Monday, September 10, 2007

Weekend in Tennessee

Last WI: 215.4/At Home WI: 216.4


Well I survived the weekend. Of course I didn't get all the exercise in that I wanted, but I did get some. I flew on Friday morning. I landed about 10:00 am and was picked up by my sister-in-law. We went and saw my brother before going to my mom's house where I was staying. I ended up not running Friday - I guess I just got lazy and was tired from the flight. I watched my neice play in the high school marching band on Friday night and went to bed relatively early.

Saturday I woke up and went running right away. I had planned on trying to do as many miles as I could on the local high school track - which is very close to my mother's house - but the school track team was practicing and I didn't want to disturb them, so I ran around my mom's neighborhood. I did 20 minutes before I had to walk. I ended up running about 2 miles and walking about 1.5. Not the 5 I had hoped for, but it was extremely muggy and hot out and frankly I haven't run outside in a long while, so I'll take it.

Saturday night we had a birthday party for my brother. Mom made her famous manicotti and french bread. I only had one serving, but still probably too much. The good news is I did munch a lot on the fresh veggies I had cut up.

Saturday night after the party I was still feeling wide awake so I headed to the riverboat casino in Missouri - just about 20 minutes away. I ended up winning $400 at craps and another $40 or so at poker before I headed home a little after 3:00 am.

Sunday I slept in, of course, and totally didn't go running when I did get up. Slacker! I spent the day saying goodbyes to my dad, brother, mother, sister-in-law and neices and nephews. My brother drove me the 2 hour trip to the airport around 5:00 pm. I got home a little after 11:00 pm and crashed out pretty quickly.

All in all the weekend was wonderful, family-wise, but not great food wise. I didn't crazy indulge but I didn't track, and I only ran once. That's about normal for my family weekends though.

Today I'm playing catch up at work. I've got my interview on Friday so it's another short week. Work is completely crazy with trials just 5 weeks away. I'm starting to stress. But that's normal too.

Today I've been ok with food. I had a balance bar for breakfast, popcorn and a nectarine for snack, and subway for lunch. I've got 10 points left for dinner, and I'm not going to get to go to the gym today (as usual for Mondays). I have to hit the grocery store right after work, and get home before 6:30 for our Monday poker night that we're hosting. Now - I just need to make good choices for dinner/poker.

This week I'm worried about WI because of the weekend, and my attitude. I'm totally grumpy because of stress at work, and that is always a recipe for disaster. When I feel grumpy or tired, I don't care about making good choices, and usually fall off the wagon. I'm going to need to find a way to improve my mood so I can keep my good trend going.

Here's to keeping up a good thing...

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