Friday, January 11, 2008

Alcohol is the Devil

Don't ask


So yesterday I was doing pretty good, getting work done, tracking points, etc. Then Erik and I decided to go to Y-knots for poker. And it was my turn to drink - his to drive. So all goodness went out the window. And it was a semi-drama night that ended well with strong resolve I think. So - some background:

Last Thursday night we also went to Y-knots where it was my turn to drive. So Erik drank. And drank. And got drunk. I'm not a big fan of drunk Erik, but he puts up with drunk me, so I know it's only fair to do the same. Except Thursday night, I was REALLY not a fan. I did well in the poker tournament and ended up getting to the final table. Erik went out earlier so he went to a different part of the bar to hang out with some other friends and shoot darts. I finally busted out of the poker game about 10:30 and went to find Erik. He was playing dollar a game darts with two guys we know. Ok. So I hung out for a bit and scratched off some lottery tickets with Dana when he finished up running the poker show. Then Dana left and it was about 11:15 and I was ready to go. I told Erik this and he wanted to play one more game. Ok. fine. But he wanted to play cricket. Oh hell no. If you know anything about darts, cricket is a game that can last forever, particularly with bad dart players like Erik and his also intoxicated friends.

So they agreed to a modified game of cricket that shouldn't last as long. So I so ok - I'll go play the mega touch for a while. The mega touch is in the same room as the darts but on the other side of the room. I played for a while and then looked back and didn't see Erik at the dart board. I was confused. I looked around the room and found him, and one of his buddies, talking to a table of girls we don't know. Ok, not a fan of that, but his friend is single, so I thought, hey - maybe Morgan's doing the flirting. So I watched. And it turns out they were trying to persuade this one girl to come over and play darts with them. They finally convinced her to and, to my great disappointment, it was Erik that was showing her how to shoot them. Like standing behind her showing her. Ok - so he wasn't REALLY doing anything wrong. But enough to irritate me. My plan was to try to stay a "fly on the wall" and see where this went, but unfortunately his other friend saw me watching and said something to the effect of "I'm glad I'm not going to be driving Erik home tonight..." Erik looked over saw, me and came over a bit later. By this point he was hammered so it was pointless to try to talk to him about it. It would turn into a fight that he wouldn't even remember. So I took him home and dropped it. I had meant to say something this last week, but I kept forgetting and never brought it up. Though I did talk to Holly about it (and I know she told Dana - one of Erik's good friends - Dana is a guy by the way). But it never got brought up to Erik.

So when did I bring it up? Well, last night. After about 4 beers. BRILLIANT! I brought it up at the bar, while Dana was there and the other friend who had been there last week (the one who called out he didn't want to be the one to drive Erik home). As I suspected Erik had no memory of the girl whatsoever. But the guys backed me up. He apologized and it sparked a conversation about how we really should cut back on drinking so much, particularly when one can drink and the other cannot.

The logic goes something like this - what do we really get out of it? Particularly on Thursday nights, the answer is an inflated bar tab and a hang over on Friday at work. Oh and we usually fight. Almost the only time Erik and I fight is when one of us is drunk and the other is not. So, I think we agreed that the Thursday night drunken trade-offs will stop. I hope we only now drink when we're both able to. We have a lot of fun together when we're both drinking, but when one is and the other is not - it results in arguments more often than not. I hope we stick to this.

So obviously I went way over in points yesterday and this mornings mini-hangover led to a drive through at Chick fil a, so not a good start. But I'm going to try to reign it in for the weekend.

1 comment:

S said...

Alcohol is indeed the devil, in many, many ways. Look at my 3/25/07 blog entry: I ended my engagement over my ex-fiance's drinking.

On the weight loss front, I have never found that I can drink alcohol and successfully lose weight. . . . not even if I have the points for what I'm drinking.

