Friday, December 14, 2007

2 1/2 Year Anniversary?

Last WI: 222.2/At Home WI: ????


So I couldn't do it. I couldn't get on the scale this morning and see it creep up again. I've had a horrible week WW-wise and have been letting the scale creep way to rapidly. I keep doing really well reigning it in during the day and then I get home and kill it. Last night it was 5 beers and sun chips while playing wii with erik after a very mediocre dinner at his Kiwanis club holiday party. Boo. So not necessary to drink 5 beers while playing wii on a Thursday night. The only good news is that I actually had to "move" to play the wii. With the exception of guitar hero which I played for about an hour sitting down (darn devil on medium - can't beat him!) I have to actually stand and move to play all the other games. Erik and I did a lot of bowling, which I totally stomped him at. Not exactly aerobic exercise, but at least it's movement.

On a relationship note, last Sunday was our "two and a half year" anniversary. Odd anniversary to consider, but it actually had significance. In June, at our "two year" anniversary, I expressed my desire to Erik to be engaged in the next six months. I felt like we'd been together a long while and it was time. He has repeatedly expressed to me his desire to marry me, but he has financial issues right now that have been holding him back. Namely - he owns two houses he cannot sell and cannot afford to keep anymore. The first one we live in, and the other was built as a "flip" but hasn't "flipped" So now he's stuck with two expensive houses in a down market. After many months of debate and discussion, he finally agreed with my recommendation to just file bankruptcy and be done with it. He, like most men, have a lot of pride, and really wanted to find a way out. But after 18 months of having the houses on the market a borrowing more to make the payments, he's in over the point where there's any likelihood of getting out. Plus he's got some significant other debt from a failed business he had with his last wife. Over all, bankruptcy is a great solution. He gets to wipe it all clean, start fresh, and build a good life. He makes good money, and between the two of us, we'd be able to really save a lot if he didn't have all these debt obligations.

So anyway, all talks of marriage have been along the lines of "when I sell these houses". Well, we've finally determined he is not going to sell them. There just isn't that strong a market for 300K+ houses right now. So he's going to give them back. He's hired a lawyer, and he's set to file this month (at least that's the plan...hopefully it will happen). So, understandably, he's not bought me a ring yet, and last Sunday was the informal deadline I'd given him. About 6 weeks ago, when we met with the lawyer and made out the plan, in my mind I'd given him something of a furlough. I knew he wouldn't be able to afford a ring during the pending bankruptcy so I basically decided to give him another 6 months. It's all for the best, and I certainly didn't want to marry into all those financial issues anyway. So, I kinda forgot about Dec. 9th and a significant day.

So when he surprised me Sunday night with flowers and jewelry, he made me very happy. Erik is SOOOOOO not a romantic, emotional type guy. Probably one of the only major issues I have with him. He has a REALLY hard time expressing himself. But he did really well and basically totally surprised me. We had been playing wii and hanging out and I had just gotten ready for bed when he went down to the car and got the flowers and jewelry box. He told me that he really wants to marry me and when he can get the money he hopes buy me a an engagement ring I deserve. He gave me a very cute bracelet with dolphins and a ring with dolphins. On a sad note - my finger was too fat for the ring - surprise surprise. It's sad how weight even effects these special moments. He promised to get it sized and I hope he does. (he's a bit forgetful at times).

So anyway, I'm not engaged. I hope to be soon, but don't really see it happening till February at the earliest, probably April or May. But that's ok. As long as I know he's committed to me, there's no rush to get married since I'm not ready for kids yet.

So today I'm trying, once again, to reign in the eating. I've already eaten the lunch I brought, which is never a good sign. But I have 11 points left for the day. I also plan to hit the treadmill tonight. I haven't been on it since Monday - very bad with no excuse. No real plans for tonight. I'm probably going to be tempted to go out, but I should stay home. We'll see. This weekend it looks like I'll be stuck at work, at least one day, so that kinda sucks, but I'll deal.

Today my car is at the dealer getting its 30,000 mile service. I bought my dream car in February 2006 - a Lexus IS 250. But man is service expensive. This one's going to be close to $500 since it's a "big" one, whatever that means.

That's about it.

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