Friday, December 7, 2007

Day 2. Ok start

Last WI: 222.2/At Home WI: 222.0 (??)


Well day two of my "recommitment" is going ok. Last night I didn't leave work till almost 8:00 so I totally slacked when I got home and had no motivation to jump on the treadmill like planned. Shocker. So I decided to catch up on the last episode of Hero's that I'd recorded, and munch on some popcorn and (fat free) chips. Not a horrible binge considering, but it was 10 points more than I needed. Instead of earning points through the treadmill, I ate them. Ahhh. baby steps. It was much better than my old Thursday night ritual of getting bombed since it was the night after WI and I had 7 whole days to make up for it. So, I ended up using 9 of my weekly "flex points". Not horrible, but certainly not necessary.

But now, a new day. I'm not sure what the plan is tonight. With my new work load, Erik and I haven't been going out much so he'll probably want to go out tonight. I guess I'm ok with that, but it does make for hard decisions WW-wise. I'm going to have to think through a plan today at work. Maybe I'll try to leave early enough to hit the treadmill before going out then I won't feel as guilty having a couple beers.

So Erik is taking my kitty to the vet this morning. In July I got a new kitten and now it's time for her to get spayed. Why am I stressed? I'm not so much worried about the vet, or even how Sapphire will handle it. I'm stressed because I'm not the one dropping her off. The vet doesn't open till 8:00 and it's about 20 minutes away from our house - in the wrong directly for me to go to work. So to take her myself I wouldn't have made it in to work until probably 9:30 or later. Not acceptable. All Erik has to do is take her there and drop her off. Why am I stressed? Makes no sense. I pick her up tomorrow, and I'm sure it'll be fine, but I just hate not being in control I guess.

Anyway - I have to do well today. I'm still planning on being a good little WW this week. I'm definitely going to end up eating all my flex points (as last night proved) but I'm going to try to limit it to that and any APs I earn. See what a good OP week will do for me...

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