend, and my attitude. I'm totally grumpy because of stress at work, and that is always a recipe for disaster. When I feel grumpy or tired, I don't care about making good choices, and usually fall off the wagon. I'm going to need to find a way to improve my mood so I can keep my good trend going.
Here's to keeping up a good thing...
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Update - Still Losing
Update: WI: 215.4 (-1.4)
Well I lost 1.4 this week which I'll take. It's still got me going toward my goal of onderland by Holly's wedding (12/1). I need to average about 1.5 lbs/week. This week I needed to get under 215.5. Next week I need to see 214.
Still planning on kicking butt this weekend at mom's!
Well I lost 1.4 this week which I'll take. It's still got me going toward my goal of onderland by Holly's wedding (12/1). I need to average about 1.5 lbs/week. This week I needed to get under 215.5. Next week I need to see 214.
Still planning on kicking butt this weekend at mom's!
Beautiful Scale
Last WI: 216.8/At Home WI: 215.0 (YEAH!)
Ok so Mr. Scale. I'm sorry I doubted you. I forgive you today. At least I will if WI goes as hoped. Yesterday was another very good day. I had subway for lunch, some snacks, and left over's for dinner - eating exactly 1 point over my target. I hit the gym after work and did 3 miles on the treadmill in 30:16 very good for me. I used to be able to consistently do 10 minute miles, but having taken so much time off I've been working back up to it. Yesterday's run averaged 10:05 minute miles - not bad. Running so much is obviously doing my body well. After the run, I walked for about 8 minutes cool-down then hit the elliptical for another 30 minutes. All in all I burnt over 1000 calories and counted 10 APs. So we're up to 36 APs for the month and over 40 for the WI week.
I'm at work now. I had chick-fil-a for breakfast and am now "fasting" till WI. I chugged about 50 oz of water this morning to be sure I'm hydrated, now I just hope that WI goes well. Then we'll see how tonight goes. I have a very bad habit if over-indulging the night of WI. It's my night to drink as Erik is driver, so I take that as an excuse to make very poor choices. Now I'm not willing to give up my "night" but I need to reduce the amount of alcohol and amount of bad food choices. I think that really will help my weekly results. That said, there's something to be said for a weekly "break" to keep my sanity throughout this weightloss journey. I don't know I'm going to have to think on it. I don't want to deprive myself such that I fall off the wagon, but I also want to see the best results I can.
This weekend is going to be a challenge. I fly out tomorrow morning to Tennessee to see my family. I'll be staying until Sunday evening with my mom. My dad and brother and his family (wife and 4 kids) also live in the same town, so I'll be seeing them all. It's my brother's birthday on Sunday and I think we're having a party on Saturday for it. All in all there will be an abundance of opportunities to make very bad choices. My father and brother are significantly over-weight. My mom is about average for her age, maybe a few pounds overweight, but my food life has always revolved around my dad and his habits. My mom cooked him what he wanted my entire life, and even though they have now split up (but are still friends) we all kind of get together to eat. A LOT.
So this weekend is going to be a challenge. I am going to try to counter-act it with smaller portions and "relatively" good choices. And RUNNING. I'm bringing my running gear and am going to run at my mom's. She lives in a great neighborhood that is actually close to a high school so I have some choices of neighborhood running or track running. Either way it'll be outside - something I haven't done lately and will be very good for me if I can commit to doing it. I PLAN to run at least 2 days, hopefully all 3. My schedule shows 3 miles on Friday, 5 on Saturday and 3 more on Sunday. Maybe if I go slow I can get it in. Not sure, but I'm going to try.
Anyway - here's hoping for a good WI tonight. I should get under 215.6 which would get me over 10 lbs lost - a good milestone. Anything more than that is gravy and I'll take it gladly.
Ok so Mr. Scale. I'm sorry I doubted you. I forgive you today. At least I will if WI goes as hoped. Yesterday was another very good day. I had subway for lunch, some snacks, and left over's for dinner - eating exactly 1 point over my target. I hit the gym after work and did 3 miles on the treadmill in 30:16 very good for me. I used to be able to consistently do 10 minute miles, but having taken so much time off I've been working back up to it. Yesterday's run averaged 10:05 minute miles - not bad. Running so much is obviously doing my body well. After the run, I walked for about 8 minutes cool-down then hit the elliptical for another 30 minutes. All in all I burnt over 1000 calories and counted 10 APs. So we're up to 36 APs for the month and over 40 for the WI week.
I'm at work now. I had chick-fil-a for breakfast and am now "fasting" till WI. I chugged about 50 oz of water this morning to be sure I'm hydrated, now I just hope that WI goes well. Then we'll see how tonight goes. I have a very bad habit if over-indulging the night of WI. It's my night to drink as Erik is driver, so I take that as an excuse to make very poor choices. Now I'm not willing to give up my "night" but I need to reduce the amount of alcohol and amount of bad food choices. I think that really will help my weekly results. That said, there's something to be said for a weekly "break" to keep my sanity throughout this weightloss journey. I don't know I'm going to have to think on it. I don't want to deprive myself such that I fall off the wagon, but I also want to see the best results I can.
This weekend is going to be a challenge. I fly out tomorrow morning to Tennessee to see my family. I'll be staying until Sunday evening with my mom. My dad and brother and his family (wife and 4 kids) also live in the same town, so I'll be seeing them all. It's my brother's birthday on Sunday and I think we're having a party on Saturday for it. All in all there will be an abundance of opportunities to make very bad choices. My father and brother are significantly over-weight. My mom is about average for her age, maybe a few pounds overweight, but my food life has always revolved around my dad and his habits. My mom cooked him what he wanted my entire life, and even though they have now split up (but are still friends) we all kind of get together to eat. A LOT.
So this weekend is going to be a challenge. I am going to try to counter-act it with smaller portions and "relatively" good choices. And RUNNING. I'm bringing my running gear and am going to run at my mom's. She lives in a great neighborhood that is actually close to a high school so I have some choices of neighborhood running or track running. Either way it'll be outside - something I haven't done lately and will be very good for me if I can commit to doing it. I PLAN to run at least 2 days, hopefully all 3. My schedule shows 3 miles on Friday, 5 on Saturday and 3 more on Sunday. Maybe if I go slow I can get it in. Not sure, but I'm going to try.
Anyway - here's hoping for a good WI tonight. I should get under 215.6 which would get me over 10 lbs lost - a good milestone. Anything more than that is gravy and I'll take it gladly.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Stupid Scale
Last WI: 216.8/At Home WI: 217.0 (BOO!)
Well I was good yesterday considering the hang over. As I noted, I had a sub for lunch and went home planning on going to the gym. Well, I felt like crap so got Erik to agree to go later, after dinner and his Kiwanis meeting. I napped a bit then made some pasta for dinner. Erik finished his meeting at about 8:00 and we met at the gym. I was supposed to do 3 miles, but hung-over I have the hardest time running. I got 1 mile down and just felt like crap. My asthma was acting up as well, so I got off the treadmill, took a hit off the inhaler and jumped on the elliptical where I did 60 minutes in an effort to make up for my slackerness on the treadmill. Overall 70+ minutes of cardio and over 1000 calories burned.
So why was the scale only down to 217 this morning? Hell if I know. I have to hope that I still haven't re-hydrated from Monday's binge and that another good day will drop it down where it belongs. I have to hope.
So lots of water today. I've been relatively good food-wise. I've had a balance bar, a nectarine, some popcorn and subway for lunch. I have 11 points left for tonight which is plenty. I plan to go straight to the gym after work, and then home for an early night. Erik has Daniel so that shouldn't be a problem. A light dinner, and I'm (HOPEFULLY) set for a good WI tomorrow. If I don't lose this week, I'm going to be pissed. Yes, I over-indulged on both Friday and Monday, but so far this week I've already earned over 30 APs. Surely I didn't over-indulge more than 3000 calories?!? Did I?!?
I'm supposed to do speed work on the treadmill today but I might try to get in the 3 miles I was supposed to do yesterday instead. I think it's more fruitful - weight loss wise. Either way I will earn at least 5 APs tonight. Hopefully closer to 10.
On other notes, work has been crazy lately. I've taken over a caseload of an attorney who left a few months ago. He did all the sex crimes. So not only do I have my regular case-load of burglaries, robberies, and thefts. Now I have over a dozen child molestations. Not exactly easy cases. Our next trial calendar starts October 15th. I have 60 cases on the calendar, 12 of which are child molestations. What that ultimately means is that I'm going to be in trials for 2 weeks straight, probably trying child molestations and nothing else - cases that are very disturbing and frankly, often hard to win. Now I do have a couple really good cases where either the defendant admitted to the activity or there is DNA evidence to prove it. But most of the cases are a he said-she said battle where the kid says it happened and the defendant says it didn't. Unfortunately, those cases are hard to win, and the jury needs only have "reasonable doubt" to acquit. I hope to try one of the "good" cases first so that I can get a solid "win" under my belt before I try some of these harder ones. Confidence plays a big factor in trial skills, and in my non-sex crimes I feel really good. I've just never tried a sex-crime yet, and I have so much to learn. So - because of all this my weeks have been filled with meetings with victims and witnesses. Let me tell you how draining it is to talk to kids who have been molested all day. They are all adorable, sweet things that have to talk to me about horrible events in their lives. It just sucks. But it has to be done.
Anyway - I like my job, but it can be draining at times.
On other job news, I have a follow up interview at the "big firm" I interviewed with a couple weeks ago next Friday. It's an all day interview, so I'm taking the day off. Again, it boils down what I'm going to do if I actually manage to get an offer. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take it. I can always come back to prosecution, but getting my foot back into a big firm in the future is going to be hard. Who knows - I'm putting the cart before the horse here, so I'll just see how Friday goes. Meanwhile - child molestations, here I come. woo hoo!
Well I was good yesterday considering the hang over. As I noted, I had a sub for lunch and went home planning on going to the gym. Well, I felt like crap so got Erik to agree to go later, after dinner and his Kiwanis meeting. I napped a bit then made some pasta for dinner. Erik finished his meeting at about 8:00 and we met at the gym. I was supposed to do 3 miles, but hung-over I have the hardest time running. I got 1 mile down and just felt like crap. My asthma was acting up as well, so I got off the treadmill, took a hit off the inhaler and jumped on the elliptical where I did 60 minutes in an effort to make up for my slackerness on the treadmill. Overall 70+ minutes of cardio and over 1000 calories burned.
So why was the scale only down to 217 this morning? Hell if I know. I have to hope that I still haven't re-hydrated from Monday's binge and that another good day will drop it down where it belongs. I have to hope.
So lots of water today. I've been relatively good food-wise. I've had a balance bar, a nectarine, some popcorn and subway for lunch. I have 11 points left for tonight which is plenty. I plan to go straight to the gym after work, and then home for an early night. Erik has Daniel so that shouldn't be a problem. A light dinner, and I'm (HOPEFULLY) set for a good WI tomorrow. If I don't lose this week, I'm going to be pissed. Yes, I over-indulged on both Friday and Monday, but so far this week I've already earned over 30 APs. Surely I didn't over-indulge more than 3000 calories?!? Did I?!?
I'm supposed to do speed work on the treadmill today but I might try to get in the 3 miles I was supposed to do yesterday instead. I think it's more fruitful - weight loss wise. Either way I will earn at least 5 APs tonight. Hopefully closer to 10.
On other notes, work has been crazy lately. I've taken over a caseload of an attorney who left a few months ago. He did all the sex crimes. So not only do I have my regular case-load of burglaries, robberies, and thefts. Now I have over a dozen child molestations. Not exactly easy cases. Our next trial calendar starts October 15th. I have 60 cases on the calendar, 12 of which are child molestations. What that ultimately means is that I'm going to be in trials for 2 weeks straight, probably trying child molestations and nothing else - cases that are very disturbing and frankly, often hard to win. Now I do have a couple really good cases where either the defendant admitted to the activity or there is DNA evidence to prove it. But most of the cases are a he said-she said battle where the kid says it happened and the defendant says it didn't. Unfortunately, those cases are hard to win, and the jury needs only have "reasonable doubt" to acquit. I hope to try one of the "good" cases first so that I can get a solid "win" under my belt before I try some of these harder ones. Confidence plays a big factor in trial skills, and in my non-sex crimes I feel really good. I've just never tried a sex-crime yet, and I have so much to learn. So - because of all this my weeks have been filled with meetings with victims and witnesses. Let me tell you how draining it is to talk to kids who have been molested all day. They are all adorable, sweet things that have to talk to me about horrible events in their lives. It just sucks. But it has to be done.
Anyway - I like my job, but it can be draining at times.
On other job news, I have a follow up interview at the "big firm" I interviewed with a couple weeks ago next Friday. It's an all day interview, so I'm taking the day off. Again, it boils down what I'm going to do if I actually manage to get an offer. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take it. I can always come back to prosecution, but getting my foot back into a big firm in the future is going to be hard. Who knows - I'm putting the cart before the horse here, so I'll just see how Friday goes. Meanwhile - child molestations, here I come. woo hoo!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Last WI: 216.8/At Home WI: 217.6
As you can see by this morning's scale reading - I went overboard yesterday. I knew I was going to and I really did nothing to stop or prevent it. Let's start with Sunday - my last "good" day. After the gym, I didn't leave the house. Erik went into work for a bit and I read/napped. When he got home we watched the netflix movies we had and ordered Chinese in. I was "ok" in that I order chicken chow mien - which is good - but also had two egg rolls - which is bad. All in all though it was still a very good day and I came in under points. I was rewarded yesterday with a scale reading of 215.8 - lowest yet.
Then yesterday came. Every year my best friend Holly and I have a party on labor day. The last few years, it's also coincided with the first FSU game. So this year we planned for a 2:00 start with drinks, snacks, and some craps. We then started a poker tournament at 7:00 and the football game started at 8:00. I was doing ok until the football came kicked off. I had been drinking some, but mixed in some non-alcoholic drinks as well. I wanted to see the game. Then the game came on....and we did HORRIBLY. I mean bad. And Holly started delivering jagger-bombs to me and others - I think to help dull the pain of my team playing so badly.
Ultimately I had to ask Erik the final score this morning. I knew we lost cause I had no memory of being happy at the end of the night, but I didn't know how bad. Turns out we sort of rallied in the second half and brought the score within 6 but couldn't close it out. We lost 24 to 18. :-(
So - I did end up doing well in the poker tournament at least. But, I drank too much - munched on snacks too much - and feel like crap today for it. Why do I DO this to myself?
So I'm at work, trying to wrap up the day. It's been rough. The day has DRAGGED by and I totally came in late. Erik called a while ago too and said he wants to go to the gym with me again tonight. Which is actually really a good thing because I need to go and feeling like I do would likely come up with a justification for not going. Having him want to go commits me to going. I need to. I'm scheduled to do 3 miles today and I really need to keep up the schedule if I want to lose this week.
I desperately hope that the scale gets back under 216 tomorrow. I was so happy to see the 215's - I'd hate to have ruined it all. Now I know I didn't gain 2lbs in one day, but I need to recover quickly as Thursday's approachin.
Today I've had a huge publix sub for lunch. I had bought it yesterday on the way to the party with the idea that I would eat that instead of junk food, but it didn't work. So I missed breakfast today and had it for lunch. I was more than I should have had though - it was a whole sub and at publix those are huge. I'm counting it at 18pts which is a LOT. I also just had a peach to try to get some fruit in for the day. Shortly I'll be leaving to head home and meet Erik for the gym. Dinner tonight will be something very light and I will desperately try not to eat any of the APs I earn.
Just in a foul mood today. I hate FSU losing the first game of the season. Booo! Grrrr. Grump grump.
As you can see by this morning's scale reading - I went overboard yesterday. I knew I was going to and I really did nothing to stop or prevent it. Let's start with Sunday - my last "good" day. After the gym, I didn't leave the house. Erik went into work for a bit and I read/napped. When he got home we watched the netflix movies we had and ordered Chinese in. I was "ok" in that I order chicken chow mien - which is good - but also had two egg rolls - which is bad. All in all though it was still a very good day and I came in under points. I was rewarded yesterday with a scale reading of 215.8 - lowest yet.
Then yesterday came. Every year my best friend Holly and I have a party on labor day. The last few years, it's also coincided with the first FSU game. So this year we planned for a 2:00 start with drinks, snacks, and some craps. We then started a poker tournament at 7:00 and the football game started at 8:00. I was doing ok until the football came kicked off. I had been drinking some, but mixed in some non-alcoholic drinks as well. I wanted to see the game. Then the game came on....and we did HORRIBLY. I mean bad. And Holly started delivering jagger-bombs to me and others - I think to help dull the pain of my team playing so badly.
Ultimately I had to ask Erik the final score this morning. I knew we lost cause I had no memory of being happy at the end of the night, but I didn't know how bad. Turns out we sort of rallied in the second half and brought the score within 6 but couldn't close it out. We lost 24 to 18. :-(
So - I did end up doing well in the poker tournament at least. But, I drank too much - munched on snacks too much - and feel like crap today for it. Why do I DO this to myself?
So I'm at work, trying to wrap up the day. It's been rough. The day has DRAGGED by and I totally came in late. Erik called a while ago too and said he wants to go to the gym with me again tonight. Which is actually really a good thing because I need to go and feeling like I do would likely come up with a justification for not going. Having him want to go commits me to going. I need to. I'm scheduled to do 3 miles today and I really need to keep up the schedule if I want to lose this week.
I desperately hope that the scale gets back under 216 tomorrow. I was so happy to see the 215's - I'd hate to have ruined it all. Now I know I didn't gain 2lbs in one day, but I need to recover quickly as Thursday's approachin.
Today I've had a huge publix sub for lunch. I had bought it yesterday on the way to the party with the idea that I would eat that instead of junk food, but it didn't work. So I missed breakfast today and had it for lunch. I was more than I should have had though - it was a whole sub and at publix those are huge. I'm counting it at 18pts which is a LOT. I also just had a peach to try to get some fruit in for the day. Shortly I'll be leaving to head home and meet Erik for the gym. Dinner tonight will be something very light and I will desperately try not to eat any of the APs I earn.
Just in a foul mood today. I hate FSU losing the first game of the season. Booo! Grrrr. Grump grump.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Working Hard at This
Last WI: 216.8/At Home WI: 216.6
Things are going well!!! Friday night I drove so Erik could drink. We went out to Y-Knots for poker and drinks. It was fun and we got home about 2:00 am. I had a philly cheesesteak for dinner, but I did get 2.5 miles in before going out. I definitely over-ate on Friday but I've been making it up since. Yesterday Erik went with me to the gym and I did 4 miles and felt great. My muscles were a little sore, but cardio-wise, I felt totally wonderful. We didn't get up till around 11:00 so we went right to the gym. We had dinner plans at about 5:00 so we just had some broccoli for a snack after the gym. We went to dinner at Applebee's and I had a WW meal, just substituting some mashed potatoes. The meal was supposed to be 10 pts, but I'm adding 2 for the "upgraded" potatoes. :-) I had some nuts and other snacks in the evening but came in under points for the day. Very good. We ended up staying out till 3:00 am again. :-)
So this morning, we slept late again and hit the gym together about noon. I did 60 minutes on the elliptical then came home to make a tuna sandwich for lunch. So - for today I've earned 9 APs and eaten 7 so far. Not bad. I plan to eat my target points today but no APs. Tomorrow will not be as good - Labor Day party planned! I know I'm going to go over points because I'm going to be drinking and celebrating FSU's kickoff game against Clemson. But I am going to hit the gym in the morning before the festivities kick off. I'll try to get in at least 5 APs to help counter-act the day's indulgences.
So the goal for the week is, ideally, to get my at home weight under 215 before Thursday, though frankly if I get it to 215.4 or lower, I should see my 1.5lb loss.
Things are going well!!! Friday night I drove so Erik could drink. We went out to Y-Knots for poker and drinks. It was fun and we got home about 2:00 am. I had a philly cheesesteak for dinner, but I did get 2.5 miles in before going out. I definitely over-ate on Friday but I've been making it up since. Yesterday Erik went with me to the gym and I did 4 miles and felt great. My muscles were a little sore, but cardio-wise, I felt totally wonderful. We didn't get up till around 11:00 so we went right to the gym. We had dinner plans at about 5:00 so we just had some broccoli for a snack after the gym. We went to dinner at Applebee's and I had a WW meal, just substituting some mashed potatoes. The meal was supposed to be 10 pts, but I'm adding 2 for the "upgraded" potatoes. :-) I had some nuts and other snacks in the evening but came in under points for the day. Very good. We ended up staying out till 3:00 am again. :-)
So this morning, we slept late again and hit the gym together about noon. I did 60 minutes on the elliptical then came home to make a tuna sandwich for lunch. So - for today I've earned 9 APs and eaten 7 so far. Not bad. I plan to eat my target points today but no APs. Tomorrow will not be as good - Labor Day party planned! I know I'm going to go over points because I'm going to be drinking and celebrating FSU's kickoff game against Clemson. But I am going to hit the gym in the morning before the festivities kick off. I'll try to get in at least 5 APs to help counter-act the day's indulgences.
So the goal for the week is, ideally, to get my at home weight under 215 before Thursday, though frankly if I get it to 215.4 or lower, I should see my 1.5lb loss.
Friday, August 31, 2007
I love being WRONG (this time)
Last WI: 216.8 (!!)/At Home WI: 217.0
YEAH! I am so happy I was wrong! I went to WI yesterday and lost 1.8 lbs. That is wonderful for me. I will always be shooting for 2+ lbs but anytime I do 1.5 or more, I'm thrilled. I am ON MY WAY!
That said, I'm still not in any sort of new territory. I was as low as 211.8 in January so I'll REALLY feel successful once I pass that mark. But I'm moving right along and that's all I can do.
Last night - as per usual - I went out and overindulged. But I'm ok with that. I've got my gym bag packed and I'm headed there after work to get in 2.5 miles at least. I've got a plan and it's working. Boy does that feel good!
YEAH! I am so happy I was wrong! I went to WI yesterday and lost 1.8 lbs. That is wonderful for me. I will always be shooting for 2+ lbs but anytime I do 1.5 or more, I'm thrilled. I am ON MY WAY!
That said, I'm still not in any sort of new territory. I was as low as 211.8 in January so I'll REALLY feel successful once I pass that mark. But I'm moving right along and that's all I can do.
Last night - as per usual - I went out and overindulged. But I'm ok with that. I've got my gym bag packed and I'm headed there after work to get in 2.5 miles at least. I've got a plan and it's working. Boy does that feel good!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Frustrated At Scale
Last WI: 218.6/At Home WI: 217.6 (BOO!)
Ok. So I'm mad. I guess I'm usually lucky in that my home scale is usually a pretty accurate reflexion of how I've been eating/exercising etc. I usually go down when I have a good day and up when I have a bad. So when the scale misbehaves I'm pissed. WTF?
I left work yesterday about 4:30 and got home with 15 points left for the day. I had a small 4 pt sandwich cause I was starving and then settled down to digest before heading to the gym. I headed out about 7:00 and did my scheduled speed work on the treadmill which worked out to be about 1.5 miles in about 20 minutes and approx 300 calories. I thought about the fact that Thursday is my rest day and I'd only earned 3 APs with my speed work, so I decided to hop on the elliptical for a couple more points. Well, through great self-talk and some good music I managed to pump out 60 minutes on the machine for a total of about 900+ calories. So all in all, 80 minutes cardio and over 1200 calories burned. I counted 12 APs. I got home and was starving again so I made some low-fat pasta and a piece of chocolate for dessert. Ended the day right at my points target without eating any of my APs.
I totally expected the scale to be below 217 this morning. What do I get? Up 0.2 lbs. WHAT GIVES!?! I'm so frustrated as today is WI day and to stay on-track for my goal of losing 1.5+lbs per week I need to WI at 217 or lower.
Now all hope is not lost. I've had fluky weeks where my at home scale is higher than the WW scale. But not usually. Usually it's very close. Last week, for instance, at home showed exactly what WW said. So I've got a slim hope but not much. I'm so mad!
Now I know if I only get a 1lb loss that's not bad. I should be happy. But that .5 makes a big difference in the long run. And I totally kicked it up last night for this reason alone. If it doesn't work I don't know if I'll have the motivation again. :-(
I don't know. I guess we'll see what 5:00 brings. I've had my protein rich breakfast and now I'm just chuggin water until 1:00.
Here's hoping for the best.
Ok. So I'm mad. I guess I'm usually lucky in that my home scale is usually a pretty accurate reflexion of how I've been eating/exercising etc. I usually go down when I have a good day and up when I have a bad. So when the scale misbehaves I'm pissed. WTF?
I left work yesterday about 4:30 and got home with 15 points left for the day. I had a small 4 pt sandwich cause I was starving and then settled down to digest before heading to the gym. I headed out about 7:00 and did my scheduled speed work on the treadmill which worked out to be about 1.5 miles in about 20 minutes and approx 300 calories. I thought about the fact that Thursday is my rest day and I'd only earned 3 APs with my speed work, so I decided to hop on the elliptical for a couple more points. Well, through great self-talk and some good music I managed to pump out 60 minutes on the machine for a total of about 900+ calories. So all in all, 80 minutes cardio and over 1200 calories burned. I counted 12 APs. I got home and was starving again so I made some low-fat pasta and a piece of chocolate for dessert. Ended the day right at my points target without eating any of my APs.
I totally expected the scale to be below 217 this morning. What do I get? Up 0.2 lbs. WHAT GIVES!?! I'm so frustrated as today is WI day and to stay on-track for my goal of losing 1.5+lbs per week I need to WI at 217 or lower.
Now all hope is not lost. I've had fluky weeks where my at home scale is higher than the WW scale. But not usually. Usually it's very close. Last week, for instance, at home showed exactly what WW said. So I've got a slim hope but not much. I'm so mad!
Now I know if I only get a 1lb loss that's not bad. I should be happy. But that .5 makes a big difference in the long run. And I totally kicked it up last night for this reason alone. If it doesn't work I don't know if I'll have the motivation again. :-(
I don't know. I guess we'll see what 5:00 brings. I've had my protein rich breakfast and now I'm just chuggin water until 1:00.
Here's hoping for the best.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Law and Order had Nothing on Me!
Last WI: 218.6/At Home WI: 217.4 (ok.)
So yesterday became a crazy day after work. I left at about 5:00 and was driving home when I was alerted (nextel) by an officer I work with regularly (remember I'm criminal prosecutor). The officer had been in my office earlier that day to tell me about a series of armed robberies they were investigating. They had arrested a girl on them and could link her to 3 robbery's in the last 2 months. Two of them were very solid cases, one was iffy due to identification issues. They also had a lead on a girl they thought was the robber's driver. They had interviewed this driver a couple times and she had never admitted to anything or even admitted she know the girl we've arrested as the robber. Anyway, my officer calls me at about 5:30. I'm minutes from home and about 30 minutes away from work. He says he has the driver girl in the office and she's said she's willing to talk if I can come down and give her immunity so that she won't worry about being prosecuted. After discussing it further with the officer we agreed that we didn't have enough to charge this girl anyway, and she might be able to shore up the primary perp's involvement in our case that is weaker. Well, I give her my immunity speech - which incidentally I had to make up since I've never done this before - and she agrees to talk. She gives us good information on the crime that was a little weaker and actually links the perp to a fourth robbery that had as yet been unsolved. I got to sit in an adjacent room with several officers and watch through closed circuit video while she was interviewed by one of our detectives. Very cool. So all in all it was a fun night. Much cooler than the typical "paperwork" day I have. Court days and out of office days like yesterday are what makes this job fun. I also am building a really good rapport with my officers which is always a really big help.
Anyway, that escapade put me behind schedule for the night. I was going to try to go to the gym after work and then go out to Chaps with Erik for poker and dinner. By the time I got out of the police department, I had to race home so Erik and I could make it to poker on time. No gym. So my solution was that I would try to go after poker and dinner. I already had my gym bag packed and in the car. And the best part about this plan was that it would keep me from drinking any alcohol at the bar. The bad news was that because I had these grand plans, I justified ordering a burger and mac n cheese for dinner. Booo. It was so good though.
Well, I ended up winning the poker tournament and didn't get out of there until about 10:30 pm. BUT - true to my word, I took Erik home, didn't even go into the house, and headed straight for the gym. I did my 2.5 mile run, walked another .5 miles, and headed home for shower/bed. Erik was passed out when I got there, but I was still very proud of myself for following through with my commitment.
It's funny, I didn't know what to expect at the gym at 11:00 at night. Erik and I belong to one of those 24 hour gyms where you can go in at anytime with a swipe card. I got there and was shocked to see lots of cars in the parking lot. Turns out lots of guys like to lift weights late at night? Who knew. I think I was the only woman there, and I certainly had the cardio machines to myself. That reminds me - I definitely need to get on a strength training program soon. I've totally been slacking in that department. Despite all this motivation to get to the gym, I just don't have any desire to lift weights. I'm going to have to drudge up that motivation soon.
So this morning I was hoping to see 217 or lower, but am not totally surprised I didn't. Yesterday's WI seemed too good to be true anyway. I still have hope for an under 217 WI by tomorrow though. Today I will be perfect! There are no plans to go out tonight. I will be eating very good at work today and head straight to the gym for some speed work before making a healthy dinner and getting to bed early. I WILL see a good loss tomorrow!
So yesterday became a crazy day after work. I left at about 5:00 and was driving home when I was alerted (nextel) by an officer I work with regularly (remember I'm criminal prosecutor). The officer had been in my office earlier that day to tell me about a series of armed robberies they were investigating. They had arrested a girl on them and could link her to 3 robbery's in the last 2 months. Two of them were very solid cases, one was iffy due to identification issues. They also had a lead on a girl they thought was the robber's driver. They had interviewed this driver a couple times and she had never admitted to anything or even admitted she know the girl we've arrested as the robber. Anyway, my officer calls me at about 5:30. I'm minutes from home and about 30 minutes away from work. He says he has the driver girl in the office and she's said she's willing to talk if I can come down and give her immunity so that she won't worry about being prosecuted. After discussing it further with the officer we agreed that we didn't have enough to charge this girl anyway, and she might be able to shore up the primary perp's involvement in our case that is weaker. Well, I give her my immunity speech - which incidentally I had to make up since I've never done this before - and she agrees to talk. She gives us good information on the crime that was a little weaker and actually links the perp to a fourth robbery that had as yet been unsolved. I got to sit in an adjacent room with several officers and watch through closed circuit video while she was interviewed by one of our detectives. Very cool. So all in all it was a fun night. Much cooler than the typical "paperwork" day I have. Court days and out of office days like yesterday are what makes this job fun. I also am building a really good rapport with my officers which is always a really big help.
Anyway, that escapade put me behind schedule for the night. I was going to try to go to the gym after work and then go out to Chaps with Erik for poker and dinner. By the time I got out of the police department, I had to race home so Erik and I could make it to poker on time. No gym. So my solution was that I would try to go after poker and dinner. I already had my gym bag packed and in the car. And the best part about this plan was that it would keep me from drinking any alcohol at the bar. The bad news was that because I had these grand plans, I justified ordering a burger and mac n cheese for dinner. Booo. It was so good though.
Well, I ended up winning the poker tournament and didn't get out of there until about 10:30 pm. BUT - true to my word, I took Erik home, didn't even go into the house, and headed straight for the gym. I did my 2.5 mile run, walked another .5 miles, and headed home for shower/bed. Erik was passed out when I got there, but I was still very proud of myself for following through with my commitment.
It's funny, I didn't know what to expect at the gym at 11:00 at night. Erik and I belong to one of those 24 hour gyms where you can go in at anytime with a swipe card. I got there and was shocked to see lots of cars in the parking lot. Turns out lots of guys like to lift weights late at night? Who knew. I think I was the only woman there, and I certainly had the cardio machines to myself. That reminds me - I definitely need to get on a strength training program soon. I've totally been slacking in that department. Despite all this motivation to get to the gym, I just don't have any desire to lift weights. I'm going to have to drudge up that motivation soon.
So this morning I was hoping to see 217 or lower, but am not totally surprised I didn't. Yesterday's WI seemed too good to be true anyway. I still have hope for an under 217 WI by tomorrow though. Today I will be perfect! There are no plans to go out tonight. I will be eating very good at work today and head straight to the gym for some speed work before making a healthy dinner and getting to bed early. I WILL see a good loss tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Am I Becoming a Gym Rat
Last WI: 218.6/At Home WI: 217.0 (woo hoo!)
So maybe I'm not actually becoming a gym rat - I think those people actually look forward to going to the gym. I'm not going to delude myself on that issue - I don't hate it, but it's definitely not the highlight of my day. But I am going much more frequently these days.
Yesterday I got off work later than I hoped - like 4:30 (my usual off time) and made it home a little after 5:00 and wanted to go to the gym. I was concerned that I wouldn't make it home in time for people to start showing up for our Monday night poker game that started at 7:00. Generally no one shows up till 6:45 or later, but on occasion as early as 6:30. And of course, after my work out I need to shower and change before I can be seen by civilized friends...
Anyway, I beeped Erik (love Nextel!) and he said he thought he could get out of work on time and be home by 6:00. Score! I headed off to the gym to see what kind of cardio damage I could do.
I did very well! I did a total of 60 minutes on the elliptical machines. My gym has two types of ellipticals, one type there are about 6 machines, one type there is only one machine. Of course the one that has only one machine is a favorite of most people so it's often occupied. So I jumped on the more common type and kicked out 30 minutes. Just as minute 29 was passing, they guy on the popular machine finished. So I finished out my 30 minutes on the first machine then kicked out another 30 on the other one. Woo Hoo - 60 minutes of good heart thumping cardio. The machines said I burned 960 or so calories, so I'm counting 9 APs. Not bad.
So far this month (which is almost over I know) I've done 91 APs worth of exercise. Definitely a banner month for me. That's over 9100 calories burned. Probably more like over 10,000 since I always low ball my APs. Awesome. Amazing how diet and exercise work. lol.
Well, I ended up getting home about 6:20. No one (but Erik) was there yet so I jumped in the shower. By the time I was cleaned up Holly had shown up and others were on their way. I didn't want to make a sandwich or cook dinner in front of guests, so for "dinner" I ended up just munching on the snacks Erik had put out. I did cut up some broccoli, but mostly my dinner consisted of beer, light tostitos, bacon cheddar dip, and broccoli. Very healthy, yes. But hey - it could be worse.
So this morning I had a gorgeous 217 on the scale. I truly hope that wasn't dehydration from the beer... I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
Due to some running around I missed breakfast this morning and ended up having lunch with Holly at Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse. Now I ordered my favorite non-steak item - the twin peaks chicken sandwich. I had a house salad with ranch to start and it came with fries but I only had like 3 or 4 of them. The sandwich is definitely high points though. I just can't figure out how much. It's a Cuban style bread, grilled chicken, Swiss and Monterrey jack cheese and spicy mustard. Probably a total of 8 or 9 inches long. I'm guessing at least 12 pts. Not sure.
Anyway - tonight I'm headed to the gym, probably with Erik, for 2.5 miles. Hopefully it'll go as well as Sunday's run!
Here's hoping!
So maybe I'm not actually becoming a gym rat - I think those people actually look forward to going to the gym. I'm not going to delude myself on that issue - I don't hate it, but it's definitely not the highlight of my day. But I am going much more frequently these days.
Yesterday I got off work later than I hoped - like 4:30 (my usual off time) and made it home a little after 5:00 and wanted to go to the gym. I was concerned that I wouldn't make it home in time for people to start showing up for our Monday night poker game that started at 7:00. Generally no one shows up till 6:45 or later, but on occasion as early as 6:30. And of course, after my work out I need to shower and change before I can be seen by civilized friends...
Anyway, I beeped Erik (love Nextel!) and he said he thought he could get out of work on time and be home by 6:00. Score! I headed off to the gym to see what kind of cardio damage I could do.
I did very well! I did a total of 60 minutes on the elliptical machines. My gym has two types of ellipticals, one type there are about 6 machines, one type there is only one machine. Of course the one that has only one machine is a favorite of most people so it's often occupied. So I jumped on the more common type and kicked out 30 minutes. Just as minute 29 was passing, they guy on the popular machine finished. So I finished out my 30 minutes on the first machine then kicked out another 30 on the other one. Woo Hoo - 60 minutes of good heart thumping cardio. The machines said I burned 960 or so calories, so I'm counting 9 APs. Not bad.
So far this month (which is almost over I know) I've done 91 APs worth of exercise. Definitely a banner month for me. That's over 9100 calories burned. Probably more like over 10,000 since I always low ball my APs. Awesome. Amazing how diet and exercise work. lol.
Well, I ended up getting home about 6:20. No one (but Erik) was there yet so I jumped in the shower. By the time I was cleaned up Holly had shown up and others were on their way. I didn't want to make a sandwich or cook dinner in front of guests, so for "dinner" I ended up just munching on the snacks Erik had put out. I did cut up some broccoli, but mostly my dinner consisted of beer, light tostitos, bacon cheddar dip, and broccoli. Very healthy, yes. But hey - it could be worse.
So this morning I had a gorgeous 217 on the scale. I truly hope that wasn't dehydration from the beer... I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
Due to some running around I missed breakfast this morning and ended up having lunch with Holly at Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse. Now I ordered my favorite non-steak item - the twin peaks chicken sandwich. I had a house salad with ranch to start and it came with fries but I only had like 3 or 4 of them. The sandwich is definitely high points though. I just can't figure out how much. It's a Cuban style bread, grilled chicken, Swiss and Monterrey jack cheese and spicy mustard. Probably a total of 8 or 9 inches long. I'm guessing at least 12 pts. Not sure.
Anyway - tonight I'm headed to the gym, probably with Erik, for 2.5 miles. Hopefully it'll go as well as Sunday's run!
Here's hoping!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Late Night McDonald's Run. :-(
Last WI: 218.6/At Home WI: 217.8
Well, the weekend was nice and "ok" food-wise. I left work Friday and got a good 2.5 mile run in. I say "good" because I did it. It was REALLY hard. I realized about mile 1.5 that my asthma was making life difficult. Which is really odd because I've had asthma for some 10 or so years, but it is not exercise induced so it only effects me when I'm exercising if it was already acting up before I began exercising. I guess I didn't notice it before I got on the treadmill because I really had to push by mile 2.5. My heart rate was over 175, and I was breathing really heavy even though I was going very slow for me. But I got through it and found my inhaler when I got home - all is good. Then I went out Friday night. Erik had Daniel so I was on my own. I went to YKnots for beer and poker.
I ate "ok" - had the pubrolls appitizer which is not necessarily a good choice, but was at least a small portion size. Then I had a bunch of beer. Boo. I did check myself before I left and was ok to drive (I have a pocket breathalizer) but I was there like 5 hours and should not have consumed that many empty calories via beer. Then the worst part - I made a late night McDonald's run. Booo!
Saturday I was a total bum. I didn't work out at all. I did go to the grocery store and stock the house with good choices. I also bought lots of fruit to restock my work fruit bowl. Then I went to play poker in the afternoon and evening, and was better. I had 4 beers in the afternoon but they were beck's premier light - 64 calories per beer. Only one point. That's mainly because it's reduced alcohol content. They're good but expensive. I can't afford to drink those all the time. Besides lots of places don't carry it.
Then Saturday night I went to a friends house for a home game. Did well, and just snacked a bit, but didn't really have dinner and got home at 2:00 am withOUT making a late night McDonald's run. So that was good.
Sunday I laid around all day except for the trip to the gym with Erik where I had an AMAZING 4 mile run. I mean it was crazy - my run from Friday and yesterday were like night and day. I started out slow to be sure I could get the whole 4 miles in, but about 2 miles in kicked it up a little because I was feeling so good. I got a little bored, but physically I felt great. After the 4 miles I totally felt like I could have done 2 more. I actually felt guilty because I didn't feel like I'd worked out that hard, even though 4 miles is more than I've done in months. Very weird. But I'll take it. Maybe I'm finally regaining my cardio endurance I had previously. That would be nice. One factor is that I totally hit the inhaler before I started to be sure I was cool asthma-wise. Maybe that's what I needed. It's a non-steroid inhaler so it shouldn't have "enhanced" me in the bad way - just helped clear my lungs. Anyway, whatever it was, I'm thankful for the good run. I hope they continue to go so well.
Today I woke up to see 217.8 on the scale which is the lowest I've seen since I recommitted at the beginning of the month. So that's good. I'm hoping to get the scale down to about 216 by Thursday, so I'll see 2lbs at WI. But frankly any WI under 217 will be good. So - work to do.
Plan for today - I'm going to try to get out of work early enough to hit the gym before our Monday poker night. I'm hosting it tonight and people will start to show up around 6:45 or so. So if I can get home before 5:00 I should be able to get some time in at the gym. Even though I feel fine from my run yesterday I'm going to give running a break since today's technically a "rest" day and just do some elliptical. I figure I traded Saturday for my rest day since I was a slacker then. Hopefully this plan will work. Barring no craziness at work...
Well, the weekend was nice and "ok" food-wise. I left work Friday and got a good 2.5 mile run in. I say "good" because I did it. It was REALLY hard. I realized about mile 1.5 that my asthma was making life difficult. Which is really odd because I've had asthma for some 10 or so years, but it is not exercise induced so it only effects me when I'm exercising if it was already acting up before I began exercising. I guess I didn't notice it before I got on the treadmill because I really had to push by mile 2.5. My heart rate was over 175, and I was breathing really heavy even though I was going very slow for me. But I got through it and found my inhaler when I got home - all is good. Then I went out Friday night. Erik had Daniel so I was on my own. I went to YKnots for beer and poker.
I ate "ok" - had the pubrolls appitizer which is not necessarily a good choice, but was at least a small portion size. Then I had a bunch of beer. Boo. I did check myself before I left and was ok to drive (I have a pocket breathalizer) but I was there like 5 hours and should not have consumed that many empty calories via beer. Then the worst part - I made a late night McDonald's run. Booo!
Saturday I was a total bum. I didn't work out at all. I did go to the grocery store and stock the house with good choices. I also bought lots of fruit to restock my work fruit bowl. Then I went to play poker in the afternoon and evening, and was better. I had 4 beers in the afternoon but they were beck's premier light - 64 calories per beer. Only one point. That's mainly because it's reduced alcohol content. They're good but expensive. I can't afford to drink those all the time. Besides lots of places don't carry it.
Then Saturday night I went to a friends house for a home game. Did well, and just snacked a bit, but didn't really have dinner and got home at 2:00 am withOUT making a late night McDonald's run. So that was good.
Sunday I laid around all day except for the trip to the gym with Erik where I had an AMAZING 4 mile run. I mean it was crazy - my run from Friday and yesterday were like night and day. I started out slow to be sure I could get the whole 4 miles in, but about 2 miles in kicked it up a little because I was feeling so good. I got a little bored, but physically I felt great. After the 4 miles I totally felt like I could have done 2 more. I actually felt guilty because I didn't feel like I'd worked out that hard, even though 4 miles is more than I've done in months. Very weird. But I'll take it. Maybe I'm finally regaining my cardio endurance I had previously. That would be nice. One factor is that I totally hit the inhaler before I started to be sure I was cool asthma-wise. Maybe that's what I needed. It's a non-steroid inhaler so it shouldn't have "enhanced" me in the bad way - just helped clear my lungs. Anyway, whatever it was, I'm thankful for the good run. I hope they continue to go so well.
Today I woke up to see 217.8 on the scale which is the lowest I've seen since I recommitted at the beginning of the month. So that's good. I'm hoping to get the scale down to about 216 by Thursday, so I'll see 2lbs at WI. But frankly any WI under 217 will be good. So - work to do.
Plan for today - I'm going to try to get out of work early enough to hit the gym before our Monday poker night. I'm hosting it tonight and people will start to show up around 6:45 or so. So if I can get home before 5:00 I should be able to get some time in at the gym. Even though I feel fine from my run yesterday I'm going to give running a break since today's technically a "rest" day and just do some elliptical. I figure I traded Saturday for my rest day since I was a slacker then. Hopefully this plan will work. Barring no craziness at work...
Friday, August 24, 2007
Back Under 220!
Last WI: 218.6/At Home WI: 219.4
Well, yesterday was a crazy day. I got up, went to work with my kitten in a cage, had someone in my office babysit while I went to court, went to the vet, went home to drop off the kitty, went to Atlanta for my interview, went to the doctor for my 3 month shot (birth control), went to my WI back in my town, picked up dinner at McDonald's (I know, I know) then finally made it home about 5:30, exhausted. I drove over 100 miles covering all my errands. But I'm pleased it's all done. And I lost 1.6 lbs at WI! Not the 2 lbs that was my goal, but I'm never going to complain about a loss, especially one over 1 lb.
So last night Erik got back in town from FL and he had purchased tickets for us to go to a play his friend from work was starring in. I was exhausted and actually he was too, but about 7:00 we trekked over to Newnan to watch his friend in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest. I haven't ever seen the movie or the play before but it was ok. Erik's friend was good, but some of the rest of the cast sucked. But hey it was community theatre after all.
We got home about 11:00 and watched some recorded episodes of Rock of Love (total guilty pleasure) and crashed out a little after midnight. I did have a couple beers after we got home, and McDonald's for dinner last night - thus the increase on the scale. But today we're back on track. I allow myself a little indulgence on Thursdays, but today I'm headed back to the gym. I also think I'm going to stay in tonight as Erik has Daniel and I'd love to kick the week off to a good start weight-wise.
Oh - the interview went well yesterday. I really liked the guy I met with. It was just a "screening" interview though so if I'm lucky I'll have another round coming up. I don't want to jinx it but I feel pretty good I at least made it to the next round. Now to decide if I really want this job should I get it...
Well, yesterday was a crazy day. I got up, went to work with my kitten in a cage, had someone in my office babysit while I went to court, went to the vet, went home to drop off the kitty, went to Atlanta for my interview, went to the doctor for my 3 month shot (birth control), went to my WI back in my town, picked up dinner at McDonald's (I know, I know) then finally made it home about 5:30, exhausted. I drove over 100 miles covering all my errands. But I'm pleased it's all done. And I lost 1.6 lbs at WI! Not the 2 lbs that was my goal, but I'm never going to complain about a loss, especially one over 1 lb.
So last night Erik got back in town from FL and he had purchased tickets for us to go to a play his friend from work was starring in. I was exhausted and actually he was too, but about 7:00 we trekked over to Newnan to watch his friend in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest. I haven't ever seen the movie or the play before but it was ok. Erik's friend was good, but some of the rest of the cast sucked. But hey it was community theatre after all.
We got home about 11:00 and watched some recorded episodes of Rock of Love (total guilty pleasure) and crashed out a little after midnight. I did have a couple beers after we got home, and McDonald's for dinner last night - thus the increase on the scale. But today we're back on track. I allow myself a little indulgence on Thursdays, but today I'm headed back to the gym. I also think I'm going to stay in tonight as Erik has Daniel and I'd love to kick the week off to a good start weight-wise.
Oh - the interview went well yesterday. I really liked the guy I met with. It was just a "screening" interview though so if I'm lucky I'll have another round coming up. I don't want to jinx it but I feel pretty good I at least made it to the next round. Now to decide if I really want this job should I get it...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
This and That
Last WI: 220.2/At Home WI: 218.2 (yeah!)
Well the hard work is paying off! I ended up staying up last until 1:00 am watching old recordings and the newest America's Got Talent. I LOVE the ventriloquist. I'm so glad he won even though that's such a non-traditional talent. I think he was amazing. And so humble!
Anyway, this morning dawned with a beautiful number on the scale. I'm making good progress and have a hope of getting my 2+ lb loss tomorrow. *crossing fingers* Today I had a balance bar for breakfast (4pts) a bag of popcorn (6pts) an Orange (1pt) and subway for lunch (10pts). Which leaves me with just 7 points left for the day, but that's ok. I pulled out a chicken breast last night for dinner and plan to hit the gym right after work. I'm shooting for at least 6 APs but my scheduled run is only 20 minutes (approx 4 APs) so I'll need to do some elliptical or bike work to get my goal. We'll see. Ideally I need to see somewhere in the 217's tomorrow to be comfortable expecting a 2 lb loss at WI. I think I can do it though. Lots of water today!
I never did talk to Erik last night - but I talked to him twice today so far. As suspected he was at the casino last night until late - almost 2 AM. But he said he's made up his losses and is actually showing a little profit from his poker playing this week. He comes home tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. I need to clean up the house tonight though - I've been slacking on that front.
So I have a little bit of exciting news to tell - I have a job interview tomorrow. Currently I'm a prosecutor in a county about 20 miles south of Atlanta, and as much as I like my job, the pay sucks. I've been here for almost 3 years and have gotten some great trial experience, but I'm looking to move up, and professionally now is the time. Tomorrow I'm doing a "screening" interview with a large firm in downtown Atlanta. I guess if I get by this interview, they'll call me back for a more intensive one - this one is with only one partner for about 30 minutes.
Frankly if they offered me the job I don't know what I'd do. I left a big firm job to be here 3 years ago because I didn't like the work. Now I'm considering going back for the money. Of course the responsibility would be different now that I have more experience, and the pay would be more than double my current salary, but I don't know if I'd be happy. I really don't. But I'm going into the interview with an open mind and am planning on convincing the partner that I really want the job so at least I have a shot at it. I would love to get an offer and have the choice to make. Another issue with my current job is that I work for an elected official. So long as he is in office I know my job is safe because he loves me. But he's up for re-election next year and the guy that's running against him is a total slim-ball. If the new guy gets elected I would never work for him, even if he wanted me to - which I don't know that he would. I would have to find a new job as of January '08. So - another consideration. I don't know my boss's odds in the election, but I would hate to be put in the position of having to find a new job in a short amount of time.
Anyway - we'll see how it goes. The interview is at 2:00 pm. I have court first thing in the morning, then I have a vet appointment for my new kitten, then I'm headed up to Atlanta for the interview then back down here for weigh in. I probably won't be able to post until after WI, so I'll hope for the best!
Oh - I've noticed that I've acquired a few readers. Having even one reader is so exciting to me. I read a lot of other blogs and comment occasionally. If my any of my few readers are so inclined, I'd love to hear from you in a comment. Just introduce yourself if you feel like it. I'm having fun with this blog thing and would love to hear feedback from others. Thanks!
Well the hard work is paying off! I ended up staying up last until 1:00 am watching old recordings and the newest America's Got Talent. I LOVE the ventriloquist. I'm so glad he won even though that's such a non-traditional talent. I think he was amazing. And so humble!
Anyway, this morning dawned with a beautiful number on the scale. I'm making good progress and have a hope of getting my 2+ lb loss tomorrow. *crossing fingers* Today I had a balance bar for breakfast (4pts) a bag of popcorn (6pts) an Orange (1pt) and subway for lunch (10pts). Which leaves me with just 7 points left for the day, but that's ok. I pulled out a chicken breast last night for dinner and plan to hit the gym right after work. I'm shooting for at least 6 APs but my scheduled run is only 20 minutes (approx 4 APs) so I'll need to do some elliptical or bike work to get my goal. We'll see. Ideally I need to see somewhere in the 217's tomorrow to be comfortable expecting a 2 lb loss at WI. I think I can do it though. Lots of water today!
I never did talk to Erik last night - but I talked to him twice today so far. As suspected he was at the casino last night until late - almost 2 AM. But he said he's made up his losses and is actually showing a little profit from his poker playing this week. He comes home tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. I need to clean up the house tonight though - I've been slacking on that front.
So I have a little bit of exciting news to tell - I have a job interview tomorrow. Currently I'm a prosecutor in a county about 20 miles south of Atlanta, and as much as I like my job, the pay sucks. I've been here for almost 3 years and have gotten some great trial experience, but I'm looking to move up, and professionally now is the time. Tomorrow I'm doing a "screening" interview with a large firm in downtown Atlanta. I guess if I get by this interview, they'll call me back for a more intensive one - this one is with only one partner for about 30 minutes.
Frankly if they offered me the job I don't know what I'd do. I left a big firm job to be here 3 years ago because I didn't like the work. Now I'm considering going back for the money. Of course the responsibility would be different now that I have more experience, and the pay would be more than double my current salary, but I don't know if I'd be happy. I really don't. But I'm going into the interview with an open mind and am planning on convincing the partner that I really want the job so at least I have a shot at it. I would love to get an offer and have the choice to make. Another issue with my current job is that I work for an elected official. So long as he is in office I know my job is safe because he loves me. But he's up for re-election next year and the guy that's running against him is a total slim-ball. If the new guy gets elected I would never work for him, even if he wanted me to - which I don't know that he would. I would have to find a new job as of January '08. So - another consideration. I don't know my boss's odds in the election, but I would hate to be put in the position of having to find a new job in a short amount of time.
Anyway - we'll see how it goes. The interview is at 2:00 pm. I have court first thing in the morning, then I have a vet appointment for my new kitten, then I'm headed up to Atlanta for the interview then back down here for weigh in. I probably won't be able to post until after WI, so I'll hope for the best!
Oh - I've noticed that I've acquired a few readers. Having even one reader is so exciting to me. I read a lot of other blogs and comment occasionally. If my any of my few readers are so inclined, I'd love to hear from you in a comment. Just introduce yourself if you feel like it. I'm having fun with this blog thing and would love to hear feedback from others. Thanks!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Ran 3 miles!
Today was a good day. I left work early as I had to pick up my county car that was being maintenanced. Got home about 4:00 and was very sleepy - didn't get enough sleep last night with the late night poker game. So, I told myself I could nap if I got up and went to the gym after. Plan completed! I napped till about 6:00 then went to the gym and ran 3 miles. For some reason running that far has been difficult for me lately so I was very happy to complete it. I had 2.5 on the schedule so I was pleased to do a bit more. Tomorrow I've got a 20 minute tempo run on tap. So, it's 10:00 pm. I've eaten exactly my target points today, earned 6 APs which I haven't eaten and don't plan to. Here's hoping that tomorrow shows a drop on the scale. I'm doing well, I just have to keep it up!
Erik called from Ft. Lauderdale last night from the Hard Rock casino. He was playing poker and not doing very well. It was 1:00. lol. I hope he did better after we talked. We played phone tag all day today so far, so I haven't talked to him.
Anyway, I'm feeling good, watching some TiVo, and plan to be asleep before midnight. Here's to a good day tomorrow!
Today was a good day. I left work early as I had to pick up my county car that was being maintenanced. Got home about 4:00 and was very sleepy - didn't get enough sleep last night with the late night poker game. So, I told myself I could nap if I got up and went to the gym after. Plan completed! I napped till about 6:00 then went to the gym and ran 3 miles. For some reason running that far has been difficult for me lately so I was very happy to complete it. I had 2.5 on the schedule so I was pleased to do a bit more. Tomorrow I've got a 20 minute tempo run on tap. So, it's 10:00 pm. I've eaten exactly my target points today, earned 6 APs which I haven't eaten and don't plan to. Here's hoping that tomorrow shows a drop on the scale. I'm doing well, I just have to keep it up!
Erik called from Ft. Lauderdale last night from the Hard Rock casino. He was playing poker and not doing very well. It was 1:00. lol. I hope he did better after we talked. We played phone tag all day today so far, so I haven't talked to him.
Anyway, I'm feeling good, watching some TiVo, and plan to be asleep before midnight. Here's to a good day tomorrow!
Relationship Issues
Last WI: 220.2/At Home WI: 218.8
Yesterday was a very good day. I left work early and hit the gym. Unfortunately that didn't go as planned. I went to Target last week and bought some new running gear including a few new sports bras and a new runners top that is a fitted, racer top (don't know how else to describe it). I decided to try the new top yesterday. Usually I just run with a sports bra and t-shirt. Well, it was snug but not overly tight heading to the gym and all was going well until I started running. Walking was fine, but running made the darn thing ride up horribly. Now, I'm one of those people who are very curvy and when I lose weight I lose it everywhere. Similarly when I gain weight I gain it everywhere so my hips and busts are always bigger than my waist. Anyway, bottom line, my hips were too big and the shirt rode up to just below my boobs - not a pretty sight. I found myself running while holding my shirt down. Didn't work. So I walked, which didn't seem to disturb the situation quite so bad. I ended up walking about 1.5 miles, burning just over 200 calories and earning just 2 APs. I had planned and hoped for more, but it was something.
Technically Monday is supposed to be a rest day but since I didn't work out as planned on Friday or Sunday I was trying to do make up work. Oh well. Today is another day and it's back to the T-shirt - at least until the shirt is not quite so snug.
After the work out I made a very healthy dinner of chicken, whole wheat pasta and tomato's with basil and garlic. I don't cook often, but this was a great old standby from my original WW days. I also made some cooked broccoli for veggies. All in all dinner was only 9 points which left me with 6 points for the day not counting my 2 APs. I packed up and headed to the poker game.
ATE NOTHING. Oh yes. I decided before I got there that I would bring some diet coke and diet mountain dew to drink hoping to be able to avoid the beer but if there was snacks - like chips and salsa - I'd spend a few of my remaining points on them. Well, all they had was pizza from a local joint. Now, I've had this pizza before and it's ok, but not phenomenal and I've guesstimated the points at 5 per slice. I had 6 left for the day and just didn't feel like one slice would satisfy me and I'd end up eating too much. So I said no to that to, promising myself that if I wanted something when I got home, I could use my points there.
Poker lasted till midnight, I got home, chugged some water, and decided that a day under points would do me good! So I went to bed with 6 points and 2 APs to spare. Woo Hoo! This totally doesn't seem like such a big deal as I write it but for me it's a HUGE victory. I've had such a hard time staying in points that actually staying under is nearly inconceivable.
Today I've had my balance bar for breakfast (4pts) and am planning another low point day with 6-10 APs earned at the gym. I'm still sort of making up for the weekend and realistically need to see 217.6 or lower on my home scale Thursday morning to have any hope for a 2+ lb loss this week. I've got two days. And Erik's out of town so no distractions. Tonight's plan is to go to the gym, and have a healthy dinner - no going out!
So - all that WW stuff out of the way, I want to talk about some personal issues. Erik and I. I've been dating Erik for 2 years and 2 months now. When we started dating he had been separated from his now-ex-wife for about 7 months, though the divorce wasn't final until 6 months into our relationship (custody issues). He's also been married once before that, so he's been divorced twice. And has a 4 year old son. Not someone I would have initially thought I would ever date. But I met him through friends and didn't learn all the back story right away. And, it turns out, you can't always pick who you fall in love with.
Anyway, early on in our relationship I made it clear to him what I wanted eventually - a husband and children. Now Erik is definitely not one to talk about his feelings much or open up often, but on this issue I made things perfectly clear and made him be perfectly clear with me that he wanted those things too. I didn't want to get 2 years in and learn that he didn't want to get married again, or that he didn't want anymore kids. He assured me, repeatedly, that it wouldn't be an issues. He wanted the same things - but wanted to take things slowly. Well, I had no problem with that as I was not at all ready to have kids yet, so I could hold out on the getting married thing for a bit. So here we are 2+ years later and we're still not engaged. Now - my theory on couples is that no one should get in engaged in less than 1 year. Just my opinion, but I think you need to go through a year to really learn about a person. That said, I've always felt that if a relationship goes into 3 or more years with out an engagement, there's a problem.
Well, the good news is I know what our problem is - or at least I hope so. When I met Erik, as I said, he was going through a divorce. Unfortunately in that divorce there was a lot of debt that they, in all fairness, divided equally. But they had started a business together that failed, and in starting it had taken out additional mortgages and loans. So, coming out of the marriage Erik had a lot of debt. In early 2006, Erik's "friend" (I put it in quotes because I don't think he's a friend of Erik) Charlie, talked him into "investing" in a subdivision Charlie was building. Basically he got Erik to buy a lot of land relatively cheap and agree to build a new house, with the plans to sell it. Charlie convinced Erik that he could build this monstrous house for under 400K and then sell it for 500K plus. Now, Erik and I had been dating less than a year now and weren't even living together and I didn't have enough influence to persuade him that this "get rich quick scheme" was likely not all it was cracked up to be. Erik felt it was his opportunity to make enough to pay off the debt from his last marriage. I argued that it could easily make thing worse. I tried my best, but against all of my pleadings, he agreed to build the house. Erik has perfect credit and a really good job, so he had no problem getting another loan to build a new house - even though he had little to no equity in his current one.
Well, the new house was built and finished in August of 2006. Back in March of 2006 Erik had placed his old house on the market with the theory that perhaps we could live in the new house for 2 years to avoid taxes on a sale (another misunderstanding he had - you don't avoid taxes, you just roll over your profits to another house - but he again didn't listen to me). Anyway, the "old" house was put on the market initially at just under 300K. He has lived there since 1999 and bought it for under 200K but has refinanced it so many times he owes nearly 300K. Another disappointing fact.
So, 2006 came and went and no one made an acceptable offer on the "old" house. By this time, Erik was paying a mortgage on a 300K house and a 400K house. Now I said Erik has a "good" job. But not that good, by any means. He ended up taking out an additional 100K line of credit on the "new" house based upon an obscene appraisal and was paying mortgages out of borrowed money. So - the new house was put on the market as well with the theory that we've got to sell one or the other - ideally both.
Now, it's been nearly a year and neither house has sold. Eventually the money is going to run out. I'm not sure when, he keeps saying "oh a couple more months is all I got" but then a couple months go by and he's still pluggin along. Unfortunately, even bankruptcy is not a viable option right now because in his job he has a "secret" clearance because he works with the government a lot. He's convinced that if he files bankruptcy he'll lose his secret clearance and his job. So he's been applying for other jobs but so far that has gone the way of the house sales - no luck.
Anyway - back to our relationship. We've talked about marriage repeatedly and I've indicated that I think we've waited long enough. But it always comes back to the finances. He, understandably, doesn't want to propose until he's cash-flow positive. And I appreciate that. I frankly don't want to marry into all of that debt anyway, but I sure wish he would resolve it sooner rather than later. I don't know if there will be any good resolution right now, but I do know things are getting worse, not better.
So here I am, in a relationship with a great guy who has some major financial problems. He has promised me that, once we do get married, I am authorized to take over all the finances, as I am a bit more risk-averse than him and will, hopefully, do a better job for our future. But meanwhile, I'm in "limbo" and have no idea when I'm getting engaged. Frustrating to say the least.
Now, the good news is that I'm still not at all ready to get pregnant, though I would like to in the next 3-4 years. But in reality, I don't need to be married until we decide to have kids. That said, if we pass 3 years without a proposal, I'm going to be concerned there is more behind this than finances. Right now I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. He assures me it's not commitment issues, or relationship issues, that he loves me and wants to have a family with me. But until there's a ring on my finger, I'm not sure I'll ever completely believe him.
Anyway he's out of town this week so it's got me thinking about us, and our future. I hope that he can resolve the finances, in some way - good or bad - soon. Problems like this don't go away - they just get worse.
Yesterday was a very good day. I left work early and hit the gym. Unfortunately that didn't go as planned. I went to Target last week and bought some new running gear including a few new sports bras and a new runners top that is a fitted, racer top (don't know how else to describe it). I decided to try the new top yesterday. Usually I just run with a sports bra and t-shirt. Well, it was snug but not overly tight heading to the gym and all was going well until I started running. Walking was fine, but running made the darn thing ride up horribly. Now, I'm one of those people who are very curvy and when I lose weight I lose it everywhere. Similarly when I gain weight I gain it everywhere so my hips and busts are always bigger than my waist. Anyway, bottom line, my hips were too big and the shirt rode up to just below my boobs - not a pretty sight. I found myself running while holding my shirt down. Didn't work. So I walked, which didn't seem to disturb the situation quite so bad. I ended up walking about 1.5 miles, burning just over 200 calories and earning just 2 APs. I had planned and hoped for more, but it was something.
Technically Monday is supposed to be a rest day but since I didn't work out as planned on Friday or Sunday I was trying to do make up work. Oh well. Today is another day and it's back to the T-shirt - at least until the shirt is not quite so snug.
After the work out I made a very healthy dinner of chicken, whole wheat pasta and tomato's with basil and garlic. I don't cook often, but this was a great old standby from my original WW days. I also made some cooked broccoli for veggies. All in all dinner was only 9 points which left me with 6 points for the day not counting my 2 APs. I packed up and headed to the poker game.
ATE NOTHING. Oh yes. I decided before I got there that I would bring some diet coke and diet mountain dew to drink hoping to be able to avoid the beer but if there was snacks - like chips and salsa - I'd spend a few of my remaining points on them. Well, all they had was pizza from a local joint. Now, I've had this pizza before and it's ok, but not phenomenal and I've guesstimated the points at 5 per slice. I had 6 left for the day and just didn't feel like one slice would satisfy me and I'd end up eating too much. So I said no to that to, promising myself that if I wanted something when I got home, I could use my points there.
Poker lasted till midnight, I got home, chugged some water, and decided that a day under points would do me good! So I went to bed with 6 points and 2 APs to spare. Woo Hoo! This totally doesn't seem like such a big deal as I write it but for me it's a HUGE victory. I've had such a hard time staying in points that actually staying under is nearly inconceivable.
Today I've had my balance bar for breakfast (4pts) and am planning another low point day with 6-10 APs earned at the gym. I'm still sort of making up for the weekend and realistically need to see 217.6 or lower on my home scale Thursday morning to have any hope for a 2+ lb loss this week. I've got two days. And Erik's out of town so no distractions. Tonight's plan is to go to the gym, and have a healthy dinner - no going out!
So - all that WW stuff out of the way, I want to talk about some personal issues. Erik and I. I've been dating Erik for 2 years and 2 months now. When we started dating he had been separated from his now-ex-wife for about 7 months, though the divorce wasn't final until 6 months into our relationship (custody issues). He's also been married once before that, so he's been divorced twice. And has a 4 year old son. Not someone I would have initially thought I would ever date. But I met him through friends and didn't learn all the back story right away. And, it turns out, you can't always pick who you fall in love with.
Anyway, early on in our relationship I made it clear to him what I wanted eventually - a husband and children. Now Erik is definitely not one to talk about his feelings much or open up often, but on this issue I made things perfectly clear and made him be perfectly clear with me that he wanted those things too. I didn't want to get 2 years in and learn that he didn't want to get married again, or that he didn't want anymore kids. He assured me, repeatedly, that it wouldn't be an issues. He wanted the same things - but wanted to take things slowly. Well, I had no problem with that as I was not at all ready to have kids yet, so I could hold out on the getting married thing for a bit. So here we are 2+ years later and we're still not engaged. Now - my theory on couples is that no one should get in engaged in less than 1 year. Just my opinion, but I think you need to go through a year to really learn about a person. That said, I've always felt that if a relationship goes into 3 or more years with out an engagement, there's a problem.
Well, the good news is I know what our problem is - or at least I hope so. When I met Erik, as I said, he was going through a divorce. Unfortunately in that divorce there was a lot of debt that they, in all fairness, divided equally. But they had started a business together that failed, and in starting it had taken out additional mortgages and loans. So, coming out of the marriage Erik had a lot of debt. In early 2006, Erik's "friend" (I put it in quotes because I don't think he's a friend of Erik) Charlie, talked him into "investing" in a subdivision Charlie was building. Basically he got Erik to buy a lot of land relatively cheap and agree to build a new house, with the plans to sell it. Charlie convinced Erik that he could build this monstrous house for under 400K and then sell it for 500K plus. Now, Erik and I had been dating less than a year now and weren't even living together and I didn't have enough influence to persuade him that this "get rich quick scheme" was likely not all it was cracked up to be. Erik felt it was his opportunity to make enough to pay off the debt from his last marriage. I argued that it could easily make thing worse. I tried my best, but against all of my pleadings, he agreed to build the house. Erik has perfect credit and a really good job, so he had no problem getting another loan to build a new house - even though he had little to no equity in his current one.
Well, the new house was built and finished in August of 2006. Back in March of 2006 Erik had placed his old house on the market with the theory that perhaps we could live in the new house for 2 years to avoid taxes on a sale (another misunderstanding he had - you don't avoid taxes, you just roll over your profits to another house - but he again didn't listen to me). Anyway, the "old" house was put on the market initially at just under 300K. He has lived there since 1999 and bought it for under 200K but has refinanced it so many times he owes nearly 300K. Another disappointing fact.
So, 2006 came and went and no one made an acceptable offer on the "old" house. By this time, Erik was paying a mortgage on a 300K house and a 400K house. Now I said Erik has a "good" job. But not that good, by any means. He ended up taking out an additional 100K line of credit on the "new" house based upon an obscene appraisal and was paying mortgages out of borrowed money. So - the new house was put on the market as well with the theory that we've got to sell one or the other - ideally both.
Now, it's been nearly a year and neither house has sold. Eventually the money is going to run out. I'm not sure when, he keeps saying "oh a couple more months is all I got" but then a couple months go by and he's still pluggin along. Unfortunately, even bankruptcy is not a viable option right now because in his job he has a "secret" clearance because he works with the government a lot. He's convinced that if he files bankruptcy he'll lose his secret clearance and his job. So he's been applying for other jobs but so far that has gone the way of the house sales - no luck.
Anyway - back to our relationship. We've talked about marriage repeatedly and I've indicated that I think we've waited long enough. But it always comes back to the finances. He, understandably, doesn't want to propose until he's cash-flow positive. And I appreciate that. I frankly don't want to marry into all of that debt anyway, but I sure wish he would resolve it sooner rather than later. I don't know if there will be any good resolution right now, but I do know things are getting worse, not better.
So here I am, in a relationship with a great guy who has some major financial problems. He has promised me that, once we do get married, I am authorized to take over all the finances, as I am a bit more risk-averse than him and will, hopefully, do a better job for our future. But meanwhile, I'm in "limbo" and have no idea when I'm getting engaged. Frustrating to say the least.
Now, the good news is that I'm still not at all ready to get pregnant, though I would like to in the next 3-4 years. But in reality, I don't need to be married until we decide to have kids. That said, if we pass 3 years without a proposal, I'm going to be concerned there is more behind this than finances. Right now I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. He assures me it's not commitment issues, or relationship issues, that he loves me and wants to have a family with me. But until there's a ring on my finger, I'm not sure I'll ever completely believe him.
Anyway he's out of town this week so it's got me thinking about us, and our future. I hope that he can resolve the finances, in some way - good or bad - soon. Problems like this don't go away - they just get worse.
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