Monday, August 13, 2007

Good Weekend Considering...

Last WI: 222.4/At Home WI: 220.2 (woo hoo!)


I had a great weekend with only a few slips. Friday I executed my plan FLAWLESSLY! I had a salad for lunch with the Bride. I then went to the gym after work and ran 2 miles, walked 0.5 miles, and did some time on the elliptical for a total of over 600 calories burned (6 APs!). Then, ... GET THIS... I STAYED HOME friday night. Wow. Shocker. lol. The Bride invited me to go out for a movie with her and the roomie, and I declined. I was pooped after my work out and had a great dinner consisting of a tuna sandwich and some veggies. Great day.

Saturday I woke up to 220.4 on the scale, but it was the "slip day". Though not horrible at all. I started it off with a balance bar for breakfast (4pts) and then went to the gym and did a GREAT 3 mile run - fastest I've done in a long while, though not at all my best time. I then went to the grocery store and spent way too much stocking up on good food for the week. After that, the slip. I was supposed to go to the mall of Georgia with the Bride, but she got caught up doing bride stuff with her mom and didn't get done in time. So last minute I decided to go play poker at Three Dollar. Well, that was fine - I ate before I went and "allotted" myself 3-4 beers worth of points. Well, 3 hours and 5 beers later, a group of us decide to move the party to the Bride's house, and hang some more. Well, 4 hours, 4 slices of pizza and 5 MORE beers later, I'm headed home. Not horrible, but definitely not what I had planned initially for the evening. I had a good time though and didn't use ALL of my flex points in one day. lol. I still had 5 left going into Sunday.

Then Sunday - the perfect day. :-) Morning scale hopping showed 222.2 - to be expected after the "slip" Saturday, but I woke up to Erik and Daniel playing, and we went to church. I drove separately and had a balance bar on the way so I could go straight to the gym after church. I had a real tough run on Saturday so I opted to let my legs heal a bit and do the elliptical. 64 minutes and 1000 calories burned later, I was pooped. Went home, had a great lunch of steamed shrimp, rice and Green beans, then napped until 3:00. Headed to a friends house for a poker tournament and picked up Subway on the way for when I got hungry a couple hours in. All in all, I ate exactly my target points (28), earned 10 APs, but didn't eat a single one. Fabulous day.

So all in all it was a good weekend for me. Of late I've not counted points, splurged Thursday Friday and Saturday and had to try to make up for it on a hung over Sunday. Not this time. Only one "splurge" and it was controlled. Felt great on Sunday and had a great day then too. I'm very pleased, and hope to repeat this feat repeatedly. lol.

So today - I saw the scale down 2lbs, I think this could be a great week! 3 days will WI and I'm totally hoping for a 2+lb loss. I CAN do it. I had a turkey sandwich for breakfast with fresh tomato (5pts), 2 plums for a snack this morning (1pt) and am still figuring out lunch. The scary risk is tonight. We have our Monday poker league and we're hosting it at my house tonight. I generally like to have a beer or two with Monday poker, and I'll be providing some yummy (read fattening) snacks for the crew. So, the plan is this. I've got 22 pts remaining for the day. If I use 10 or so for lunch (subway anyone?) and get in some weight training after work (2APs) that leaves 14 for tonight. I'll have a filling dinner of something with lots of veggies, and try to save myself 4-6 pts for beer/snacks. I really should just avoid the beer. 2-3 beers isn't enough to even get me buzzed (sickly high tolerance) so it's really wasted calories. I wonder how strong my will power is. I'm going to have to think on it. The good thing is I've got some fresh broccoli and light dip I can put out that I love, so I'll have a healthy snack to choose. It's the beer that tempts me... Oh the life of an alcoholic.

Well, that's about it. I've got 110 days till the bridesmaid dress. I would LOVE to be in Onederland for the wedding. Here's hoping!

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