Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fun Night Out with Erik

At home morning weight: 217.8 (aggh)/Last WI 220.4


So yesterday Erik's parents left and we decided to go out. I didn't make it to the gym like planned. I used my soreness from Monday's outside workout as an excuse. We went out to Chaps - a local restaurant for poker and food last night.

Here's the deal with poker. About 2 years ago, new friend of mine at the time, Holly, and I discovered that local bars around town were doing free poker certain nights a week. Well, we went out to one and had a great time. We were both single at the time, and found that these poker tournaments were chock full of single men. We were two of only like 6 or 8 women that played with any regularity. So, we started going 2-3 times/week, then it became even more frequent. We fell in love with the game, and our new friends. That's actually how I met Erik in the first place - so hey I will forever be thankful. Anyway, there's one company that puts on all the shows around town, so there are numerous games to choose from, at least one each night. I've also got into playing online and at casinos with some moderate success. I'm certainly not good enough to quit my job and go play poker for a living, but it is fun, and I enjoy it. So - you'll hear a lot about poker in this blog.

Anyway - last night's free game was at Chaps. Erik's been hosting his parents for a week (I have as well, but he saddled most of the entertaining responsibility) so I agreed to be the DD and allow him to do most of the drinking. I had 3 glasses of wine (over 3 hours) and a prime rib sandwich with a salad as my side. I counted the sandwich as 13 (maybe overestimating, but didn't want to cheat), the wine at 10 (they were more than 4oz glasses) and the salad at 4 (had some cheese and full fat dressing). The sorta funny thing is that Erik decided to do the "liquid" diet and not eat last night, just drink. He had 3 double gin & tonics. Now he usually has 2, but 3 isn't totally out of the ordinary. But boy did it hit him hard! He was blitzed. I got him in the car about 10:30 and for the first time, in a very long time, I had to pull over on the way home cause he got sick. Now - I'm not laughing at his misery, but he really should eat SOMETHING if he's going to go that overboard. lol. Oh well - this morning he joked about whether he was sober enough to drive to work, but in reality he's fine. He rebounds pretty good from crazy nights out.

So anyway, - I totalled out at 48 points yesterday where I'm supposed to be at 28. I had 11 flex points left, so I'm in the hole 7 pts. That's ok though b/c WI is Thursday and today needs to be a very low point day to make up for yesterday.

I'm going to definitely go to the gym today and hopefully can avoid eating my AP. It will be a strick 28 point day. I've had 5 so far for breakfast (balance bar). So 23 to go. :-)
I really hope that WI on Thursday will put me below 219. Then I'll be on track for my 1.5lbs/ week loss. Here's hoping.

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