Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bad Trainer



HUMP day. Boy, I never was one of those people who really counted down the days to the weekend until now. I want to sleep in! :-) Oh well - two more days.

My mom left to go back home to Tennessee today. I'm very sad to see her go, but understand she misses her home, cats and the rest of the family who live out there. She did promise to come back, though, despite the fact that she worked so hard while here - 90% was her own motivation, not demands from me. I'm sad to see her go, but glad she got to spend about a week here.

So last night I took her to Outback for dinner. I wanted to treat her before she left, and knew I could be "ok" there diet wise. I was good and ordered the 9 oz lean sirloin and a salad. I was bad and also ordered mashed potatoes, and ate them all, along with the steak, and salad, and a few small slices of bread.

So - I logged it all in my boot camp journal, expecting to be "encouraged" again this morning. But nope. I got the "bad" trainer. See the way this boot camp works is that our class is divided into "companies". I'm in Charlie company (I bet you can guess the other two...yes, Alpha & Bravo). Anyway, we also have 3 trainers, Allen David & Kevin. Each week a different trainer is assigned to a different company. Last week I had David. This week I have Kevin. Now, Kevin is clearly new, I even asked him the first day how long he'd been doing this and he candidly said "a couple months". I suspect this is his first month as an actual trainer. Anyway, he sucks. And not just because he's new. He's just not cut out to be a trainer. One of the cool things about the other two is they keep you motivated. They keep you working. If they're around, they're calling out your name, saying "Come on Cindy - one more sprint" or "Come on Cindy, get a little lower in your lunges". etc. Kevin? The best he can come up with is "Great job everyone" or "keep moving, you're doing great". And most of the time he doesn't say anything. He's just not the right personality type to be a trainer in this environment. So it's a little disappointing when I'm in his group.

That said, I guess it worked out to my advantage today because he apparently didn't see anything wrong with my food entry of "sirloin steak, salad, mashed potatoes". Now, first of all, I did legitimately forget to write down the bread. I honestly thought I'd get "encouragement" anyway for the mashed potatoes, so I certainly didn't intentionally leave it out. But the thing is - any of the other trainers would have questioned that entry. It's not that we don't get to eat potatoes, we're just supposed to limit them, and minimize the toppings/additives/etc. If asked, I would have told him it was from Outback which would definitely have been a no-no. I should have ordered broccoli or green beans or something. But nah - he felt I was all good.

Oh well. I probably should have gone to encouragement anyway - they do let you voluntarily go if you like - but it was easier, of course, to just get on the car and go home. I needed it though - I had over 2200 calories yesterday, when the rest of this last week I've hovered around 1500 which is much better. So I should have burned the extra calories, and I'm sure that's why the scale crept up a bit today.

So, I have tentative plans to hit the treadmill tonight. In part to atone for missing encouragement, and in part because we didn't get much cardio in today. We did an ab circuit training thing which I will definitely feel tomorrow, but I'm certain I burned less calories than normal. So I'd like to kick it up a notch and try to run. Additionally, with the boot camp I haven't been on the treadmill in over a week. I want to keep running and eventually do a half marathon, so I need to keep at it. Wish me luck - finding motivation at 8:00 pm is hard.

1 comment:

S said...

I am really enjoying reading about your boot camp experiences! I'm hoping that you will inspire me to get back on the exercise wagon. I go to the gym 2-3 times/week, but I'm not doing enough to really make a difference, ya know?

