Thursday, June 26, 2008

66 days


So my titles might be a little boring for the next few months. They will be designed to keep me focused on the end goals - eye on the prize as they say. So today we are 66 days out.

How did I do yesterday? Well, not bad. Not phenomenal, but not bad. I did log all my food into Sparkpeople for the first time in months. My total for the day awas 1700 calories. A bit higher than I wanted to be, but I'll accept it as it was filled with mostly nutritious foods - grilled chicken Caesar salad for lunch (with dressing on the side, thank you) and chicken salad sandwich for dinner with lots of lettuce & tomato and a small handful of cashews and 2 slices of cheese. Along with popcorn for a snack. Not bad at all.

Bad news? No exercise. I didn't feel like it (when do I ever feel like it?) after I got home. I did NOT go out for drinks though, like I have for about 2 weeks straight. (small victories). The exercise thing is going to be tough for the next week and a half. I get back to boot camp in July 7th. Until then I'm on my own, and I suck on my own. I actually "thought" about getting up early this morning to run before work, but of course I didn't do it.

The frustrating thing right now is that I'm have a really crappy work situation. I'm working on a case where we we represent a humane society that had contracted with the county to run animal control. According to the contract, the county has the right to review our documents within 3 years of the end of the contract. We terminated our contract earlier this year, and for purely political reasons, the county now wants to audit our documents. So I've been sitting in a conference room all week with three county auditors as they go over our documents and flag the ones they want copied. It's so much bullshit, and I hate not being in my office, but we don't trust them with our documents, so I'm essentially on babysitting duties. Luckily my "charge" is not a real baby and doesn't cry, but it's still very needy! Lol.

Anyway, I am getting some work done down here, and can bill my time to someone regardless, but sheesh it's frustrating. I've had to get in before 9:00 each day - something I don't normally do because of my commute and traffic issues. So, yeah. Getting up to work out before work just isn't happening. Hell - at least I'm working, right?

Another thing this stupid babysitting job is doing, is keeping me from picking up my wedding dress. I really need a 2 hour lunch to get over there to try it on and make sure everything looks right before I leave with it. So far, no good. Maybe this evening if I can kick them out early enough before the store closes.

So - back to goals - I'm having another salad for lunch. Planning to make good choices at dinner, and probably will end up "thinking" about exercising. ;-)

Oh - and no weight post for a week or so as I'm too scared. I need to focus for a bit then see the damage.

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