Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Boot Camp?

218.6 - better, but still need to go DOWN.


I've had a hard time recently at work. I'm not super busy, so I find myself screwing off a lot. Now, I've got a few projects that I should be working on, but I have a hard time finding the motivaiton to accomplish them. I've gotten used to screwing off I guess. Not a good thing. Particularly when you're evaluated by your billable hours... So - needless to say, here I am, blogging and screwing off at work...

Well, the scale was nicer today, but still up 4 lbs from last Thursday. I've got some work to do to get things back where they should be. We're just under 4 months from the wedding now and it's getting to be crunch time. That said, I might have found a good solution. And expensive solution, but one that I think might actually work. I think I'm going to do this boot camp. It sound like a KILLER, but that's what I need. It's like $325 bucks for the first month and $275/month after that. Really expensive, but it is 4 days a week for 2 weeks and then 5 days a week for the last 2 weeks. So that's less than $20 a session, which is cheaper than the personal trainers around here.

Unfortunately, I missed the start of this month, which is probably good. I think I'll plan to do June, then possibly July & August as well. Just to get me through the final stretch before the wedding. The only real negative, is that the one closest to me starts the earliest in the morning - at 5:30 AM! Crazy. But, with my current schedule I could actually go, take a shower, and go back to bed for a couple hours before going to work. Might not be all that bad... I called yesterday to see if I could get into this months session as it started on Monday and I would have just missed the first one, but they never called me back. I keep going back and forth over whether I want to still try to sneak in this month. I really shouldn't pay that much for so many months, but I want to get started.

Too bad I can't motivate my own ass to get up at 5:30 am and work out, huh? I guess that's why these places exist.

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