Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Epi-lasik Update



Well, I went in for my 6 week check up yesterday after my Epi-Lasik eye surgery. And ... drum roll please... I have 20/15 in both eyes. *cheer* I knew I could see well, mostly because I don't think about my vision anymore, but it was wonderful to hear that is better than "perfect". I'm so pleased. Hopefully it'll stay that way. I don't have my next check up until August, so we'll see then, but i should be good to go. The Dr. was very pleased.

And, I don't have any of the bad side effects others have complained about. I don't have dry eyes, which may be because I had Epi-Lasik rather than traditional Lasik - I seem to remember reading/hearing that was one of the differences. I don't have halo's or night vision problems. Frankly I feel like I see exactly like I used to with my torric contact lenses in. But with out the troublesome eye irritation from the contacts. Very nice!

No other major update. Today we had "off" from boot camp - one of two week days during the month where we have a break. I was so excited to sleep in, but I think my body has become accustomed to the early morning wake up's (could it be true?!?) because I woke up at 4:45 on the dot, then kept waking up every 30-45 minutes until finally I gave up 30 minutes before my alarm went off. Crazy. I didn't think it was possible. But - back to boot camp tomorrow, so all's well.

On the food front, I still can't commit it seems. Yesterday is a perfect example. I was PERFECT all the way until dinner. Where I had a burger and fries. Boo. I'm trying to counteract this with getting in as much exercise as possible - adding WiiFit workouts to the days I have boot camp. But sheesh - I've got 88 more days. Where am I going to get the motivation to commit?

Same ol' same ol.

I did pick up my bridesmaid dresses yesterday, which look great. I also paid off my dress. And in a hope to feel inspired and motivated, had the clerk write down the body measurements I had taken when I ordered the dress. My thought was that, though I haven't lost a ton of weight, hopefully I've lost inches from the boot camp. I'm going to try to remember to measure tonight.

That's about it...

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