Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Myspace Humor

Funny story. I use myspace to keep up with friends (see link to right). I also have my brother's Joey and Kerry, as my friends. One of the things on my myspace page is a link to a quiz to see how well my friends know me. Basically you go there and create a quiz that your friends have to take. I created the questions designed to trip up people who "kinda" know me, but people who know me well should get right. Well, my best friend and boyfriend got 100%. Good for them! I knew they knew me. :-) Well, yesterday, I noticed my brother Joey had taken the test. On the myspace page you can only see what they scored, not what they got wrong. Well, my brother only got a 70%. So I'm thinking - what the hell did he get wrong? Well, turns out he missed my favorite casino game (it's craps, though he knows I play a lot of poker, so that's what he picked) no problem. I understand that misstep. And he missed who my favorite male actor is - duh! - Will Smith! But, I can also understand I don't talk about dreamy actors with my brother. Forgiven. BUT. The last one he missed. Get this - how many neices and nephews do I have? That's right, it's a simple counting task - count up all his kids, and all my brother's kids. Total: 6. Well - Joey has 4 children. My "half" brother has 2. Joey selected the option "4". Which I put in there to trip up my friends who didn't know I had a half-brother whom I don't keep as much in contact with as Joey. But it tripped up JOEY. LOL. That is so funny. I had to comment on his page on how self-absorbed he was. Of course he had to respond. Funny sibling banter. :-)

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