Friday, April 18, 2008

It's working...



TGIF. Really. I'm not sure what went on this week but it's been so tough to be at work. I've been VERY unproductive, and really just kinda bleh about everything. Part of it is getting used to a new schedule. Holly and I try to carpool as much as possible to save money on gas and miles on the car. The problem is she just started a new schedule that is 10:30-7:00. Sounds fabulous right? She doesn't get to my house till 9:45 in the morning so I have "all" this time in the morning, right? Wrong. I sleep till 9:00 then get up and get ready. What's the deal with that?

Every day this week that I carpooled with her, I set my alarm for 8:00 thinking - that's still really sleeping in, and I can get up, run and feel great the rest of the day. What do I do? Snoooooooze. What the hell? It's not like I'm not getting enough sleep! We're asleep before midnight, so no excuse to lounge around till 9:00. WHY can't I get motivated?

I think it has to do with the fact that I haven't run in a little over a week. I think it's one of those things - when you get used to exercising, you crave it, or at least it feels normal, important. Maybe if I can be successful at running before work just 1 day next week, I'll enjoy it so much I'll be able to make it a habit. Grrrr.

So the good news is that I'm still alcohol free. Notwithstanding the fact that we've gone out EVERY night this week. Not usual for us, but for whatever reason, we did. Wednesday night we went to dinner and I drank Diet Coke while Erik drank Sake. Last night we went to Y-Knots - our normal Thursday night hangout - and I drank Diet Coke while Erik drank Gin. Boy is Erik loving my new found sobriety. He has a DD every day! But the good news is that even though I haven't been exactly good this week food-wise, the scale is going down.

I didn't weigh in yesterday because I knew it'd be a gain. I know, I know, bad excuse. But hey, I'm still staying on track regardless. I hope to weigh in next week. I'd like to get the scale back into the 215 area and below this week.

Small steps, though, right? This week the focus was on having fun without alcohol. Next week we need to get exercise back in. Starting this weekend. Erik has his son this weekend, so shouldn't be anything too crazy going on. No plans to go out tonight (for once) but I DO plan to get a run in. Tomorrow Daniel has a baseball game early, then I have a poker tournament I might play, but still no alcohol to be drank! Sunday is church and more exercise. I'm looking forward to this weekend very much.

Day 6 of Sobriety and still truckin!

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