Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ran 4 Miles. Felt Good!

Last WI: 212.4/At Home WI: 213.4


Well, I've had a couple of tough days. Monday I had my poker league. I went shopping on my way home from work and stocked up the fridge. I bailed on the run I had planned because I got home late and was tired from shopping (wimp!). I cooked a healthy dinner before my friends showed up for the game, but then set out the "munchies" for them. I had too many chips and dip, and unfortunately one of my friends brought tacos from taco bell and I had 2 (boo!) so my OP day went to Off Program quickly.

Yesterday I fell off the wagon for lunch. I had court in the morning and while there we heard some really good news for the office. One of the slack-ass attorneys has put in his notice. We've been thinking he was going to leave because he never shows up to work anymore, and we were counting the days. Now we have a date certain when this loser will be gone. Praise be. So we went to lunch to celebrate (bad move) - Mexican (even worse move). I totally ordered my favorite - taco and chili relleno w/sour cream and too many chips and salsa. Bad girl. I can't know for sure the points, but I'm guessing 20 for the lunch and that might be low. :-(

BUT there is a silver lining. I was supposed to do dinner at Maggiano's last night for a social function, but after my over-indulgent lunch, I bailed and went to the gym instead. I managed 4 miles on the treadmill. I ran it a little slow for me - 5.7 mph - but I wanted to get in 4 miles - something I haven't done in a while. And it felt good. I probably could have (and should have) gone further, but I quit without pain. 6 AP's earned, and a good run logged. I felt good. I went home to cook some chicken and a side of pasta and green beans for Erik and I. A 10 pt dinner - not bad and healthy. Had a snack of popcorn before bed. So I definitely finished the day over in points, but at least the run helped. The scale was very nice today considering it showed 215.4 yesterday. I'm hoping to have a good day today and see another drop tomorrow. I'm not sure what to expect at WI tomorrow, but I fear I'm going into it again, with the hope of not seeing a gain. Ah - I deserve it.

Plan today - get back to the gym tonight and get in another run. As far as I can, but then some elliptical to get me over 5 APs. I've had 9 pts so far today (a little high for breakfast) so I need to keep a check on things to be good the rest of the day. Good news is no plans for the night. Erik has daniel, so we'll have a quiet night at home I hope. :-)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Brownies Are My Downfall

Last WI: 212.4/At Home WI: 214.0


Another Monday. I hate Mondays. But I know most people do. This weekend was nice in terms of social interaction, but not so nice food-wise. Friday was ok. I agreed to work as a dealer at a casino show in Atlanta. I did really well food-wise all day and ended the day just 2 points over my target, having gotten in all the healthy 8's. Saturday was a different story. I slept in because I was so tired from working the night before, and had a quick brunch about 11:00 before heading over to Erik's new house to help clean for an upcoming open house. His New House is a new construction house he built in Tyrone with plan of selling it pretty quickly. Sort of a "flip it" idea. Well, the housing market plummeted over the last year and he hasn't been able to sell it like he hoped. Now we need to spruce it up a bit for the summer - prime selling season.

Anyway, we went over there and I probably earned a couple AP's by scrubbing bathrooms, floors and weeding the flowers. Then we went to lunch at Wings 'n Things. Bad move. I had wings and fried mushrooms and fries. No beer fortunately because we had Daniel and the neighbor kid with us, but definitely too many calories.

Saturday night I went over to a friends house to deal a poker game for him. It was a great success financially (they tipped very well). I ended up having 4 beers while I was there, which would have been ok. I was a bit over for the day, but not horribly. Unfortunately though, the game went till after midnight and I was starving by the time I got out of there. I'd had Wings 'n Things at about 3:00 and nothing since. Poor planning! So a midnight Taco Bell run it was. BAD!!

Sunday was supposed to be the day I recovered - ate well - exercised. All was going smoothly till Erik pulled out a pan of fresh brownies he'd made for Daniel (and us). I had one, and it was all down hill from there. Erik took Daniel back to his Mother's house at about 5:00 and I just fell into a sugar induced coma. Way too many brownies were consumed. No exercise was had. Bad girl!

So, here I am. Another Monday. Another week of trying to make up for my bad weekend activities WW-wise. I have no flex points left, and am in the hole. I didn't really tally yesterday's indulgence since I didn't look at the box of brownies before Erik took out the trash. I know it was bad though. Nothing to do now, but be good the rest of the week, get in the water and exercise and hope for the best on Thursday.

Today I'm going to try to get in some of those AP's. We have our Monday night poker league at my house tonight so that should help. I'm leaving here shortly to hit the grocery store on the way home. Then I plan to walk/run at least 3 miles before people start showing up around 6:30. It'll be cutting it close, but I need this to feel better about myself!

Here's Hoping!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Maintain Equals Loss!

Last WI: 212.4/At Home WI: ????


WI yesterday was actually good. I weighed exactly what I weighed 2 weeks ago at WI. 212.4. So, I maintained. But in actuality it's a loss. Here's why. Last week I was really bad. I journaled, so to speak. But I was over every day. And by a lot. So last Thursday I was supposed to go out of town to see my dad in Tennessee. I also was coming down with a cold. I ended up deciding not to go to TN, but hadn't followed my WI day rituals, and expected a gain. So I decided not to go to WI last week, and recommit to a good week this week.

Well, I did pretty good. I had 2 flex points left going into yesterday. So, I weighed in and had a "maintain". But since I know I was up last week, that's really a loss - equivalent to the gain from last week. So, mentally I'm telling myself I lost 5 lbs this week. :-) In reality it was probably more like 2, but I like thinking 5.

So, now we are at another new week. I really hope I can get things together and see a true loss next week! So far this month I'm only down 0.2. Not to stellar. Granted it's not a gain, but it will take a long time to get to goal at this rate...

On another topic, Erik and I just booked a trip to Vegas next month. I'm very excited. I totally can't afford it. But it's going to be super fun. I wasn't sure we'd be going, and Erik just decided. Here's the deal. For about 9 months we played in a Sunday poker league. It consisted of weekly poker tournaments where the coordinator withdrew 20% of the prize pool to put in a fund to pay for some of our best player to go to Vegas to play in a $1500 buy-in World Series of Poker event. Well, Erik did really well, and won one of the buy ins. We don't get any of our expenses paid, but he gets the free buy in. We were really considering not going because finances are pretty tight right now, but Erik made some calls. Based upon our status with MGM Grand, they gave us 3 nights free plus buffets and a $50 promotional chip. Very cool. We got the flights through Spirit Airlines Atlanta to Vegas for $440 total for the both of us. So we're going to Vegas for 4 days 3 nights for a sum total of $440. Not counting gambling money of course.

They other cool thing about it is we're going over Erik and my 2 year anniversary of dating. The tournament he's playing is actually on our anniversary (June 9) and we're flying in the night before. I'm very excited. I think it's totally going to be a blast. And maybe Erik can win some money in the tourney. First place last year ws $600,000! Boy would that be nice.

As for me, I haven't decided what, if any, tournaments I'm going to play. There's another tournament the same day as Erik's that I would love to play but it's $2500 and I totally can't afford that. Of course I could also consider playing the one Erik's playing for $1500 but even that is pretty steep. Remember he got his buy in paid for. I don't know. I'll think about it over the next 3 weeks of anticipation. :-)

Oh - I don't have a number on my "at home wi" today because I totally forgot to get on the scale this morning. Honestly completely forgot. That is so not like me, but it's ok because I'm sure it would be somewhere around 214 or higher since I was out drinking last night - my typical Thursday night indulgence. So - we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Today I've had 7 pts so far - 5 pts for breakfast and 2pts of popcorn snack. I wanted to go to the gym tonight but I forgot I agreed to work for this casino company I help out with part time dealing roulette as some business function. Should be fun as Holly, Dana and Marine are dealing too. I totally plan on getting some AP's this weekend, though!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Gym Rejected Me!

Last WI: 212.4/At Home WI: 212.8


Weigh in day again. Funny how it comes every week like that. I'm not sure what to expect. I've blogged before about how unpredictable my scale is so I could see a 1.4lb gain or a 1.2lb loss. Who knows. I'm a little disappointed in the scale this week because I have been pretty good. I do have to say it was one of my most consistent weeks. After seeing 215.4 on Friday (normal after WI day increase) I was within 1.5 lbs every day this week- right around 213. That's good, as I think I'm getting the "binging/alcohol consumption" under control. But I had hoped to see around 211 this week. I've been religious about points and counting the AP's I earned last night (more on that soon) I was under 2 points this week from WPA, AP's and Target Points. So - hoped for a big loss, but not to least I don't think. Course a did deserve a gain last week, so who knows.

So yesterday I FINALLY got my booty to the gym. It's been over 2 weeks. I know this because I've not earned a single AP this month (had made a goal of 60 for the month). So, I left out the house at about 8:30 with "hopes" to run 4 miles, but "goals" to run as much as I could, then get some elliptical time in. I got the gym, which is one of those 24 hour deals where you swipe your card to get in the front door, and swiped. Nothing.... Swipe.... Nothing.... SWIPE SWIPE SWIPE... Nothing. The door supposed to pop open after a green light on the swiper. What the hell? Did they decide since I haven't been in 2 1/2 weeks that I wasn't worthy anymore? Did they revoke my gym license?

At this point another girl came up on the phone and looked at me strange. I said "I need to follow you in, my card won't work". I totally felt like a freeloader. You're not supposed to let other people in. There's even a huge sign that says your priviledges will be revoked if you do. Fortunately, this girl didn't have such stringent morals and just swiped her card, and held the door for me.

Now, you might be thinking.. uh.. did you pay the bill? Well, the thing is, Erik signed us up for this gym about 6 months ago and got a deal for two people by telling them we lived together (we do). He signed it up to charge to his credit card every month, so I was pretty sure we were paid.

Well, I get inside and the manager guy was just locking up the office and watching our little exchange at the door, suspiciously. I went straight to him and explained my card didn't work. After initially implying that I probably didn't pay, he checked his records, confirmed we'd paid and fixed my card. Phew. They didn't decide that I was too much of a slacker to be a member of their gym.

Workout here I come. I started on the treadmill and set it for 6 miles, knowing I wouldn't be able to do that much but planning to go as far as I could. I brought a towel - something I usually forget - and put it over the screen. I decided to measure my workout from my ipod. I hit shuffle and figured each song was on average between 3 and 4 minutes long. It usually takes me a little over 10 minutes to run a mile so I figured every 3-4 songs was a mile. I manged to not look until after song 6 when I started getting tired. I was just over 2 miles, and pushed to complete 2.5 before doing a short cool down. Finished the night with 15 mins on the elliptical. Not my most stellar workout but the first of the month, so I was happy. 6AP's down (54 to go for the month...hmm, not likely).

I think I'm leaving early today from work to meet up with a friend, and then off to WI around 5:00. I'm hoping for the best. Tonight is probably poker and drinks at Y-knots. I'm going to try not to go overboard. :-)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

10 Strange Things About Me

Last WI: 212.4/At Home WI: 213.2 (eh)


Well, yesterday the interview went well. I think I did as well as I could, but I know they are interviewing people with much more experience than me, and I don't have any experience in a good part of what they do, so I'm not holding my breath on getting the job.

Yesterday I was also contacted by a legal recruiter wishing to help me with my job search. Of course this is a "win win" situation for me as if they get me the job, I don't pay them, the employer does. She's hoping to have me set up with 3-4 interview with clients in the coming weeks.

Yesterday after my interview, I went to lunch at one of my favorite Atlanta restaurants that I rarely get to anymore - Willy's - I LOVE thier burrito's and nachos. I totally splurged on the nacho's counting it at 18 points. A fair guestimate I think. I had a late lunch so was fine with just some veggies and snacks for dinner. I did go over in points a bit, but less than what I had available in flex. I'm sad to see the scale up a bit this morning, but .2 isn't bad. And I'm planning on exercising tonight for the first time in a LONG time, so hopefully that will kick the scale in the right direction.

I'm a myspace'er and my friend Holly "tagged" me on myspace with a blog that asks you to write 10 strange things about yourself. It took me a while to think these up, so I figured I'd post them here as well. Here' goes:

1. I was born in Duluth Minnesota. I only lived there for about 6 months then moved to Oregon where I "grew up". I totally can't claim MN though cause I'm a total cold wuss. I'm always freezin!

2. I have my motorcycle license. I got it in college when my dad and brother bought Harley's. I WILL own my own someday (Joey -cough up the Fat Boy - you don't need TWO motorcyles!) But meanwhile, I just drool when they ride by.

3. I sleep with earplugs. Every night. This started when I was dating my ex-boyfriend who snored horribly and I'm a super light sleeper. Now I've gotten used to silence and can't generally sleep without them. I'm addicted, what can I say.

4. My mom and I are leading parallel lives - we were both engaged once to men who were in the military and broke it off during a time of war (she did the dear john letter after he was over seas, I broke it off before he was shipped to Iraq). We both say we didn't break it off because of the military, but who knows. She later married my father, hopefully I too will find my "happy ending". :-)

5. I hate capri pants. Hate them. I think that weird shin-length pant theory should never have been invented. I've never owned, nor will I ever own a pair of capri's. They only look good on super-thin, model build women, but you mostly see them on overweight middle-aged women - basically women who won't wear shorts - pretend they are with capris. Give it up. They hit you at the WRONG spot and make your legs look huge. Better off with pants or a skirt. IMHO.

6. I am completely and utterly addicted to diet coke. It used to be something I just had every day, now I can't live without it. I go through 4-5 20oz bottles at work at day and 3-4 12-packs of cans a week at home. Really bad.

7. I grew up as a member of a teen rock band. Stix and Stones. We performed over 40 shows over about a 4 year period. I was a singer and keyboardist. We did mostly covers - rock of the early 90's (Poison, Warrant, Madonna, Joan Jett, etc.) We started when I was about 11 until about age 15. My dad even built us a teen night club to perform at ("Club Coney Island") while I was in junior high. Spoiled I know.

8. I ran a marathon in 2003. I actually hate running, but feel it's the most "efficient" means to burn calories. Always attempting to lose weight, in 2003 I commited to and actually completed a marathon. The Nashville Marathon in April. I completed it in just over 4 1/2 hours.

9. I was first in my class my first year in law school and have no idea how. Sure I studied, sure I think I'm kinda smart, but there were lots of kids lots smarter than me who definitely studied a lot more. And I did kinda miss a few classes. I am somehow blessed with the skill of test-taking and memorizing. I know how to regurgitate facts and theories in the words of the professor. That always makes them impressed - if you can say it like they did. They think they're brilliant of course.

10. I love being around books. Sure, I love to read, but lots of people like to read. I actually love being in the presence of books. I walk into a bookstore and am instantly in a good mood and feel relaxed. I own hundreds of books (much to Erik's dismay), most of which are currently in storage, with the hopes of one day having my own library in my home. I hate books from the county library because I don't get to keep them. If I'm interested in some subject, I buy at least 5 books on the subject (more like 15 if it's poker...). LOVE books!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Week Off Program Leads to Recommitment

Last WI: 212.4/At Home WI: 213.0


Ok, so I haven't blogged in a week, and as you can guess, that means I've been bad for a week. Well, I was bad through Friday last week. I ended up not weighing in on Thursday, but for sort of a good reason. I was supposed to go to Tennessee to see my dad last weekend. I was going to leave Thursday. In order to get there at a reasonable time, I would have to miss WI. Well, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, I was not OP. I was "tracking" but I was not staying within my points. I was 10-20 points over every day. Really, every day. I just looked back at my journal, and not one day last week did I stay w/in my points. So - I would probably have had a gain anyway.

Well, Wednesday I started feeling the beginnings of a cold coming on. I tried to ignore it, but by Thursday afternoon I was totally congested an exhausted. I called my dad and explained that I didn't think I could drive 7 hours in that state. I felt bad, but he understood. He has his own health problems, so I really don't need to get him sick. I ended up just going home on Thursday and sleeping. I didn't go to work on Friday, but spent the day in bed.

But - I declared, as of Friday morning (the beginning of my WW week) that this week would be a perfect week. I will track every single point (not just write down the food, but count the points). I will only eat my target points plus my weekly points allowance plus my APs. I will allow myself every point on the program, but not one more!

So far so good. It is Monday and I've used all but 7 of my WPA points, but that's not bad. I'm usually pretty good about being OP on the week days, so the fact that I got through the weekend with any WPA points left is amazing. I'm doing great. And the scale isn't being so bad. The lowest I've seen on the scale lately was 211.6, and that was after my "sick" day of not eating much at all. Today saw 213. I'm hoping to get around 211 flat by Thursday. I think I can do it. I think I can see a loss this week. I'd love for a "good" loss, but any loss will be good considering I deserved a gain last week.

This "cycle" is about right for me though. I can usually do about 2 months of being OP and seeing losses before I begin to slip. This time I did 8 weeks. Week 9 was last week, and I would have seen a gain. Now - it's time for another good 2 months of loss! Starting today.

In other good news, about 9 weeks ago I started my own personal challenge of journaling 84 days straight. One entire "three month journal". I am happy to say I am on day 67. This is week 10 of the 12 week journal and there are entries on every day. There are a few where I didn't bother to calculate the points - knowing I was way over - but every day lists every thing I ate - better or worse. I think that challenge has really been what has shown me such consistent losses. I plan to complete this journal and start a new one. I WILL get to goal - albeit slowly.

On personal news, I have another job interview today. A while ago, I interviewed with the United States Attorney's Office. A job I really wanted, and didn't get. Well, they called a couple weeks ago to say that, if we agreed, they were handing over the resumes of the individuals who interviewed there but didn't get offers to a partner agency called HIDTA which stands for High Intensity Drug Traffic Area. From what my research has shown, it's a federal agency that prosecutes high level drug dealers in metro areas around the US. Certain metro areas - atlanta included - have been designated high intensity drug traffic areas, and special prosecutors work to coordinate with law enforcement and prosecute the high level offenders. So I think. Anyway, I'm interviewing with them today. I have no idea if I'd want to do this job, but I feel like it can't hurt to interview. If they make me an offer, I can ask all the questions I want and make a choice. It's always good to have choices. The job I have right now is fun, and I have a lot of freedom and autonomy. The only real negatives are the money (very low for my industry) and the potential for growth. There really isn't any chance of "promotion" you're either an assistant district attorney or the district attorney (elected). And salary-wise, I'll get a 3% COLA raise every year, with little hope of more regardless of performance.

So, I've been exploring other options. We'll see how this goes.

Monday, May 7, 2007

"Kinda OP" doesn't work well

Last WI: 212.4/At Home WI: 213.4


Well, I'm posting early today because I'm up early. I took Erik to the airport this morning. He's gone for a week to Puerto Rico for work. I'm so jealous! I've never been down there, and would love to have gone with him. Unfortunately, he only learned of it about 2 weeks ago, so there wasn't enough time for me to get the time off. Oh well.

This weekend I wasn't good. I wasn't horrible, but I wasn't good. I journaled everything, but went over on points every day. Friday I left work early and had a late lunch of Oz's Pizza. It's my second favorite pizza place. I get a salad and a slice of pizza. I count it as 15 points total (large slices) and it is so good. Friday night I couldn't decide whether I was going to stay home with Erik and Daniel at first and ended up going out to play poker. I did really well at poker, but had chicken fingers and beer for dinner.

Saturday I was DETERMINED to exercise, but didn't. I ate good and had 3 points left at about 7:30 after dinner when my friend called to invite me over for a small get-together. I was going to go and not drink, just drink diet coke, but at the last minute picked up some Corona Light. It wasn't horrible and I definitely didn't get drunk, but again, over in points. Boo.

Sunday was my DAY! I was going to have a super low points day. Then McDonalds called at about 4:30 when I was starving, and I fell off the wagon again.

So - as has seemed to be par for the course, I wasn't on program over the weekend and now have the week to make up for it. I didn't get breakfast at home this morning because I had to get up so darn early to take Erik to the airport, so I picked up Chick-fil-A for break. That's not great, but the good news is that I probably won't be hungry for lunch. I also am leaving work early again because I got in so early, so I can probably get through the day without eating again till I get home. Hopefully. :-) Otherwise, I'll have some popcorn to tide me over.

Tonight I have our Monday night Poker game. Since I'm getting home early, I should get some exercise in before the game, but in all liklihood I'll probably take a nap because I did NOT get enough sleep last night. I am just not a morning person. :-(

Well, I've been thinking a lot about my exercise program - or lack there of really. I did not work out at ALL this weekend despite the best of intentions. No good excuse. Just plain lazy. I'm not sure why one week I can be motivated to work out 4 times, and the next 0. But I've made a new plan. It's almost summer, and the weather is getting nicer, so I've decided to work on a training schedule running-wise that could theoretically get me to the Atlanta Marathon on Thanksgiving day. In reality, I need a schedul or training program ot motivate me, so that's the primary purpose of this goal. If I don't make it to the point of getting my milage sufficiently high for the marathon, I'm ok with that. I just need to get to the point of running 3-4 times a week again. Summer is the best time for that, so here goes nothin. This week's "schedule" is to run 4 miles tomorrow, 4 on Wednesday, 3 on Saturday and 5 on Sunday. Now, the weekend runs will be the toughest as I'm leaving town Thursday night to go to my father's house in Tennessee for the weekend. I always have a hard time exercising there, but will try to get in the runs. I think I can do it. 5 miles will be tough as we're supposed to leave on Sunday to drive home, but I can do it if I set my mind to it!

Here's to a good week!

Friday, May 4, 2007

0.2 AGAIN! Not So Beautiful This Time

Last WI: 212.4/At Home WI: 212.8


So I was super busy yesterday and didn't get on, but WI went ok. I say ok, not "bad" because I had a loss. And a loss is a loss. But I'd hoped for more. I woke up yesterday and saw the scale say 211.6 - lowest I've seen - so I had high hopes. But it was not to be. As I've commented before, I just don't get the difference between my scale and the WW scale. Last week I weighed right before WI and the WW scale said 1.4 lbs lower than at home. This week it was .2 lower. Really I get on the scale as I'm going OUT THE DOOR to the meeting. Same clothes, everything. Weird.

Oh well, at least it's a loss, right?

And the good news is that today's weight was much lower than most Friday's because I didn't party last night. I had a banquet for work that didn't serve alcohol, so although I did go over in points a bit (craving taco hell) I did not binge drink like I normally do on Thursdays. Hopefully that's a good omen for the week. I'm now "craving" a big loss on Thursday!

Tonight I have no plans. I'm not sure whether I want to go out or not. Of course WW-wise I shouldn't. Erik has Daniel so I could have a nice night home with the boys. We'll see.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

So, sick losses don't always stick

Last WI: 212.6/At Home WI: 213.4 (darn!)


Well I was sad to not see 212 or even 211 on the scale this morning. I had hoped that "sick loss" was true. But, no surprise, it wasn't. I'm still down from last week, though so I may see the good loss I'm hoping for. And some of it might have been water retention, I did have a salty night last night. I ended up going out to Chaps for poker like I planned. I went over the 10 pts I had left, but made a semi healthy choice of the prime rib sandwich with a side salad. I forgot to order the salad w/o cheese, so it had a few more points than I'd hoped. Total for the night 17 pts. I went out early at poker so I went home and hung out with Erik. We shared a bag of light popcorn, so total overage yesterday was 9 pts. Not bad considering I was 16 pts under for Monday, but still, should have stuck to it a little closer.

So, today is the "day before WI". Dum de dum dum.. I hear ominous music playing in the background. LOL. So I need to stay totally OP today. Ideally, under my points AND earn APs. So far so good. I had a balance bar for breakfast (4pts). I'm a tinge hungry now, so I'm thinking a snack of either popcorn or tuna. Lunch will either be subway (if I want to get out of the office) or soup. Hopefully I can get my booty to the gym after work - I have earne a big fat 0 in APs this week. Then a light dinner. Can I do 20pts? Can I? Let's see! :-)

I do get to report that even though I was at a bar, and playing poker, I didn't drink last night, as planned. So today is day 4 of being sober. lol. I'm not going sober, completely, that was just a joke. I usually drink 2-3 times/week. I'm going to try to reduce that to about 1 x/week, and not over do it. That's the plan. Let's see if we can stick to it!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Being Sick Helps the WI

Last WI: 212.6/At Home WI: 212.0


Well, this weekend I was bad. Friday night we went to a friend's party. I was driving, so I wasn't drinking much. Over all that day I was bad for food though. I had fried food for lunch, and snacky type food for dinner. Not good.

Saturday I was planning to run, eat good and get back OP. But then we went to the Tavern for poker at 3:00. I wasn't going to drink but everyone else was and it looked good. Erik had driven, so I ended up drinking. After poker at the bar we went to Holly's for more poker and craps. Not good. I ended up getting really drunk. I had to journal some major estimates on that one because I really don't know how much I had. Bad.

Felt like crap on Sunday. It thought it was just hang over all day. We had Moe's for lunch and Longhorn for dinner. I made good choices both time, but I probably went over again.

All that made for a WI of 216+ yesterday morning. Basically I was worried again that this week would be a "gain" week. Then I went to work and came home at lunch feeling very naseous. Turns out my crappy feelings on Sunday may not have just been hang over. I think I got some wierd stomach bug because I ate a total of 12 points yesterday: Balance bar for breakfast (4pts); left over hamburger casserole for lat lunch (6pts) and a few saltines for "dinner" (2 pts). I really felt so crappy.

So this morning's WI is really a result of not eating yesterday, but now that I'm feeling better, I'm hoping it'll counteract my weekend indulgences. Today I've not eaten much again: left over hamburger casserole (6pts), green beans (0pts), broccoli & light dip (3pts), popcorn (6pts), pb2 & chocolate (3pts) for a total of 18 pts. That leaves me 10 pts for tonight. I think I'm going to meet some friends and play poker tonight at Chaps, so I'll get a salad or something there to stay at or under 10pts. I'm definitely not drinking, so that should be plenty. If I WI at or below 212 tomorrow morning, I'll have hope for a good loss this week.

Here's hoping!

I've been doing some soul searching about drinking lately. Not only is it really bad for my diet, I seem to be going overboard lately. Both Thursday night and Saturday night I got drunk. Not just tipsy or intoxicated, but drunk. I don't remember the end of the night on Saturday night so that's really bad. I know I'm "safe" when I party with Erik and the friends I was with, but as far as my body goes, it is so bad for me. I feel like crap for a whole day afterwards and don't get any exercise in. Besides the actualy physiological effects that such binge drinking has on the body. Bad I'm sure.

But, I've been a pretty heavy social drinker since college. I know I can't "give it up" but I really want to try to reduce the extremes I take it to. I love beer and love hanging out and having a beer or two, but there is absolutely no reason to get totally shit-faced. I need to work on finding that point where enough is enough. As I said, I'm not drinking today and won't be drinking tomorrow either (home with Erik & Daniel). Thursday we have a non-alcohol banquet for work, so at the earliest it'll be Friday before I drink at all again. I may be strong and not drink this weekend, though because Erik has Daniel and I should just stay home with the boys.

Anyway, just some thoughts on alcohol and my occasional abuse of it. Let's see if I can get it under control.

