Monday, April 9, 2007

BACK ON TRACK, with a vengence!

Last WI: 214.2/At home weight: 213.2

(please please please don't be a lie)


Today is another one of those days where you step on the scale - see a good number and immediately get off and don't look back - hoping it's not a lie. Realistically, it could be true, but I'm skeptical.

So, Saturday morning's weight was horrific. 217.8. I figured it was a lot of water retention, but still I HATED seeing that number. So I got back on track with a vengence this weekend. After I blogged on Friday we decorated eggs and had the dinner I planned - WW pork roast with brown rice and green beans. Then we headed off to church.

We went to a different church than we've been to before. Technically, "we" don't have a church. Erik has a church he went to for years with his ex-wife and son. I've been several times and really do not like the church or the preacher. He's agreed to find a new church with me and we've tried a few, one that I think looks promising, though the one downfall is the contemporary service is at 9:00 am (traditional at 11:00) and we're not morning people on the weekend! Anyway, a good friend Holly invited us to go to her church for Easter. She goes to a huge non-denominational church that I've always heard great things about. We decided going to the Saturday night service would be nice because then we could putz around on Sunday and do the easter egg thing with Daniel. Unfortunately, Holly got the start time wrong (she usually goes to the Sunday service) so we were late, and very over dressed. Erik was in a suit, I was in black pants, nice blouse and sweater, Daniel was in a vest/shirt/tie combo. Turns out Saturday night is very casual - even on Easter. A few others were in suits, but most were in jeans, even sweat shirts on some! Not impressive to me, but ehh - to each his own. Anyway, we showed up at about 6:45 for a service we thought started at 7:00, but actually started at 6:30. Fortunately we just missed a lot of the singing - Erik's LEAST favorite part. We heard the sermon, and had a nice time.

Afterward - as planned - I went straight to the gym. Having driven separately, I made it there and had an "ok" workout. Turns out I left my Ipod at home. After I attempted to run in the afternoon, I forgot to put it back in my purse, so I ended up doing my run on the treadmill just listening to the very low volume music at the gym. The good news was that at 8:00 pm the Saturday night before Easter, the gym was pretty dead, so I pretty much had the place to myself, with a couple exceptions. I did 3 miles on teh treadmill. When I started out I simply did NOT want to do it. I had to tell myself in the first 3 minutes, that I had to get in at least 1 AP (~6 minutes) before I quit or walked. Fortuantely, it got a little easier after the first 5 minutes, and I ended up getting 3 miles in. I ran the first mile, walked .15 miles, ran .85, walked .15 and ran the lsat .85, then did a .25 mile cool down. All in all not bad but not good. I completed the 3 miels in 38 minutes. Very slow for me, but I don't care - I did it - and earned 5 AP.
Went home and crashed pretty early. Sunday my entire plan for the day was to veg with Erik and Daniel and get 6 miles in outside. I did part 1 until about 1:30 then I finally got the motivation to get outside. We've had a horrible cold front come through so I wasn't too eager about going outside. I mean this is Georgia in April. It's supposed to be in the 80's. Yesterday the high got up to 50 with most of the day in the mid-40's. BRRRRR. This is why I live in the south! I want summer weather to come in the spring and very short winters. Anyway - I got out there, in a pants/long sleeve shirt workout outfit. I had clocked the route on:

a site I LOVE, and was going to try a new 6 mile route. I had previously clocked a 5 mile route, that became my goal for the end of the summer - be able to run the entire route. Well, I decided if I wanted to set goals, I might as well set a tough one. A 6 mile run - when I can run the whole thing - is the perfect workout in my mind. When I run it, it takes me about 1 hour and I burn (at my current weight) over 1000 calories. I love that. So - I decided to strive for this 6 mile route as my new "goal" to run by the end of the summer.
So yesterday was my first attempt. I gave myself permission to walk as much as I needed which ended up being 39 minutes, compared to 34 minutes of running. Not bad actually. It's a very hilly route, and I ended up running the down hills and flat parts and walking the uphills for the most part. My calves were very sore, even from walking the uphills, so I know once I can master this route it will be a killer work-out. I was cold some of the time, bored some of the time, and just plain tired a lot of the time, but I got through it. There are a few places in the route where I could have taken a short-cut home, and believe me, the thought crossed my mind. But I persrrvered and got through it. I'm very proud of myself for that.

Eating-wise, I was good yesterday. I did have some chocolate, but was pretty good. Last night Erik dropped Daniel off at his mom's at 5:30 and we went to get some sushi for dinner. I love sushi and it's a great OP meal out. Then we met up with Holly and another friend Bec to watch Reign over Me - the new Adam Sandler movie. We got a large popcorn and large soda to split and I survived the (very long) movie only having a few handfuls of the popcorn. I counted it as 5 pts though, knowing how bad movie theater popcorn is - even without the added butter!
Over all I ended the day with 35 pts and 9 AP putting me at 27 - perfect.

So, this morning's weight could be right. I had lots of water and veggies yesterday and Saturday and obviously two great work-outs. Hopefully it's a true number. If so, I have a good chance for a loss this week!

Today has gone pretty well. I had my standard cheese and nuts for breakfast (gets me some protein and dairy in early). Got to work and realized I was moving offices today. A co-worker quit a couple weeks ago and his last day was Friday. He had a bigger office than mine and the boss ok'd the move, so I spent the morning re-arranging, re-organizing, and generally getting settled in the new office. I love it!

I brought left over pork roast and rice for lunch and didn't finish the 9pt bowl I prepared. I just got full, which is good. I had a huge 1 pt salad to start, so I'm sure that helped. Also lots of water. I've had 2 pts of popcorn this afternoon, and hope all that will tide me over till 4:30 when I get out of here. I'm going to fix a low point dinner before heading over to Holly's house tonight at 6:30. She's hosting our Monday night poker league tonight, so it should be fun. I'm not sure if I'm going to munch there, or drink any beer, but if I do, it will be counted and planned. I've got 13 points left for the day to do with as I wish. No work out today - still very sore from the last two days, and I don't have time between work and poker. (ahh the life.. :0) ). But tomorrow I'm going to try to get 3 miles in after work. It's supposed to warm up by Wednesday and let me tell you I'm ready! My dad told me last night that Atlanta had a record low day for April on Saturday - like the coldest April 7th in 100 years. I'm not surprised. It was horrible! I'm ready for summer!

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