Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Boot Camp! Yes!

217.0 (better, but it will be up tomorrow - I promise! see below).


Well, I did it. I committed. I gave $325. And now I'm stuck. Getting up at 5:30 am every morning for a month - maybe 4. I'm actually really excited. I talked to one of the leaders of the boot camp, Lynn, yesterday for a while, and decided this is what I need to do. Basically they kick my ass every day, Monday through Friday, with 2 exceptions (today being one) for 4 weeks. They also give you a "food journal" that they expect you to write in every day, and they check back every morning. She gave me the impression that if you slack on the food, they "punish" you with more exercises. So that's good incentive. Also, apparently on Friday morning I will be doing a "pre-test" PT test that everyone else did on Monday. I have to run 1 mile, do 1 minute of push ups and 1 minute of dips. Ok - running - no sweat. I won't be as fast as I'd like to I'm sure, but I can run one mile no worries. Sit ups? I'll live. I can do them, though I'm sure not as many as I should. But dips? You mean, unassisted dips? Good luck. I've done "assisted dips" at the gym with that cool machine that adds weight resistance to help you do it. I usually have to use almost all the weight to get it done. There's no way I'll be able to "dip" my whole body weight, even once. I mean really. No chance. So I guess after 3 1/2 weeks if I can do one, that's a huge improvement.

I'm actually really excited. Of course Holly and Erik think I'm crazy. Holly's one of those that never has to diet and hasn't exercised since forced to in high school. Erik just thinks I'm crazy for spending so much to have someone yell at me. Course he did real boot camp in the Navy and thinks it's "no big deal". Baby, I said, that was 15 YEARS AGO. He said, oh - wow - you're right.

Something else funny about Erik. Last night he had a Kiwanis meeting after work so he didn't get home till about 9:00 pm. I was watching a movie (27 dresses - very cute!) and he came in and started putting on tennis shoes. Now Erik is about 6'0" and weighs about 160. Or so I thought. Either way he's very thin and has never regularly worked out since I met him. He supports me, but has never really had to. Apparently, recently, his pants have been getting a bit snug though. So last night he decided to hit the treadmill. He did 3 miles, in about 35 minutes, which is REALLY slow for him, and then wandered around the house grunting and groaning like he'd done a marathon, for about 20 minutes. It was too funny. Of course I had no sympathy as I've been doing that for months/years now. But he hates it. He's actually really vain about his appearance, though it seems effortless. So the fact that he's gained 10 lbs is really hitting him hard. I think it's cute. I mean this boy could put on 20 more lbs and look totally healthy. But I guess I'll never having to worry about him getting too chunky...

So - we're off tomorrow for this exciting adventure of boot camp. I'm ridiculously excited about it, though I'm sure tomorrow morning when the alarm goes off I'll be a little less chipper. I'm actually going 30 minutes early tomorrow and friday. Tomorrow so that I can get oriented, my food journal, meet everyone, etc. Friday to do my Pre-test. Then I should be caught up with the group.

I'm really curious about what type of other people will be there. The lady I spoke with said there's about 20 in the class. I'm curious if they are younger, older? fitness buffs or needing to lose weight like me? Who knows. I'll report tomorrow!

Oh - and I'm being TOTALLY bad today knowing that I'm going to be "on the wagon" from here on out. yes - that means McDonald's for breakfast and Mexican for lunch with Holly. Yum!


S said...

The boot camp sounds really cool. I've thought about going to the gym every weekday at 5:30 on my own, but I've been far too lazy to actually do it. ;-)

I'll be interesting to read about your progress. . . .

Anonymous said...

WOW... I don't think I could ever do boot camp. Thats a huge commitment. Good luck though, it will be good to hear your experiences.

