Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Family Meals and Off Plan

Last WI: 214.6/Last at Home WI: 214.8


Ok, so I know when I'm not bloggin, I'm usually not on plan. I knew the 211.8 was too good to be true.

This week has been tough. Erik's parents have been in town since last Wednesday and boy do they cook. And I feel very rude not eating what they cook. For example - they are leaving today and had bought some sausage for breakfasts that they hadn't cooked, so Erik's dad decided to get up this morning and cook me breakfast. Very sweet notion, but I usually have a balance bar for breakfast - my 4 point moderation. But instead, this morning, I felt obligated to have sausage and toast - much more than 4 points I'm certain. Grrr.

But - they left today so at lesat my food challenges should reduce. I've just not been on top of it at all. My only saving grace has been exercise. I ran 6 miles on Saturday and did 90 minutes of cardio on the elliptical and bike on Sunday. Yesterday I took my "rest" day and today I plan to do at leat 4 miles on the treadmill, hopefully 6, but a minimum of 60 minutes cardio either way. I've got to get this under control or these next few months are going to fly by with no progress.

I only have 67 days until Holly's wedding. I had really hoped to be in Onderland by then. I still can, but I have got to kick it up. After this Thursday - which I'm still hoping for some kind of loss - I have 9 more WI's before the wedding. I've got 14.6 lbs to lose. I can do it. I just have to rededicate myself!

Today I'm leaving work about 1:00 for a dentist appointment. Then I'm headed to the gym for my work-out then I'm volunteering at the local fair. I've already had a big breakfast as noted above, and am supposed to be going to lunch for a collegue's birthday shortly - Need to make good decisions!

Here's to a good day!

1 comment:

S said...

You are an exercisin' fiend! Good for you.

Family pressures to eat are hard for me, too. Good thing his parents are leaving. ;)

