Wednesday, December 12, 2007

14+ Billable Hours in One Day

Last WI: 222.2/At Home WI: 222.8 (yep, that's right)


Well, yesterday was hell. I got up and went to work as usual. I'm working on a big case that has several co-defendants with their own attorneys, so we have what's called a "joint defense team". Oh and we're sprawled all across the country. So, we have a big filing due on Tuesday and all the associates from the various firms are here this week to finalize this document. All was fine yesterday morning, but by the end of the day things got a bit snippy. This morning? Even worse. The words "I'm not trying to pick a fight with you but..." have been uttered. Me? I've sort of came onto this case late, so I'm mostly just assisting with this project so have been sitting quietly during the bickering and letting our other associate handle it. Amusing. So the painful part came when I had to be here till after 11:00 last night finalizing this document and escorting it to secretarial support to do some formatting changes. Let me rephrase. I stayed to finalize that "draft" as it stood yesterday. This is a three day meeting with more changes expected today.

Anway, being at the office for 14 + hours is not conducive to good eating. I did slip out about 7:00 to grab dinner at a local sushi restaurant. Normally a good choice, but of course I ordered way more than I needed and topped it off with a bag of m&m's at the office at 9:00 pm. No exercise, needless to say, and I was back in the office thie morning by 9:00. Definitely getting my billable hours in this week.

So, this morning's weight sucks. I was doing well this week and then the unexpected threw me off. That's not really a good excuse. I need to learn to adapt. But I'm just not good at that.

So today, I have vowed to get out of here at a reasonable time. I have a meeting tomorrow morning at 9:00 and have got to get some sleep tonight. Erik has talked to doing something tonight since he hasn't seen much of me this week, but we'll see. I need sleep.

I do plan to try (again) to hit the treadmill tonight, even if only for a mile and a half or so. God knows I need the exercise...

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