Tuesday, April 1, 2008

151 Days.



151 days till my wedding. Erik was so cute last night before we fell asleep he said "5 months". Which it was 5 months from yesterday. I'm so excited. It's funny how when I'm following my plan, and doing well I feel good about myself and my future.

Today is going according to plan. I had some left-overs for breakfast (~270 calories), chipotle for lunch (~850 calories) which puts me with ~450 calories left for the day to hit the top of my range on Sparkpeople. I'm good with that. I'm going to hit the treadmill when I get home again, though my knee is hurting so I might just do some power walking on incline instead of running after yesterday's kick-butt run. Then I think I'm going to have some pasta for dinner. According to Sparkpeople I'm high on protein & fats today and need more carbs. So carbs it is. I'm hoping to see the pretty 216. something tomorrow.

I feel so blessed. Erik & I had one of those unplanned bonding moments last night talking about various stuff. Basically we realized we have a really great life. Good friends, nice house, good jobs, and a great future. Why do we sometime forget how fortunate we are and get upset about the little stuff? I guess it's all perspective. If my biggest concern was getting food on the table or paying my rent I probably wouldn't get so made when I lost at a poker game, or didn't get a chance to go running. I'm fortunate to have the problems I have and that they are so minor.

Thank you lord for all that is good in my life and for the small challenges that make me try harder.

That's all for today. :-)

1 comment:

S said...

It's always great to have one of those moments when you step back and feel gratitude for the great things already in your life. I think it's human nature to focus more on the negative--I know I am guilty of it far too often.

