Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Slight Binge with Wine and Beer.

Last WI: 222.4/At Home WI: 221.4 (to be expected)

Well, I didn't follow my plan yesterday. :-( I didn't make it to the gym for weight training after work as I got delayed a bit and had people showing up at the house at 6:30. I did make a good dinner consisting of a tuna sandwich and some light chips. I had 10 points left and used them all. I prepared the "snacks" for our guests and included some very good choices for me - broccoli with light dip and "light" tostitos (fat free) with salsa.

Unfortunately I also opened a bottle of wine. And by the end of the night had drank it all. :-* Plus two beers. :-( Plus snacked on the good food and the bad (spinach dip and cashews). All in all the day was great till the evening and my splurge wasn't totally over the top, like I've done in the past. But I'm still disappointed with myself. Today I need to get it back under control.

The good news is I won our poker game last night! :-) Woo hoo! It's been a while since I've posted a win and it felt good. The money isn't bad either. Now - to just learn to play poker withOUT alcohol...

So, I should be able to sneak out of work early today. I'm definitely going to the gym. I plan to run 3 miles, and hopefully kick in some elliptical or weight training to get in 10 APs. That's definitely on the high end but it helps after a splurge day to have a great AP day - sort of a la Wendie Plan.

Another factor is that Erik's highschool friend Kevin, whom I've never met, is coming in tonight to stay a couple days with us. I think he's moving to this area and needs a place to crash for a couple nights. Hopefully that won't mix up the food issues too much. I NEED to post a good loss this week for motivational reasons as well as the bridesmaid countdown. As of today I'm down about 1 lb. BUT I totally plan to kick that to over 2 by Thursday with today's extreme work out and another planned for tomorrow. I CAN do it. I haven't seen a 2 lb loss in AGES. Here we go!

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