This weekend went by SOOOO fast. So much going on, again. This wedding planning stuff is hard. So, Friday night Holly & Dana come over for dinner & Wii for the boys and Tivo catch up for the girls. I had a bit too much wine, but not bad otherwise. Saturday Holly & I met up at 10:00 to start our crazy day of dress trying-on. I was determined to buy a dress on Saturday. I've probably tried on 100 different dresses by now, so it was time to commit. Our day started in Douglasville - a town about 25 miles west of us. We found a dress I absolutely LOVED. It's a maggie sotoro, and the rack size was a 14. It almost fit, but definitely was a little snug. After a conference with the seamstress who assured me that she could make that one fit, we decided it would be better to order one so I could add a few inches to the length. Being 5'11", almost nothing fits me off the rack, length-wise. So we did all the measurements, the store talked to the factory and supposedly was told that we could get that dress, plus 4 inches, in a 16 on July 7th. Not bad. but I didn't want to commit b/c I hadn't stopped by another store I had on my list. So I gave them all my information, got their card and assurances I could order it over the phone later that day, and we headed to carrolton. Just to be sure.
The Carrollton store was another 20 miles away, mostly south and a little west. We got there, tried on about 7 dresses, and were not wow'd by any of them. By now, it's about 2:45 pm and we're hungry and tired. We started heading for home, and I decided to order the one from Douglasville. I literally have the phone in my hand and it is ringing when Holly says - we have to go to Belles & Beaus - a bridal store in my own town that oddly enough I haven't been to and is where Holly got her dress. She's right. We never made it there. So I hang up and we trek another 30 miles back to Fayetteville. Well, Belle's & Beaus is under new management from when Holly got her dress, and they had a very small selection. Nothing the appealed to me. We didn't even try one one. By then it's 4:30 and we have another hour and a half before all the shops close, so we decide to try ONE MORE in Peachtree City (PTC). I'd been in this shop with holly about a month ago for her to try on bridesmaid dresses, before I was ready to try on wedding dresses, but hadn't looked at their stock.
So we get to J. Andrews in PTC, and find out they carry Maggie Sotoro - the designer that made the dress I fell in love with in Douglasville. Now PTC is MUCH closer to where I live now and our new house than Douglasville. Like about 20 miles closer. So I decided I'd try on their dresses, but if I didn't like them I'd order my Maggie from them. Now starts the trouble. Of course none of their dresses compared, so we started trying to figure out how to order my dress. It's about 5:30 now. Maggie has a great website, but for some reason I couldn't find my dress on it. So I called the Douglasville store and asked them for the design number "so I could show my mom online". They put me on hold for like 20 minutes (ok, maybe 5) and then came back and gave me a very odd model number. I said, ok, thanks and hung up. Of course that model number wasn't found on the website either, so this time Holly took my phone, and playing me, bullied them into giving me the right number. They really didn't want to, obviously for the exact reason I wanted it, but finally she got it out of them. She basically said she's not buying a dress if her mother couldn't see it and if they don't give it to her she'll go somewhere else. I worked. Unfortunately, that's not the end of it.
We still couldn't find it on the website, though the number is of the right type. Finally the owner of J. Andrews discovered that it was a discontinued design. Through all her "inside" resources, she discovered that they didn't have any in stock in my size and weren't making it anymore. Unfortunately, by that time the factory was closed, so she couldn't call them directly. This was so confusing as I thought the Douglasville store had talked to the factory about this specific dress. Turns out, they may have just talked to them generally about how much additional length was, and when the ship date would be. Odd. I just don't know. So we ended the day very depressed. The J. Andrews owner is going to call the factory today and call me back, hopefully with good news, but I'm just not confident. So depressing! I was ready to buy and then it gets snatched away. The worst part is that the dress I fell in love with was almost $300 cheaper than any other one I've liked. Booo!
So by then it's 6:00 and we're beat, frustrated, and starving. We met Dana for dinner at Longhorn, and then I headed off to a poker tournament I had won entry into through the company we play with. It's was a free tournament, but had a $1000 prize pool to the various winners. By 1:00 am I had won the tournament, and after making a deal at the final table, took home $500 of the $1000 with the rest being divided among 3 other players. Very cool. That $500 will definitely be going toward the wedding, and this stupid dress hunt. Here's a picture of me after I won (very tired!)

Lots of fun, but very exhausting. I didn't get home till about 1:30 Saturday night (sunday morning!) and got up about 9:00 for church with Erik & Daniel. After church we dropped off Daniel and then Erik & I had lunch and then spent 5 HOURS registering for our wedding at Dillard's and Linens & Things. We were SOOOO tired after that. Who knew it would be such a chore to pick out things for people to buy us?!? Crazy.
We got home and totally vegged out the rest of the night. Watched a couple movies, played a little online poker, and passed out.
This morning, I'm proud to say, I got up and did 30 mins on the treadmill. I'm still not nearly up to the ability to run all 30 yet, but I did run 1 mile, then did a hard walk on incline for the rest of my time. I'm hoping to be up to running a full 3 miles in 30 by the end of the month. I think I can do it.
So, this morning's scale is probably pretty accurate. Although I did drink Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights, I had only one meal on both Saturday & Sunday with all the running around we did, and boy i can say that trying on those heavy wedding dresses, and trekking around huge box stores for a registry gives you a work out. Sheesh. So I'm hoping to get the scale down another couple pounds this week. I think I can do it.
Erik & I leave for California for 4 days on Thursday, so I've got to really kick butt at work and at this diet before we leave. I'm absolutely planning on using the 24 hour gym at the resort, but I'd love to go into this mini-vacation seeing under 218 on the scale. Here's hoping!
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