Wednesday, April 4, 2007

April is Eat Good/Save Money Month!

Last weigh in: 215.2/At home weight: 215.6 (thought so..)


Well, I was worried yesterday that the scale was a little "too" friendly after my weekend at the casino, and I was right. I was up a little less than 1 lb today, but still a good bit down from Monday. Weigh in is tomorrow, and if normal is normal, I will weigh about 1 1/2 lbs higher at WI than at home. So, I need to get under 214 at home to avoid a gain. If I have a gain, though, it shouldn't bee too bad - hopefully under 2 lbs.

So yesterday after work I was so good. I went straight to the grocery store. I had written out a grocery list that included everything for "taco soup" and for a pork roast this weekend for Erik, his son and I (thanks Tink for the website recipes!) I also picked up some sushi (publix sushi is just ok) for dinner and lots and lots of veggies. I got home and made a HUGE spinach salad with all 0 point veggies and divided it into 4 containers for work or dinner. I also cooked up the taco soup and ended up with 8 - 2 1/2 cup containers (5 pts each). Froze all but 2 of them. I baked some potatos ( I LOVE baked potatoe with light cream cheese). I ended up having sushi for dinner after some fresh broccoli and light dip for snack. and then a potato with light sour cream (4). Weird combination I know, but it was what I was craving. Total dinner of 12 pts (including snack).

I was a little bad last night after dinner. I caught up on tivo'd amercian idol, survivor, and america's next top model. So I popped some popcorn (2pts) and had one of my alloted 3 cadburry eggs (3pts) I love those stupid eggs and am so happy they are only available at easter. Last week I bought a 3 pack, planning to savor it and limit it to that for the year. So far so good. I had one last week and one last night. I've got one more, so I should curb the craving before easter.

Total points yesterday was 36 - 8 over my target. I didn't get any exercise in - was too tired after shopping and cooking. So that wasn't good.

Today's plan is to completely have a VERY LOW point day. I've had 14 pts so far - 7 pts for breakfast (cheese & nuts) and 7 pts for lunch (huge salad and taco soup). That leaves me 14 pts left for tonight. I plan to eat 10 of them, and earn 7 AP. That's what I did last Wednesday and it worked out well for WI. I don't think it'll give me a loss this week, but I'll take a maintain!
On a personal note - Erik was super sweet yesterday. We got in a little tiff Monday night and I told him he had to do something randomly romantic this week to make up for it. He's not so good at the randomly romantic thing. He totally treats me great 99% of the time, he's just not good on the sweet surprises. So yesterday I had 2 emails from him when I got to work. One was a halmark e-card that was super cute and romantic. The other was a drawing from Unfortunately, he didn't save it right or something, so the artpad drawing didn't show up, but he promised that he drew a sweet "I love you" painting. I'd done one for him months ago, so he tried. I'll give him that.

I totally love this man, and hope that our future will always be together. My last boyfriend was very much the random romantic, emotional type guy, and I worried I'd miss that in Erik. That's just not him. I know he loves me, but he doesn't show it in that way. But I don't miss it. There are so many other things about Erik that are better than anyone I've ever been with, that missing that small part, is ok. I'm very happy, and as long as she shows me he loves me in his way, I'm ok with that.

Ok - end sappy babbling paragraph. Tonight Erik has Daniel, so I'm going to try to get my 5 mile run/walk in and have a light dinner, spend time with the boys, and get some sleep before tomorrow's WI.

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