Wednesday, April 16, 2008


217.8 (better, but still..)


Well I have some small successes to report, besides the scale getting back in a reasonable range. not the 215 I saw 2 weeks ago, but it's going back down, so that's good.

My success is on the alcohol front. I've totally gone out the last two nights - Monday at Erik's request and last night on my own when he had a Kiwanis meeting - and had...drum roll please....NO ALCOHOL. Ok, so maybe that should not be such a huge announcement, but I cannot remember the last time I went out to a bar for poker and did not drink alcohol. I bet it was a time when I was really hung over. Seriously. I'm a huge social drinker and always like to have something in my hand. Diet coke it was last night. That problem is that waitresses are not eager to refill your diet coke since you already paid for it. So I had to get up a couple times and walk to the bar for a refill. Oh well, more exercise, right?

So maybe that's why the scale has gone down despite the fact that I cannot seem to get my lazy butt to exercise this week. Maybe.

So we're on day 4 of my new sobriety. I'm not promising a 4 month streak, but I'm going to see how far I can go. Holly brought up the idea of having a party next weekend, which would be a real challenge because when we host parties, it's all about the drinking. But we'll see.

Nothing else too exciting to report. Boy my blog is boring... ;-)

1 comment:

S said...

Hooray for you for skipping the alcohol! It's hard to break habits, that's for sure.

My blog is boring, too. LOL

