Thursday, January 3, 2008

Highly Paid Internet Surfer.

Last WI: 221.6/At Home WI: 221.6


I made some goals this week and so far I've kept two out of four. First, I was going to log all my food into my online WW journal every day regardless of how bad I was. Check. (and boy did yesterday look bad...). Second, I vowed to weigh in once a week, at home, on Thursday mornings, and record it online at WW (and here). Check. This morning showed a one pound gain, but considering yesterday's scary number, and my new years binge, I think I can handle that.

Goals three and four haven't gone as smoothly. Goal three - cardio 3 x per week. Goal 4 - strength 1 x per week. Granted I haven't been through a week yet, but so far nill on both. I totally planned to run yesterday (hello - treadmill 30 steps away from the bed...) but slacked. And slacked and slacked. no excuse. Just lazy. Why? Again, no excuse. Grrr.

So I've got to find a way to commit. I had hoped to start training for a half marathon here in Atlanta in March. I can still do it, but need to get my butt in gear NOW. I need to make up a schedule and stick to it. I'm going to do that right after I post this.

As for strength training? i know I need to do more than once a week. But I SOO hate doing it right now that I feel like once a week would be a great success. Maybe I'll go tonight after work....

As for work, I still have nothing to do, but have work on the horizon. I have a 10am meeting tomorrow to pick up a new case, and a 9am meeting on Monday for a current case. I'm also supposed to be hearing from a young partner this afternoon about a project, so there's hope. Meanwhile, I've been a very highly paid internet surfer.

1 comment:

S said...

Hope you get some work soon--how boring!

I'm the opposite of you re the exercise: I love strength training and dread cardio. Ugh.

I started the South Beach diet yesterday. So far, so good. ;-)

