Thursday, April 12, 2007

Even MORE Frustrated.

Last WI: 214.6/At Home WI: 214.4
(down .2 from yesterday?!?!?!? WTF?)


Ok, so, what the hell. I mean what the HELL? I've kicked butt the last few days and seen NO results. I ate 29 points yesterday and earned 11 AP. I ended up going to the gym last night after I ate all my daily points (28) and was feeling worried about WI today. I did 1 HOUR on the elliptical and a bit on the treadmill at an incline. Total burn was over 1100 calories. Went home chugged lots of water (I sweated a LOT) and went to bed. And this morning, I'm "rewarded" with a 0.2 lb loss. That's it. I really needed to see close to 213 this morning to have any hope for a loss today. Now I'm certain that my WI will show a gain. A GAIN. The first in a month.

I've been so good about journaling. So good about exercising and SO good about getting back on track when I do fall off a bit. Why oh why am I being punished? I'm so sad.

I don't want to give up. And I won't. But it's just so frustrating. I know the long run is what counts. I know that if I don't slip this coming week I *should* see a good loss next week. But it's the weekly WI's and the weekly losses - even if small - that get me through the next week. I can "chart" my progress, I can predict my success, I can generally be in the right state of mind to do it right. But this, this throws me for a loop.

On another topic, I'm looking forward to this weekend. It will have food challenges, but should be fun. Erik and I are going into Atlanta tomorrow for a "date night" in the city. He has an appointment at 4:00 with an attorney (friend of mine) and then we're going to have dinner, hang out in the city, and stay the night in a hotel up there. I'm excited. Then on Saturday, the poker company we play for is having their big quarterly tournament that we both qualified for (points race) so we're going to play that on Saturday. Sunday should be low key - and hopefully I'll get some activity in, since I probably won't today, tomorrow or Friday. With that coming up, I had really hoped my dedication this week would show a loss - I know I'm back to grumbling about my WI. Now, I'm going to risk overindulging this weekend and still have an uphill battle next week.

Well - all you can do is all you can do. I'm on track for my normal WI day process. I've had my big breakfast, have a large glass of water in front of me, and plan to chug chug chug until about noon or 1:00 then cut it off and hope for the best at my 5:00 WI.

Here's hoping.

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