Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Back Again


Last WI: 222.8 (yep - that bad)/At Home WI: 221.8

Well, I didn't get back into it like I'd hoped in July. So now we're in August, and I'm trying again. I have all new incentive though. Last week Holly, my best friend locally, invited me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. Catch is - wedding is December 1. This is great news and horrible news. Great news because it will be so fun, and Holly and her DBF Dana are perfect for each other. Horrible because her wedding is on the day my 7 day cruise with Erik was scheduled to begin. I called Holland America, though, and they've fully refunded my money. I won't do so well on the plan tickets, though. We'll have to pay about $50 each to change them, but I'd used sky-miles in the first place, so it could be worse.

So - I've got 16 and 1/2 weeks to be a hot bridesmaid. Ok - so I know that I won't be the "hot" bridesmaid in just that time, but I can make a lot of progress between now and then. I started last Thursday and mapped out 16 weeks of running culminating with a half marathon on Thanksgiving. So far so good. Last week I ran 2 miles on Thursday, 2 miles on Friday, 2.5 miles on Saturday and yesterday I ran 3. :-) Not bad for my first week back on track.

I had a bit of a slip from the wagon yesterday when I gave into a craving for Taco Bell for dinner. Very bad. But I recovered and went to the gym with Erik when he got home and did the 3 miles mentioned above. I was rewarded this morning on the scale - it'd been showing higher numbers since the weekend.

Ideally I can lose 2 lbs at WI tomorrow, but, as usual, any loss will be greatly appreciated. I lost a lot of ground the last few months, and its frustrating, but the only thing to do is to get back on the wagon and keep plugging. This is a life long journey and I've gotta take it just one day at a time.

Here's to a good day!

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