Monday, June 2, 2008

90 Days and COUNTING.



This weekend was nice. Except for a little tiff on Friday night with Erik. I got to see Sex and the City twice on Friday. Once with work people, once with my girl friends. Very nice. I got to share a beer with my fellow boot camp graduates. That was nice as well. And after Erik apologized and realized how wrong he was on Friday, Saturday and Sunday shaped up nice as well. Saturday we bought our wedding bands and ordered the tuxes for the wedding. Check and Check off the to do list. Then we went to a friend of his's house for his friend's son's graduation party. That was nice. Then we went home and watched movies together while drinking beer (my last binge for a while, I hope). Sunday we worked on the house. A lot. I got my office set up, did the grocery shopping. He got our seasonal stuff put away in the attic and the yard trimmed/edged. Not a bad day. Then we had a nice dinner at a Japanese Hibachi restaurant.

Didn't want to come to work today...wanted a longer weekend.

Oh well -this morning was the first day of a new month of boot camp. There were only about 8 or 10 new people, and probably 10 or 12 returning people. So it'll be a smaller class this time unless a lot of new people sign up last minute (like I did last month).

So this month, my focus is food. Last month it was surviving the obscenely early morning workouts. Now I feel strong at the workouts, so I need to try to really incorporate their food plan. I'm at 215.8 today. I hope to be under 210 by the end of the month. That's the plan. I know if I do well on food I can do it. It's the unplanned binges that put me behind.

So - today has started off well. I've got 2 of my 5-6 small meals eaten with a plan for all but my dinner, which I have lots of choices at home for. And I hope to get 2 work-outs a day in. On at boot camp and one on either the WiiFit or Treadmill at home at night. I've got 90 days till the wedding. 90 days. That will go SOOO fast, I know it.

Oh and for further motivation? The ring I picked out for my wedding band came in a size 7. They agreed to size it for me, but we decided to wait until closer to the wedding to see what the right size will be. Already I'm down to a 7 1/2 from a 8 1/4 that my engagement ring is. We're getting that sized too. But if I can get down to a 7, no need to size the band, just need to size the engagement ring. I have no idea how many pounds I need to lose to drop .5 size in a wedding band, but hell, it'd be nice recognition if I can do it.

Here we goooooo.

Now I just have to get my work done that's due today.


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