Monday, April 28, 2008

Epi-Lasik Day 3-4


Yesterday sucked. I woke up and couldn't see for crap. It was really frustrating considering I had done so well on Saturday. I got up and went to church with Erik and couldn't even look at the pastor because the lights shining on him were so bright. Crazy. Everything was blurry - up close, far away, all blurry.

Now, I know that I was warned about this, but boy it was depressing. No bad pain. I did stick with the percocet, because there was some significant irritation. But mostly it was just the blurryness that was irritating.

Today was better, but I still stayed home for work because focusing on the computer for too long is hard. Things are still blurry, but SO much better than before. I love to read and last night I could not make out the words on the page. Today, much better, though I couldn't focus for too long. Distance is still somewhat blurry,but also getting better.

Tomorrow I have my appointment to get the contact out. I hope things are clearer then!

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